The queue for Mr Thornton ...

Aug 26, 2006 02:03

The recent 2 pic spams I did for North and South resulted in people claiming that they wanted to hug Mr Thornton. There are a disturbingly large number of people on my friends list who claim to like Mr Thornton. This just isn't on. He's actually mine.

I realised that I would have to take drastic steps. I have come up with what I think is a suitable compromise in which everyone is happy. It's win win win.

amaliestar: Given that I said that I wanted to hug him. I think he should be mine.

koalathebear: I don't think so. I'll give you Jin - every Monday.

amaliestar: *thud*

koalathebear: Muahahaha.

iynx: You're not going to get off so easily. John Thornton should be mine.

koalathebear: Here, have Helo.

muridae_x: I protest - you can't just go around giving Helo away.

koalathebear: Fine. Have Rufus

iynx: *thud*

juprujac: Who do I get?

koalathebear: One you're not supposed to be online. You're busy. Two, you get Apollo.

juprujac: *thud*

autumn_whispers: I have written fic about North and South, you're not going to fob me off so easily. John Thornton will be mine, and the soon you realise this -

koalathebear: Two words. Major. Lorne.

autumn_whispers: *thud*

mellowdee: You think you're pretty clever, but you've met your match, koala.

koalathebear: I'll give you Cedric Diggory.

mellowdee: But I don't want to him, he's dead

koalathebear: Have an au Cedric.

mellowdee: *thud*

darksilvermoon I protest. If I can't have Cedric, then I want Thornton.

koalathebear: You can have Eugene and his Giant Moustache.

koalathebear: Why haven't you thudded yet? I thought you liked his moustache. Fine, be that way. Have Sam.

koalathebear: or Dean - but only on Sundays.

koalathebear: Let me keep Alec though...

darksilvermoon *thud*

bennet_7: You're not getting past me. Thornton's mine. I'm Aussie and just as stubborn as you.

koalathebear: I'll give you Logan of course.

catteo: I protest.

koalathebear: Sheesh. catteo gets Logan. bennet_7 gets Andy Lau and his cheekbones.

catteo: *thud*

bennet_7: *thud*

ginger001: I protest. I also like Andy AND I like Thornton.

koalathebear: You get Mr Collins

ginger001: I don't want Mr Collins

koalathebear: Not that one. This one

ginger001: *thud*

alexandral: Who do I get? After all liked Mr Thornton before you did.

koalathebear: You get Nicholas Higgins.

alexandral: I said that I thought that he was a nice character. I don't want him.

koalathebear: OK, you can have Mr Darcy

alexandral: He looks a little unkempt. Can I have the other one?

koalathebear: OK

alexandral: *thud*

tpeej: Look, you've already given away Mr Darcy - both of them. Mr Thornton is mine.

koalathebear: Take Ronon. But only on Tuesdays.

tpeej: *thud*

koalathebear: Yay! At last, the road is clear. Glee! Hee! Yay me! Mr Thornton is mine.

winterspel: Ahem.

koalathebear: *sigh* I knew you were going to be difficult.

winterspel: I want Thornton.

koalathebear: Well you can't have him.

winterspel: If I can't have Thornton, you'd better give me Shinkai

koalathebear: No way. How about Halu?

winterspel: Nuh uh. Give me future Tak

koalathebear: You can't have him.

winterspel: Stop being greedy. You only want past Tak

koalathebear: If you take future Tak, I'll have no prospects with past Tak.

winterspel: I want Thornton

koalathebear: You can't have him.

winterspel: Don't make me hurt you.

koalathebear: You can't beat me.

winterspel: Why not?

koalathebear: I'm not left-handed. And ...

winterspel: *drool*

koalathebear: Muahahaha. Shoulder porn!

winterspel: *thud*

koalathebear: At last! Thornton will be mine.

Hordes of Thornton fans descend upon koala.

koalathebear: Meep. Desperate measures!

Koala scampers off into the sunset

north & south

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