You're All I've Ever Wished For [1/?]

Oct 30, 2011 23:05

Title: You’re All I’ve Ever Wished For [1/?]
Author: kodochalover
Pairing: Yamada RyosukexNakajima Yuto
Rating: PG-13 (for now maybe)
Summary: Yamada is a depressed, neglected young boy, deprived from any caring until he met a boy on a cold, starry night. Can this one boy show him what true caring and loving is?

A/N:  WOAH WHAT? Gisselle isn’t writing smut? xD lol I can’t believe myself. It’s rare for me to step out of my usual pervertedness but hey, it’s good to explore and try out new things. So here I am with a multi chapter this time. It was meant to be a one shot but after writing it, I honestly couldn’t find a way to end it short. So hope you like it august_gee :D!!

When I’m feeling lost and weak he’s what I’m wishing. Like medicine. He’s my personal cure. The one I rely on when feeling depressed, happy or even angry. Saying his name alone is like a spell on its own. The only one that cares. The only one who could save me. The only one I love. Nakajima Yuto.

“I refuse to go to that idiotic and pointless omiai!”

I furiously rejected my mother’s words. I hadn’t seen her for so long and this is what she greeted me with? I’ve been alone for so long. Now I truly know she didn’t care about me at all. She’s only cared about the future of her stupid company and its prestigious position. Now, I was conveniently important to her and I wasn’t going to give in.

I ran out of the house as fast as I could into the dark night. I ran as far as my legs could take me. I ended up at a local children’s playground. However, it seemed like I was not the only one there at the time. I pulled my cell phone out. 12 missed calls. I selected out of the notification and checked the current time. 12:54 am. I looked back at the dark figure that sat by tall oak tree. I tucked my jacket in closer towards me as I felt a cold gust hit my body.

I walked closer and closer to the figure and began to notice that it was a boy. He crouched in front of the tree, somehow picking at it with a shovel.

“Hey.” I spoke

I received no reply.

“Hello?” I stepped closer towards the tree.

“What are you doing?”

“Ah!! You scared it off!!” he threw his shovel against the tree and fell back on the sand.

“Scared what off?”

“A beetle. I’ve been going after it for about an hour or so but once you got here, I got distracted and it got away.” He pouted.

What the hell? That’s what popped into my head when I heard him say that. What kind of older boy freezes his ass off out here for a bug?

“Who are you anyways?” he asked.

“I’m not inclined to tell you anything” I replied.

“Fine then. Excuse me.” He got up and patted his clothes down, freeing them of any attached dirt. I caught a glimpse of his face as he stood. He had a muscular, firm complexion which was the same for his body. He was tall and awfully handsome. I felt a bit bad for being rude to him. But what captivated me the most were his eys. Although his previous actions seemed childish to me, a mature look stood still in his sight.

“Have a nice night” he said as he walked away.

My heart trembled in fear at the sound of his goodbye.
“Wait!” I didn’t want be left alone again.

“Please don’t go!”

He stopped and returned quickly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I-I…don’t want to be alone anymore….” I felt my lips tremble.

“Hey! It’s okay. Don’t cry.”

Cry? I touched my cheeks and felt that the surface was wet. When did I start crying? I couldn’t remember the last time I cried.

“Everything is fine. I’ll stay with you. What’s your name?”

“Ya-Yamada Ry-Ryosuke” I stuttered.

“Yama-chan ne~ I’ll call you that from now on ok? That’s as payment for me being here”

“Th-Thanks” I pulled the sleeves on my jacket and used them to wipe my teary face.

“My name’s Yuto by the way. Nakajima Yuto. Just call me Yuto though” he patted my back as his face beamed with a smile.

Somehow, my body began to tremble, even though I had held against the cold pretty well before.

“It’s cold. Let’s go to my place. I live over there”

He pointed towards a house at the edge of the park. I looked at the medium size home but slowly returned to observe Yuto. I must have looked like an idiot but at that point I didn’t care. I was already crying anyways. Once again, he pouted. Eventually I grew to think that pouting was one of the cute actions he’d tend to do.

“C’mon!” he grabbed my shoulders from behind and pushed me towards his home.

“You shouldn’t stare at me like that or else I’ll start to think you like me!”

My cheeks flared up. What if he was right? The burdens in my heart were slowly beginning to rise. His presence was certainly doing something good for me.

