
Jan 19, 2011 21:01

Five requests:
1. f.t island, jonghun/hongki, link to quote, any [Filled]
2. 2pm, chansung/wooyoung, street art - bonus if one of them is a street artist! , any [Filled]
3. oneday, chansung/jinwoon, a hopefully inspiring quote, any [Filled]
4. f(x), amber/luna, magnets, any [Filled]
5. snsd, jessica/tiffany, inspiring quote , any [Filled]
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Comments 33

filled #4 - 1/3 mildtigers February 5 2011, 00:08:06 UTC
rated pg-13; small bit of jjungli; cliche plot, apologies :(

while the water runs, amber stares out into space. the telltale whoosh sound of the emergency drain calls her back to reality and she turns the hot water off.

she peels off each article of clothing with careful consideration about how the body warmth is leaving her. she shivers once, looks at her naked self in the mirror, then steps into the small tub.

amber tries to lie down, but the tub is way to small. her legs end up doing a weird twisting motion to get into position. her knees stick out of the water and her left shoulder as well.

she finally gets comfortable.

"i have chicken legs" she thinks as she stares down at her legs.

then she says, "i have chicken legs" aloud so that her voice echos on the bathroom's tiles.

she pinches her calves, wondering.

"well, at least they're toned chicken legs" she mutters ( ... )


filled #4 - 2/3 mildtigers February 5 2011, 00:08:38 UTC
with krystal and sulli's help, they disengage. and it's only when luna and amber are on complete opposite sides of the apartment that amber's legs don't try to run off on their own again ( ... )


filled #4 - 3/3 mildtigers February 5 2011, 00:09:06 UTC
mr. lee soo man's solution is temporary isolation ( ... )


Re: filled #4 - 3/3 augmenti February 14 2011, 06:36:54 UTC
omg;;!! this is so cute, i love the entire idea of this, how they just go crashing into each other, i lolled out loud at the beginning - when amber collides with her because you described it so perfectly and i can imagine luna screaming loll

also this: krystal turns pink and luna is quick to say, "no! that's not how i meant it!"

and while this is going on sulli smirks and whispers, "nice" to amber's ear. this was perfection♥ AND NINJA JUNGLI, i am so gleeful rn omg

and khuntoria omg. why is this so perfect ;; why would you write so perfectly omg! also i love how they're so well written - everyone i mean ♥♥

as it turns out, vic-umma as an authority figure doesn't really help at all. when the situation is explained to her, she suggests chinese herbs.

"there must be at least one that cures this" says victoria helplessly.lol crying, chinese herbs, victoria would omg ;_;♥ and i was so sad when soo man told amber to go back to america but of course a kiss would fix it, kisses fix everything♥ thank you so so much for writing and i'm ( ... )


Re: filled #4 - 3/3 mildtigers February 14 2011, 23:00:56 UTC

BEST COMMENT EVAR! I loved writing these four. The hidden jjungli and khuntoria just fit somehow. 8D You quoted all my favorite lines! Haha! And yeah, everything ends in a kiss D: /lack of imagination.

Happy V-Day!


Re: filled #4 - 3/3 augmenti February 14 2011, 23:25:32 UTC
fff i usually don't quote things because i'm afraid the author wouldn't like it, but i tried for once, for some reason, so i hope you didn't mind ;v;! akljlkj kisses are the best, though D: everything i write usually ends with a kiss too, because there's something so magical and pretty about them /sap :|

happy valentines day~♥♥


fti; jongki "feel it break free" [1/2] firequakes February 12 2011, 12:41:33 UTC
(mod, i'm reposting, because i noticed some errors from the first time i posted. i hope this is okay.)


Hongki comes home one night looking sad and tired and pissed off and dejected all at once- he always has been pretty transparent with his moods ( ... )


fti; jongki "feel it break free" [2/2] firequakes February 12 2011, 12:42:39 UTC
"There was a time I hated you," Hongki says ( ... )


Re: fti; jongki "feel it break free" [2/2] augmenti February 14 2011, 06:48:00 UTC
kjlkjf omg this is so freaking perfect! everything, them, you, your writing - your writing is all so good, waylt? i love you♥!!! /messy confessions! i love this entire thing but as always i really really like the little things, like how hongki gives seunghyun the brunt of his anger and how all the members are like alkjfalkkfj!!! at him and jonghun's just osm-leader, forever.

They drink in silence for a while, Hongki burrowing his toes in the sand, Jonghun just tapping a quiet rhythm on his lap.
i really don't know why that was one of my favorite parts but it was. them just enjoying the silence together - so perfect!

"Shit the sun's rising," Jonghun says, gathering the cans littered around them.

"Shit, I think I have sand in my pants," Hongki whines, causing Jonghun to stare at him pointedly.

"What! It's uncomfortable," Hongki pouts, causing Jonghun to burst out with laughter.lol crying, why are they like this? i love how they're both flailing over different things and being boys and being wonderful and i know i've said it ( ... )


Re: fti; jongki "feel it break free" [2/2] firequakes February 14 2011, 06:54:47 UTC
i'm glad you liked it! your prompt was kind of instant inspiration anyway. and lmao, do you know, for some reason i had a feeling we were writing the jongki prompts for each other, hahahaha. i'm going through my inbox right nowwwwwwwww :D


Re: fti; jongki "feel it break free" [2/2] augmenti February 14 2011, 06:58:24 UTC
sobs at you. so did i, to be honest. it's like instant!karma. or a code. we have a secret code! \o/ i'm glad your prompt could be instant inspiration, i was worried my prompts were going to fall flat so i'm glad they were inspiring to someone ♥♥ screams and hides face alkjflkjsalfkj


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