[Fic] Yesterday Once More (Prologue/?) WIP

Jun 24, 2012 23:57

Title: Yesterday Once More (Prologue/?)
Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin (JaeMin)

Length: Chapter/WIP

Genre: Angst (I warn you now, I've been told this is pretty sad. :( )

Summary: Jaejoong falls in love with Changmin, the quiet rocker who once performed every other night at the bar he worked at, but is now a legend among superstars. Changmin, now at the height of his career, has finally realized his dream of performing in front of millions, but he finds the only fan that ever really mattered is located back home, at a hole in the wall bar.

A/N: Originally posted here with and edit attached to it. I figured since it's going to turn into a longer fic, I should post it here as well. Just to keep it organized. I'm still in the working stages of the fic but I think I've kind of figured out where it's going to go. Anyway, this is the "prologue" to it I guess you could say. Or the mini drabble that sparked the fic I'm planning on writing for it. XD

Changmin relaxes into his hotel room's couch to wait out his hair's drying period with a cold water bottle from the fridge and his cell phone. 
This leg of the tour had been unusually packed with more dates in more countries, along with photoshoots and press cons in between. He knew he had been a little neglectful of his friends and family, especially Jaejoong. Changmin winces a little on the inside.

In the past, Jaejoong would text after every concert and call after every tour. Telling him things like, Make sure you're not over exerting yourself. I know the weather change is going to be hard on your immune system, please try to take those supplements I sent you. I miss you, when are you coming back? Changmin would always make sure to reply to every text and answer every call. Jaejoong was his lifeline those first few years when he was only just a newcomer to the scene.

With the adrenaline and hype from the tour a mere hours behind him, Changmin finally realizes how much he misses talking to Jaejoong.

Glancing at his phone, Changmin notices his message icon indicating one new message. He was sure he had checked his phone before getting in the shower. Noticing who it’s from, Changmin can’t help a wide grin from spreading across his face.

Quickly unlocking his phone, Changmin pauses to take in the words written in the text. To say he didn’t see it coming would have been false, more like, he had been trying to hide from the facts.

The truth was Jaejoong had slowly stopped texting many concerts ago. As Changmin’s schedule got tighter and tighter, he found himself missing calls or replying with hurried I'm sorry, I've been so busy, I'll try to call when I have time; which sadly, turned out to be fewer and farther in between.

Changmin had been the first to confess. He knew the youngest never would have mustered up enough courage to say anything. That was right before Changmin got the contract.

Jaejoong had tried to break it off then; citing all the reasons in the book, and then some. Long distance relationships never work. You’ll be so busy and won’t have time for me. I don’t want to hold you down. You’ll want to be free when you meet those gorgeous celebrities.

At the time, Changmin brushed aside those concerns and told Jaejoong that he was going to have his way on this one. He should have realized that maybe he should have been paying more attention, not to what Jaejoong was saying, but how he was saying it. Insecurities like that don’t go away with a shrug and a kiss.

Changmin rereads the text again, dearly wishing that maybe in that space of time, the words had rearranged themselves and righted his world again.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be more to you.

I wish you the best…because you do so deserve the best.

I loved you Changmin…I will always love you.


He wants to be angry. He really does. But, and this is what frustrates him the most, he can’t. He doesn’t think he deserves to be angry. Not with the way he’s been neglecting Jaejoong. He held out as long as he could…Changmin just wishes he would have held on for just a bit longer.

I’m only a part of your past. You don’t need me anymore in your future.

jaemin, writing, dbsk, yesterday once more, fiction

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