Primeval Secret Santa for Lsellersfic - Obsidian And Iron Part 6

Dec 27, 2015 12:41

Title: Obsidian And Iron Part 6
Author: knitekat
Fandom: Primeval
Word Count: 3762 words out of 20537.
Characters: Claudia Brown, Nick Cutter, Tom Ryan, James Lester, Connor Temple, Lorraine Wickes plus SFOCs: Jon Lyle, Niall 'Blade' Richards, Robert Finn and David 'Ditzy' Owen (OCs)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. And Lyle, Blade, Finn and Ditzy belong to Fred. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: For Lsellersfic's Secret Santa and her prompt: The anomaly team find the Holy Grail. What is it? What does it mean? What do they do with it? With possibly some aspects of her High Concept Sci-Fi prompt as well. Not sure how well it hit either prompt but I hope you enjoy it and had a wonderful Christmas.
A/N 2: Partly beta-ed by Fififolle (oops my word count was out) and modified by me, so all mistakes are mine.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Claudia woke with a gasp, finding herself in Ryan's arms as Nick stood talking to the Fae Queen who had sent them on their challenges. She shivered even as the sunlight caressed her skin, feeling as if she'd never be warm again.

The memory of what had happened to her, to Ryan and Nick, had Claudia staggering to her feet, Ryan's hand on her arm for support. “The events we saw during the challenges, will they come true?”

The Fae Queen turned towards Claudia. “What you saw, Claudia Brown, is but one possible future of many, like the branches on a tree. Your own actions will decide which branch you will walk along. Make your choice wisely, Champions.”

Claudia nodded, now they knew what might happen to them, they could do their best to avoid the situation. Oh... there was that. She paused as she considered whether to voice her fears but... “Will we remember what happened here?”

“No,” the Fae Queen shook her head. “No human can know their fate.”

“Then how do we avoid what happens?” Claudia cried. “How do I save my friends if I don't remember what happens to them?”

The Fae Queen just looked at her for a moment; before the sharp shriek of a bird had her raising her arm, a bracer appearing on her forearm mere moments before a white-feathered bird of prey landed on it, Claudia thought it might be a falcon

The Fae Queen murmured something to the falcon before it opened its wings and shrieked at her once more. She sighed and caressed the falcon's head, murmuring more words to it before it finally settled on her arm, its wings neatly folded as it stared intently at the Fae Queen.

Claudia's attention returned to the Fae Queen when she sighed softly and then smiled at Claudia. “You will not remember what has happened here or what you have learned of the future, nothing except you each faced a challenge and succeed” The falcon ruffled its feathers and the Fae Queen glanced at it once more before continuing, “But when the time comes for you to chose which path to walk, you will receive warnings which, if you pay attention to them, will steer you away from the fates you have witnessed today.” She smiled. “You have my word.”

“Thank you, my Lady.” Claudia curtsey, hoping that what the Fae Queen had offered would be enough to save their lives, knowing it was more than she had wanted to offer them... Claudia glanced at the falcon as it spread its wings and shrieked again, and shivered as she met its fiercely intelligent gaze.

“Fare thee well, Claudia Brown, Nicholas Cutter, Thomas Ryan,” the Fae Queen replied as she stroked the falcon's head. “And make thy choices wisely, Champions.”

Before Claudia could reply mist began to rise from the ground to swirl around them, hiding the dell and its inhabitants, the Fae Queen and the falcon shrieking on her wrist. Claudia couldn't see a damn thing as she was plunged from sunlight into gloom, the only light now cast by the full moon. She felt the ground shift beneath her and stumbled, landing hard on her arse, the breath knocked from her lungs at the sudden impact. She blinked, trying to see where they where, slowly, as her eyes adapted to the moonlight, she realised they were back at Glastonbury Tor. She swallowed when she realised that she was alone. Had Tom and Nick been returned with her? Where was everyone else? Just how long had they been gone for no one from the ARC to be waiting for them? And more than that, had she - they - really met the Fae?


