You're All I've Ever Wished For [3/?]

Nov 06, 2011 16:38

Title: You’re all I’ve Ever Wished For
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: Yamada RyosukexNakajima Yuto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yamada is a depressed, neglected young boy, deprived from any caring until he met a boy on a cold, starry night. Can this one boy show him what true caring and loving is?

( Wish 1) ( Wish 2)

“So where exactly do you live?? We’ve been walking for about 40 minutes Yama-chan”

“That’s why I told you to stay home” I quickly rubbed my hands together and blew warm air into them. I placed them around Yuto’s neck.


“Y-yeah…thanks”  He quickly turned his sight towards the right. He slowly pushed my hands down.

“What a huge home. You don’t live in one of these do you Yama-chan?...Yama-chan?”

There it was. My old home. Everything looked dark inside. I can’t believe I lived inside that dark place. No wonder I was always so depressed. Nothing seemed to be happy around here. I quickly opened the gate with a key I had taken with me the day I left.

“WOAH so you DO live here??” Yuto’s mouth was opened wide as he observed my place a bit more.

“USED to. My home is with you right now…You should hurry in before anyone notices our presence”

“Uhh.. yeah ill do that.” He quickly followed behind me and slowly closed the gate.

“Let’s go”

“Yama-chan…it’s really dark. I can’t see a thing” he whispered

“Ah gomen. I know this place so I didn’t find the lighting a problem.” I scratched my head as I thought about what I could do. I didn’t want to use the flashlight yet due to a fear of being seen from inside. There was only one thing I could think of that was reasonable enough to do.

I quickly stuffed the flashlight in my jacket’s pocket and grabbed Yuto’s hand.

“Don’t worry. I’ll lead you around.”


Ahhh Yuto…You’re going to distract me with your blushing again.

I quickly shook my head as I tried to forget. Right now, what was more important was the fact that we had to get through this house safely without getting caught.

We circled around the house. It’d be too suspicious to enter through the front door.

“We can go through the back door. That’s easier to access. I have the key for there too.”

“Do you have a key to all of the doors in here??”

“Yup. I had to for any future instances. Like this one.”

“Aahhh. I should do that” he giggled.


We hunched through the lower hallway that led to the main hall. The staircase that led to my room was there.

“This is really risky Yama-chan…” he whispered.

“Shhh! Don’t talk so much! We’re almost there”

We trailed up the staircase. I never noticed how big it really was until tonight. Why did we have such grand staircases? However after all that thinking, we finally stood before my bedroom door.

“Let’s go in.”

I quickly dragged him in as I locked my room behind me. I let a huge sigh out as I looked around.
Everything still looked the same.

“We can freely speak here. My room is big enough to not be heard.”

“It really is huge…holy crap Yama-chan…this is probably bigger than my house!”

I laughed, “Not at all Yuto.”

“Don’t you like this room better than my miniscule room? I mean, look at it. It’s huge. Your bed is sooo big. You even have your own living room in here” he walked up to my bed and sat on it. His body moved up and down on it as he tested its comfort.

“No way. I love your room. It’s so cozy. I love it there. This room is vast and cold to me.”

“I’m glad you’re happy with us Yama-chan” once again, he shot another one of those smiles, filled with warmth at me. “Mind if I use your restroom?”

“Not at all. Go ahead”

I decided to get this journey over with and headed towards my closet to take some luggage out. I collected all of my clothes in these bags and grabbed anything else that would be essential to me.

“I think that’s all”
I raised an eyebrow in confusion as I heard a sound coming from my bedroom’s entrance. I could have sworn Yuto was in the bathroom. I turned to look at the sound’s source. Once I saw what it was, I began to wish I hadn’t turned around.


“Ryosuke. Back from your little tantrum? Are you finally done playing your idiotic games with me?”

“I only came to get my things. Why are YOU here?”

“I came home early for business. And where do you think you’re going? Did you forget you have an engagement set up?”

“You said it was only a meeting.”

“I have made it official now. You’re to be wed by the end of the year.”

“WHAT?! Are you crazy?! I clearly told you that I had no intention to get married!”

“That is not my problem. You will do as I say.”

“Why won’t you listen to me?! I don’t want this! Can’t you be a mother for once and listen to me??!!”

Crap. She’s walking really fast towards me. She’s going to hit me. She’s going to hit me. She’s going to hi-

Why don’t I feel a slap?

I opened my eyes. Someone was blocking my mother’s hit. Yuto…why?

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on him.”

“Well, well, well. Is this the fellow you ran off with?” She backed away and began to observe Yuto.

She glanced over to me and burst out laughing.

“What a downgrade. What do you think you’re doing? Mixing in with the commoners? I thought I raised you better than that.”

I snapped. My mother could insult me all she wanted but there was no way in hell I was going to let her criticize Yuto.

“Watch your words. Yuto may not be rich like you, but he has a better heart. The likes of you should feel ashamed to even be around people like him. He’s shown me the kindness no one in this damn house dared to show me. Don’t you EVER dare to judge him. You never raised me. I helped myself grow. Not you. I never had a mother.”
I grabbed my bags and glanced over to Yuto.

“Let’s go.”

“Well then I never had a son.”

I stopped.

“You’re an ungrateful brat. You think I wanted to give birth to you? Don’t you dare insult me. If it wasn’t for your useless father, you wouldn’t be in this world.”

So that’s how it was…I wasn’t loved from the start.

I felt as warm tears quickly spilled from my eyes.

Why would she even tell me this now? I was better off being aware that I wasn’t loved now.

“Ma’m. You may not love him, but everyone in my house does!” Yuto grabbed me by the shoulders and brought me close to his body. His hand shielded my tearful eyes.

Oh, Yuto…he came to my rescue once again.

“ You may have no love to give, but I sure as hell do! I’ll do my best to give Ryosuke what you never had to give. He’s an amazing individual and absolutely deserves to be cared for! He doesn’t belong here with the likes of you. So if you can excuse me now, I’ll be taking him to his real home.”

Yuto grabbed my luggage and pulled me out of that room as fast as he could. I cried the whole way home. All I could do was bawl like a child. Why was I born to a woman like her? Even though her words were what caused my stream of tears, Yuto’s words were what made them continue.

No one had ever stood up to her on my behalf. No one had ever said such kind words about me like that.


Only you have the courage to fight with me, for me.

The more I thought about that previous scene, the more my resentment towards my mother grew, the more I fell in love with Yuto.

“Yu-Yuto…Thank you…soo much” I cried

“Don’t worry about it Yama-chan. I just want you to know, that to me, you’re a blessing. So never let any sick words like those get you down. If you’re down, I’m down. Therefore…from now on, I’ll work hard to be your strength”
I stopped before we turned the corner towards his home. I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I’ll be your strength too…”

I heard as he chuckled to my response.

“I’m happy then~”


Owari :3
Thank you for reading^^ Chapter 4 will be up sometime this week^^
Once again, i hope you can tell me your opinions x)
One word to a sentence is enough^^

nakajima yuto, fan fiction, yamada ryosuke, chaptered!, p:yamada/yuto, r: pg-13

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