Title: Smokescreen
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100 + 100
Characters: James Lester, Christine Johnson, Sir Henry Farnsworth-Smyth (OC)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 472: Camouflage. Also for my
Primeval Bingo Card (round 8) prompt: Minorities / Characters of Colour / Women in Canon (12/25). Thanks go to Fred for casting her eye over it. First of my
Smokescreen 'verse drabble series.
Definition: A strategy for concealment of true feelings. To conceal, usually through misrepresentation or other artifice.
The minister barely resisted the urge to groan at the constant sniping and snide remarks swapped by his underlings. How was he supposed to have a useful meeting when they spent the entire time proving they couldn't be trusted in the same room without the risk of blood being spilt?
Sometimes he wondered if assigning Christine Johnson as the ARC military liaison had been sensible considering the bad blood between her and Lester. Then he remembered she wouldn't hesitate to inform him of any double-dealing Lester committed, just as Lester would eagerly inform the minister of any missteps Johnson made.
“Sir Henry Farnsworth-Smyth is a bloody imbecile,” Christine announced as she entered the kitchen and greeted her husband with a kiss.
James quirked an eyebrow. “Is that news?”
Christine smiled. “Not really.”
“What's he done now?”
“Oh, he's got it into his head you're keeping secrets from him.” Christine leaned in for a taste of the casserole James was preparing. “Lovely as always, James.”
“And he wants you to tattle-tale on me?”
“Of course. The bloody man's a menace, if he knew the truth about the anomalies he'd be a disaster.”
“I assume you have a plan?”
“Don't I always?”