Smokescreen Drabble Masterlist

Aug 16, 2030 20:20

Smokescreen [James Lester, Christine Johnson, the Minister (OC)] [12]
Secrets And Lies [James Lester, (Christine Johnson, Team)] [12]
Satisfaction [Christine Johnson] [12]
Christmas Gifts? [James Lester, Christine Johnson, the Minister] [12]
Easter Sunday [Christine Johnson/James Lester] [15]
Time Well Spent [James Lester/Christine Johnson, Lesterlings (OC)] [12]
Eggs [Christine Johnson/James Lester] [12]
And More Eggs [James Lester, Luc Lester (OC)] [12]
By The Book, For Once [James Lester, Danny Quinn, Connor Temple] [12]
Found It! [James Lester, Connor Temple, OBS] [12]
Place Your Bets! [Danny Quinn, Jon Lyle (OC), Norman (OC)] [12]
A Christmas To Remember [James Lester/Christine Johnson] [15]
Priceless [Christine Johnson/James Lester] [12]
Snow [James Lester, Luc Lester (OC)] [15]
Complaints [Christine Johnson/James Lester] [12]
Operation: Summer Holiday [James Lester] [12]
Something Old, Something New... [Christine Johnson(/James Lester] [12]
Best Laid Plans [James Lester - sequel to Operation: Summer Holiday] [12]
Irresistible Temptation [James Lester] [12]
Father Christmas [Christine Johnson/James Lester] [12]
Runt [James Lester, Luc Lester (OC)] [12]
Return To The Boards [James Lester/Christine Johnson, The Minister] [12]
Away From Home [James Lester/Christine Johnson] [12]
Away From Home II [James Lester/Christine Johnson - sequel to Away From Home] [15]
Are We There Yet?" [James Lester/Christine Johnson, Lesterlings (OC) - prequel to Away From Home] [12]
On The Beach [James Lester/Christine Johnson, Lesterlings (OC) - sequel to Best Laid Plans] [12]
By Candlelight [James Lester, Christine Johnson] [12]
Anniversary Plans [James Lester] [12]
Cheese Toasty [Christine Johnson/James Lester] [12]

luc lester (oc), connor temple, au, drabble series, creature, team, the minister, christine/lester, james lester, drabble, christine johnson, danny quinn

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