Nick's voice cut through her thoughts and had the slowly growing panic in her heart receding. “Nick? Are you OK?” She peered around, trying to find him. To find Tom... “Tom?” She could hear the worry in her voice as she couldn't find him.

“We're safe, Claudia.”

Ryan's voice sounded bemused by the whole... Claudia supposed adventure was an apt as word as any and she certainly couldn't blame him, she could scarcely believe it herself. She gasped as she felt the memories of what had happened fade and vanish as if they had never been. Only knowing they had seen the Otherworld and had won the challenges for the first Treasure. Which reminded her. “What Treasure are we the champions of?”

“That,” Ryan rumbled as his flash-light lit up a battered, dented and rather blacken cauldron lying on the grass between them, looking so much like discarded rubbish.

Claudia sighed, everything they'd gone through - even if she couldn't remember anything about it - was for that? While, on the positive side, it appeared that they'd been expelled from the Otherworld back into their own and, hopefully, to their own time. She smiled slightly, at least when it came to writing her report - what she remembered of it - Sir James wouldn't have her Sectioned... actually, considering how much she remembered or rather, didn't, maybe she wouldn't be writing anything. Somehow she knew Sir James would prefer it that way. Her eyes turned back to the night sky and she couldn't help wonder just how long they'd been gone for no one to remain at the Tor to wait for them.

It was with a sense of trepidation that Claudia dialled Sir James, almost collapsing in relief when his crisp, no-nonsense tones came over the speaker, “Lester.”

“Sir James.” Claudia took a deep breath as her voice wobbled alarmingly.

“Claudia?” Sir James sounded relieved to hear her voice. “Are you back at the Tor?”

“Yes, James.” Claudia frowned slightly, maybe Sir James hadn't known about their visit to the Otherworld after all.

“Excellent,” Sir James said. “I'll contact Blade to collect you and bring you straight back to the ARC.”

“In the morning, James,” Claudia said, wanting to have time to rest and prepare for the meeting; she had no wish to face Sir James without having the opportunity to consider the fantastic events of that evening and talk to Nick and Ryan about it.

“Now, Claudia. Blade is half-an-hour away,” Sir James replied firmly. “I would rather not have this conversation in the light of day.” He paused before adding, “You can all have tomorrow off.”

“Thank you, James,” Claudia said, biting back a sigh while casting a quelling glance at Nick before he could open his mouth and Sir James changed his mind about the day off.

Nick exchanged a look with Claudia and Ryan when Blade almost smuggled them into the ARC. He glanced at Blade as he followed the soldier through the shadowy corridors of the lower levels of the building, shadows which seemed to merge and flow and surround them, as if to conceal them from any prying eyes. It appeared that Lester was keeping their presence - and that of the Cauldron - a secret from everyone else at the ARC, which had Nick worrying. Was the man going to claim the Cauldron for himself? Or did he believe that the Unseelie had a presence within the ARC?

He almost jumped when Claudia gasped and Ryan muttered a curse beneath his breath, Nick own eyes widening when he found himself standing in Lester's office rather than one of the lower level corridors. How the hell had he - they - made it to Lester's office without passing through the atrium? Not that he was going to ask the smug-looking bastard how he'd done it, instead Nick just sat down in a chair and folded his arms. After all, Lester wasn't the only one who could play games.

“Do sit down, Cutter,” Lester murmured, a smile flickering across his face, before he sat down and steepled his fingers. “Now, what happened when you entered the Otherworld?”

Nick glanced at his two companions before realising neither wanted to be the first to talk about what had happened to them. He rubbed a hand through his hair and glanced at the battered-looking Cauldron on the floor beside him before he began his tale. He shrugged when he reached the three of them accepting the challenges, “Truthfully, I couldn't tell you what challenges we faced, nothing except that we succeeded and found ourselves back on the Tor with that.” He nodded at the Cauldron. He eyed Lester for a moment and wondered what the man - Changeling - would make of it all, except that Lester probably already knew all about the Otherworld and... “Why didn't you tell us what would happen?” He paused for a moment, thinking about what could have gone wrong, how they could have been lost forever in the Otherworld, of how Claudia had almost been lost, before muttering something terrible about Lester's mother.