“Were here. Let’s go to my room.”

“Why there?” I kicked off my shoes and quickly walked inside. I noticed Yuto neatly arranged my shoes after I threw them off.

“Because my parents are asleep and I don’t want to wake them. Follow me”

He lead me upstairs to a room, furthers down the hall. I could see nothing until a lamp flickered on.
I was surprised at how simple and normal his room looked.

“I expected bug posters around your walls”

“Haha, very funny Yama-chan”

Yama-chan huh? I really liked the sound of that. I had never gotten close enough to anyone to gain a nickname.

“Hey, why…why did you help me out?”

He smiled as he pulled his jacket off and threw it against a chair.

“I can’t just leave you out there alone. I got the feeling that you had probably run away from home. So it was either I let you stay outside and freeze or I bring you in with me.”

“I don’t want to be pitied.”

“I’m not pitying you. The way I’m thinking of this situation right now is that I gained a new friend and that’s something to be happy about.” He smiled.

I blushed furiously. I took off my jacket and stood by his bed, hiding my cheeks.

“No need to stand Yama-chan. Sit on my bed. You can also take your clothes off. I’ll let you borrow some pajamas okay?”

I nodded. I quickly placed my jacket on the same chair where Yuto’s resided. I peeled my shirt off and just as I did, one of Yuto’s pajama shirts landed against my bare chest.

“Umm…here…” he stuttered.

What was wrong with him?  Why was he acting all embarrassed now? All I did was take my shirt of- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I smiled at my sudden discovery. I was shirtless and Yuto was blushing. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“Wh-what are you laughing at??” he stammered as he kept his eyes in his closet.

“Hehe…nothing at all.”

I threw the pajama shirt on followed by a pair of shorts he threw at me.

“Thanks Yuto”

“No problem Yama-chan”

“So…what’s wrong? Why did you cry?” he asked as he sat on his bed beside me.

“I cried didn’t I?”

“Yessssssss, you did” he laughed


I told him everything. Everything and anything I had always bottled up inside. Somehow that bottle ended up falling to the side and spilling all of my worries and pains on Yuto. My loneliness, my abandonment, my mother, her mistreatment, everything.

“Wow…I don’t know your mother…but I really hate her right now.”

I ended up crying during the whole re telling.

“Don’t cry Yama-chan. Yuto is here for you now. I won’t send you off to any omiais” he smiled.

I ended up crying more as I heard those words. He really does care about me doesn’t he?
I shivered a bit as I felt his arms wrap around my torso. His hand found a way to my back and patted me for comfort.

“There, there”

“Yuto…” I rested my forehead on his shoulder as my remaining tears flowed out.


I lifted my head and looked at him. “Thank you…” I followed with a kiss to his cheek.
“Baka. What did I tell you about actions like these? I’m going to end up thinking you like me”

“Maybe…maybe I do”

“ Huh?”

I wiped my tears and broke the embrace.

“Can we sleep now? I’m feeling really sleepy now after all of that.”

“Alright. You can take my bed. I’ll use some blankets and sleep downstairs” he said as he pulled a blanket out of his closet.

“Please don’t do that.” I pleaded. “Can you stay here with me?”

He sighed. “Alright Yama-chan~”

He placed a blanket and a pillow on his floor.

“Can…can you sleep with me instead?”


“Yes…I don’t want to sleep alone tonight…”

Yuto gave me a warm smile. “It’s alright then. Move over so I can fit too~”

I nodded as I pulled his blankets back and slipped inside. He followed suit and pulled the blankets up to cover us both. I slowly turned to face him. I was happy that he didn’t turn away from me.

“Goodnight Yuto…”

I felt as his arms wrapped around me and brought me closer to him. He looked at me with the softest eyes. No one had looked at me that way before…

“You’re too cute” he chuckled. “Sweet dreams Yama-chan”

What followed was enough to make me happy for an entire year. His warm lips pressed against mine ever so softly. A few seconds after pulling back, a small tingle remained on my lips, constantly reminding me of our close contact. His eyes gently closed as he made himself comfortable against his pillow. I followed him to sleep as the wall on his clock signaled the time. 3am struck, and my love for this bug fanatic was confirmed.



Nxt chapter will come shortly~

nakajima yuto, fan fiction, yamada ryosuke, chaptered!, g:hey!say!jump, p:yamada/yuto, r: pg-13

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