Title: show me your teeth. Author: augmenti Fandom(s)/Pairing(s): f(x), sulli/krystal Prompt: werewolves Rating: pg-13 Warnings: hints of graphic violence. Summary: First rule of anti-society: Do not talk about the anti-society. Also on AO3 | dreamwidth
you owe me your lips iu/t-ara, jiyeon/jieun. 2,804 words. Jiyeon was born to tear the world down, where Jieun was just trying to survive. Note(s): This was writen for
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"using the prompts below, write 30 drabbles (one every day - or more at one time, as long as you finish all the prompts within a month) and find someone willing to hit you if you miss a day. look back at the end and go 'oh! i'm a writer!'."
Say goodbye (to the world you thought you lived in). Jieun got on the wrong car one day, and discovered that not everything in her world was as it seemed. 2,700 words. pg.
this is one of those 'lets open up a document and write out a headcanon before i lose track of everything i want to say' posts. so there will be lapslock, there will be capslock, there will be horrible grammar (probably). and this is all just my speculation and my headcanon, because everyone has different ones
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I know I haven't posted anything in a million years, but I always want to improve, so if you do this, thank you! Please leave the harshest and most constructive critique you can. ♥