Lester's lips twitched. “Careful, Cutter, you wouldn't want my mother to hear you say that.”

Nick's glare died when he realised Lester had understood every insult he'd ever thrown at him, but it took him only a moment to snarl at the man, “You choose us to be the champions, didn't you? You said you had no contact with the Otherworld.”

“No, I didn't, Cutter,” Lester reminded him. “Besides, you had to win without any help from either myself or Blade. Even the merest hint that we might have told you something and the Unseelie would have declared the challenges null and void and claimed the Treasure for themselves and with it, this world.”

Nick subsided, what Lester said fitted with what his grandmother had told him. “I suppose that makes sense.” He glanced at the battered cauldron and wondered why something that looked like it had been dug up from the Iron Age was so important. “What is so important about that?”

“That,” Lester said haughtily. “Is the Coire of Dagda. The Cauldron of Dagda if you'd prefer.”

“It looks like a battered piece of iron someone's tossed out, sir,” Ryan added.

Blade snorted. “No one would toss the Coire out, sir, not if they knew what it was.”

“Why not?” Claudia asked, leaning forward when Lester hesitated. “Please, James. We need full disclosure about what happened. What it is and why it is so important.”

“Aye,” Nick added, knowing from Blade's awed reaction, from Lester similar if muted one, that the cauldron was important.

“It would be wise to tell you,” Lester murmured softly. “The Coire or Cauldron of Dagda is one of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Dannan brought with them.”

“Which means fuck all to me, sir,” Ryan said before shooting Claudia an apologetic look. “Sorry, Ms Brown.”

“That's quite all right, Captain,” Claudia informed him before turning back to Lester. “I agree with Ryan, James. That doesn't help.”

“The Coire had many powers., Claudia,” Lester told her. “It is said that no company ever went away from it unsatisfied.”

“That doesn't explain why the Unseelie would want it,” Nick said, impatient with the way Lester was telling them... well, nothing useful. Why would the Unseelie be interested in a never ending supply of food?

Lester raised an eyebrow slightly before glancing at the others present in his office. “It is also said that it can heal the wounded and even bring the dead back to life.”

Claudia frowned. “That sounds familiar.”

“It should,” Lester agreed. “After the Celts became Christian, the Coire became the basis of another myth, a Christian one I think you will all have heard of: The Holy Grail.”

“Fuck!” Ryan breathed.

Nick fully agreed with that sentiment. Bloody hell, when had his life turned into an Arthurian legend? He stared at the Cauldron and considered what Lester claimed it could do, it was just unbelievable... but then, it hadn't been that long ago that he'd have considered pre-historical creatures roaming the 21st century unbelievable too. “What the hell do we do with it now?”

“For a start,” Lester replied. “We protect the Cauldron from anyone who would want to steal it - be they human, Fae or even your wife.”

“Ex,” Nick muttered, really wishing that Lester would get the status of his marriage correct and suspecting the man didn't on purpose.

“Ex-wife,” Lester continued as if he hadn't been interrupted.

“James!” Claudia interrupted, in Nick's opinion to head off another argument between him and Lester. “If it really can heal the sick and bring back the dead, we have to use it.”

“But should we?” Ryan asked, his gaze troubled as he looked at the Cauldron.

“How can we not?” Claudia cried. “Think of the good we could do with it. The lives saved.”

“Aye,” Nick agreed, glancing at Lester to see what the government hatchet-man thought as he had so far remained quiet through the discussion. “What do you think, Lester?”

Lester shook his head. “The three of you are the Champions of the Cauldron, Cutter. It is your decision, all three of yours, what to do with it.”

“Really?” Nick asked, surprised the man didn't have an agenda when it came to something as powerful as he claimed the Cauldron to be.

