Primeval Drabble: Something Old, Something New...

Aug 09, 2022 21:34

Title: Something Old, Something New...
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Christine Johnson(/James Lester)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 786: In Church. Slight sideswipe... but the idea is there. Probably belongs in the Smoke 'verse...
A/N2: what I meant to add (and completely forgot) is this is for the lazy bingo prompt: Old and New.*oops*

Neither James or Christine were religious, not a surprise considering what they'd witnessed in various hell-holes across the world. Still, some traditions had to be upheld to please her grandmother, a formidible woman she'd learned so much from.

A church wedding was expected, with family and those friends they could safely invite.

Something old - a veil, the one her grandmother had worn for her wedding.

Something new - her wedding dress, silk James had acquired, legitimately, he promised. Christine translated that as semi-legally.

Something borrowed - well, she'd gone with tradition there.

Something blue - a blue garter they'd have fun with later.

christine/lester, drabble, christine johnson, gen

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