I have a lot of favored pairings. Generally, as long as something is written/drawn well, I love it. Now, as far as OTPs go, my first was Starscream/Skyfire. Then there's Hound/Mirage. Bumblebee/humancompanion.
Favorite pairing though. That should be fairly obvious.
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Comments 10
I thought you had shipped it way before I learned to fandom. THIS IS WORLD-AXIS-TILTING. (Or not)
Hey, they're matching dicks in many things. Not just in colors.
Oh god I forgot to mention their colooors. DX Oh well. Although it occurs to me now, both my biggest OTPs have that shared colorscheme going on. Granted, both OTPs feature Starscream, so that's not as much of a miracle as it seems...
Optimus Prime is kind of a dick.
Starscream is most certainly a dick.
This is the first OP/S summary I've seen that made the pairing seem appealing.
This is the first OP/S summary I've seen that made the pairing seem appealing.What can I say? I like that about them. Neither of them are perfect - which is something a lot of fans forget about Optimus especially. He's not a mean jerk, but he's laughed about Starscream getting beaten by Megatron, yelled at Blaster to shut up, and told Perceptor to just shut up and get to work. There are lots of examples. But there are still tons of people who write him like perfection incarnate. It's just not so ( ... )
Holy shit Sleeps with Coyotes wrote some PrimeScream
She was primarily a FFVII/Kingdom Hearts author on LJ, and associated with dogamix-san and others.
However, she has also written significantly for American McGee's Alice in Wonderland, Digital Devil Saga, Full Metal Alchemist, Good Omens, Saiyuki, Kuroshitsuji, and many more.
She does Xeno-kink REALLY REALLY well.
However, after she got a job she basically made it hard to find her perversion on line, what with all the sniffing businesses do nowadays.
The pervy/less cracy one was basically Starscream being impressed by the climax of Revenge of The Fallen, and perving over Skyfire's wings on Optimus. Then...well, this is what was said in the comment section (which I just have to share, because lulz.)
"See, like, I realized something. Seekers are to Transformers what Sovani are to The Last Remnant. They're hawt, powerful killing machines who are all completly batshit insane. Oh sure, now and then you get one that's rational, even thoughtful, but them? Probably hiding something. Like an inappropriate fixation on other ( ... )
This is what happened to me. I find that funny.
I just had to look at the second story and will now be reading it. Like I don't have enough to do as it is XD; But thank you. Good fic is always welcome.
thing where G1 Optimus and Starscream get sent into Shattered Glass universe and Starscream winds up pregnant and everyone cries a lot
Um do you happen to know the name on this one? I figure reading the 44 chap one may as well add this one too. XD;;
The art you show them by is very nice! <3
/drive by comment
That... other fic. I don't remember the title, and I really don't wanna go looking for it. D: I'm not a fan of woobie Starscream, and that fic keeps getting worse every time I see it update.
Thanks! X3 The Optimus art is from IDW comics (Spotlight Optimus Prime) and Starscream is by joules_burn
Lol don't worry if it is not done I don't want to start it. I hate it when I start one and then it is never finished.
Welcome! I have just started those comics! And am going to go check joules_burn journal out after I add this comment. ^^
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