Lester nodded. “But...” he paused, looking at the Cauldron with a thoughtful expression.

“But?” Nick prompted, curious as to what Lester was cautious about saying, considering the man usually had no problem speaking his mind.

“Two points I believe you should consider before you make your decision,” Lester replied. “Firstly, how do you chose who to help? Just the people here at the ARC? Your family and friends? Everyone you know? The world? How could you limit it to a few when it could benefit all of humanity?”

“Benefit and curse it,” Ryan muttered, his expression grim.

“Tom?” Claudia frown at the soldier.

“The good Captain is correct, Claudia,” Lester said before Ryan could reply. “If death loses its meaning, what is there left? Law and order could crumble and populations soar, bring chaos in their wake...”

Nick frowned when Lester trailed off looking thoughtful once more. “You're wondering if that's what the Unseelie would want?”

“They would certainly benefit in that environment,” Lester agreed. “Which brings me to my second point: once you use it, the fact you possess it will quickly become public, at least to certain individuals. Once it does, it won't be long before those people try to possess it and various factions begin to fight over it, potentially even going to war over it.”

“Which the Unseelie would also use to their advantage,” Claudia said.

“And they'd be waiting to grab it as well,” Nick stated, considering the chaos humans by themselves could cause... adding the Unseelie in would be a nightmare. “Once we lose control over it, the Unseelie would try to get it, wouldn't they?”

“The Fae are a persuasive people, Cutter. Whoever ended up with the Cauldron wouldn't stand a chance against them. They'd manipulate and make promises of power, offer their services until they obtained the Cauldron. Once they gained possession of it, they certainly wouldn't hesitate to betray any deal they made in order to obtain it.”

“I thought the Fae couldn't break their word?” Claudia asked.

“They can't, but all Fae are experts at keeping to the word of an agreement while breaking its spirit.”

“Rather like politicians then,” Nick muttered, silently adding 'and government hatchet-man'.

“Which doesn't help us decide what to do with the Cauldron,” Claudia said. “If we use it, we risk losing it and starting a war; if we don't, we condemn people to pain and suffering.”

Nick swore softly, neither option was good. “So, the Cauldron is a poisoned chalice. Whatever we decide will be wrong and risks the Unseelie gaining possession of it.”

“Precisely,” Lester agreed. “But it is your choice: to use it or to hide it.”

Nick nodded, neither choice sounded appealing, but he couldn't see... oh. There was a third choice, even if it felt like making everything they'd done seem pointless. “What if we returned it to the Seelie for safe-keeping.” He turned to Lester, “I assume they could keep it out of the hands of the Unseelie?”

“They could,” Lester agreed.

“So, everything we did, whatever it was, was for nothing?” Ryan muttered.

Nick thought the soldier should be used to that, but for once, decided not to voice that opinion. “I can't think of anything else we can do with it. Can you?”

Claudia frowned as the Cauldron before turning her gaze to Lester. “Was that the plan all along, James,” she asked. “Where we used to gain this Treasure for the Seelie?”

Lester pursed his lips before meeting her gaze. “With the Fae, anything is possible.” He glanced at the Cauldron, tilting his head as he considered it before nodding. “And I'm sure if you asked Mr Temple he could tell you many tales of the Fae using humans to do their dirty work.”

“Sounds familiar,” Nick muttered, knowing his barb had hit when Lester quirked an eyebrow at him. “I assume you can contact the Seelie about the Cauldron?”

“I can,” Lester confirmed. “However, I believe you should consider your choice for a few days before you make a final decision.”

“So, we're just going to give the Cauldron back?” Claudia said, regret clear in her voice.

Nick opened his mouth to reply, before noticing the amused look that flashed across Lester's face. “Lester? What do you know that we don't?”

“I could give you a long list if you'd like, Cutter,” Lester replied. “Of course, than I'd have to have you shot.”

“James!” Claudia cried.

“Joke!” Lester said before he sighed. “If you choose to give the Cauldron to the Seelie, you can ask for a boon in exchange. I would counsel that you think long and hard over anything you ask for, and ensure your words can not be twisted into harm.” He shrugged, “Even the Seelie like to play tricks on humans.”

