You're All I've Ever Wished For [2/?]

Nov 05, 2011 16:32

Title: You’re All I’ve Ever Wished For [2/?]
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: Yamada RyosukexNakajima Yuto
Rating: PG-13 (for now maybe)
Summary: Yamada is a depressed, neglected young boy, deprived from any caring until he met a boy on a cold, starry night. Can this one boy show him what true caring and loving is?
 A/N:Hey guys! Here's the 2nd chapter~ I apologize for the short length, but I AM working on the 3rd chapter today and I will be posting it most likely tomorrow^^ Thank you all for reading~ and once again, hope you like it august_gee~

Previous: ( Wish 1)


“Huh?? What?” Oh gosh I hate mornings after crying. I felt a horrible weight on my eyes. Or maybe that weight was my previous lack of sleep. Either way, I wasn’t going to get anymore since I had a bug maniac jumping on the bed, trying to get me awake.

“C’mon Yama-chan! Come down for breakfast. I just spoke with my parents about your situation and they said it was fine if you stayed more time here~”

“Really? That’s…That’s great” I felt a huge lump of stress leave my body. I was worried Yuto’s parents would kick me out, but it seemed that they weren’t bothered by my presence.

“I’ll be down in the kitchen. Come downstairs once you finish dressing”

“Un” I nodded.

I went inside his bathroom and answered nature’s call. Once finished I got his clothes and dressed in front of the mirror. Ugh. My face looked awful. My eyes were slightly red from last night’s downpour and I had small bags underneath them. I washed my face in an attempt to somehow lessen my looks. I ended up staring at my lips for a few seconds, remembering the kiss that had occurred just a few hours ago. He really kissed me didn’t he?

“Yama-chan!! Your food will get cold!” I heard him yell from downstairs.


I rushed out of the bedroom and quickly stepped down the stairs. I didn’t know where the kitchen was but all I had to do was follow a yummy scent.
My nose led me to him and his family. Immediately my nerves shot up when I noticed his parents were staring at me. I quickly bowed.

“I-I-I’m so sorry for intruding. Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I really do appreciate it. I will find a way to repay you for your kindness.”

“My what a handsome young man” spoke his mom.

Yuto walked towards me and lifted my body up.

“Don’t worry young man. We understand. Stay as long as you need.” Spoke his father.

“See Yama-chan? I told you its fine okay?”

I felt so shy yet so happy. I had never experienced a family ambiance. I had no idea how to act or react. Yuto lead me one of the seats at the table.

I directed my attention to Yuto’s parents and lightly bowed.

“Thank you so much”

At the same time, I noticed that the food that was settled in my plate was completely different than what Yuto’s parents were eating. My plate had a stack of pancakes drenched with syrup, covered by chocolate chips and whipped cream along with a side of fresh cut strawberries. On the other hand, Yuto and his parents had a traditional Japanese breakfast in front of them, topped with tamagoyaki, rice and miso.

I honestly had no clue if this was really for me, or if I was allowed to eat it.

“Ano…Is this really my food?”

“Oh yes. It is. Yuto got up earlier than usual to make you a special meal” said his mother cheerfully

“It’s rare.” Said his father “He never wants to cook for anyone.” He chuckled

“Mou…mom, dad…you’re embarrassing me…”

“Oh wow…” I was flabbergasted.

The pancakes looked so pretty. I grabbed my fork and knife and immediately cut a piece out. It must have been the fluffiest, savory piece of pancake ever because I immediately felt as my face warmed up and my eyes watered up.

“This is really good Yuto! Honestly!” I exclaimed

“Good job honey, you even got him blushing with your cute pancakes” smiled Yuto’s mom

“They can’t be that good.” Denied Yuto as he quickly took a sip of his cup of milk.

I glanced at the three family members and shot a huge smile to Yuto. I felt a warm aura around the table that morning. I don’t think I had ever been that happy. Even though they weren’t my parents, they treated me as their own.

I felt welcomed.


Owari :3

One word to even a sentence, it doesnt matter, id just love to hear your guy's opinions :)♥

fan fiction, chaptered!, p:yamada/yuto, r: pg-13

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