Nick couldn't shake the feeling that Lester knew more about their time in the Otherworld than he was saying, he also knew the man wasn't about to tell them what it was. He ran a hand through his hair and glanced at the Cauldron. “Now what do we do?”

“I'd suggest you call Mr Temple and ask him how to protect the Cauldron.” Lester made a shooing motion with his hands. “And then go home.”

The next morning, Claudia found herself in one of the biosecurity level four laboratory, one of the most secure locations to be found within the ARC. She watched as Connor added even more security, emptying a bag of something that looked like dirt in a circle around the Cauldron. “Connor?”

“Powdered iron,” he informed her cheerfully. “Themselves won't be able to cross it.”

Claudia nodded, still not entirely sure recent events hadn't been a dream or a mass hallucination. It was difficult to believe that the Cauldron could do what Sir James claimed it could do, it was just as difficult to know they were going to give it to the Seelie but... what alternative was there? The picture Sir James painted of war and destruction was far too easy to imagine. What was somewhat harder to see was that this Cauldron could cause it... but she knew the power of words, of how suggestions and half-truths could influence people to behave irrationally.

She smiled when Ryan joined her and they watched Nick and Connor run a series of tests on the Cauldron and from the mutters she could hear, Claudia thought they hadn't found anything special about it. Movement out of the corner of her eye had Claudia looking up to see Lester hovering in the doorway as he glanced warily at the Cauldron. “Sir James?”

“I thought I told you to have today off?” Sir James queried.

“We need to decide what to do with it, don't we?” Nick almost growled at Sir James.

Connor looked up, his expression one that had Claudia wincing in anticipation of more Connor-babble and, from the long-suffering sigh she heard from Sir James' direction, he knew the look as well. “If we're going to give this back to Themselves, are we still going to look for the other two Treasures too?”

“Three, Mr Temple,” Sir James said as he entered the laboratory and allowed the door to seal behind him.

“Three?” Connor's voice held a note of surprise. “I thought we knew where the Stone of Destiny was?”

Sir James raised a quelling eyebrow at the younger man. “Do you really think the Seelie, let alone the Unseelie would leave the Lia Fail just lying around for humans to use?”

“I doubt it,” Nick muttered. “So, any idea where we might find the next Treasure, Lester?”

“They are not your concerns, Cutter,” Sir James said.

“What do you mean, they aren’t our concern?”

Nick sounded incensed and Claudia had no wish for another argument between the two men. She raised her voice before either could speak. “Why aren't they, James? I thought you said if the Unseelie got their hands on even one of them it would be a disaster for humanity?”

“It would be,” Sir James agreed, rising a hand before Nick could speak. “However, I was only pointing out that you are already the Champions of the Cauldron.”

“We can only be the Champion of one of the Treasures?” Ryan asked.


“Then who else will find the others?” Connor asked, before gasping when Sir James gave him a meaningful look. “Me?”

“Gods help us, but yes,” Sir James said, adding, “You, Temple, along with Dr Hart and Ms Maitland are certainly possible future Champions.”

“Who else might be chosen?” Claudia asked, knowing Sir James wouldn't like it if outsiders learnt of the anomalies.

“Probably others who will be future members of the ARC, other branches of fate which will cross ours before they should.”

Claudia shivered, feeling as if - as her own grandmother used to say - as if someone had just walked over her grave. Sir James' words made her think she'd forgotten something, something very important. A quick glance at Nick and Ryan told her they'd felt it too but before she could ask Sir James, the tension was broken when Connor knocked into the Cauldron.

Sir James rolled his eyes. “The fate of the world hangs in the balance and we have a geeky student on our side. I feel better already.” He spared one final look at the Cauldron before turning to leave.

“No pressure then,” Connor called out after him.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

blade (oc), connor temple, secret santa, claudia brown, gen, fic, ocs, james lester, nick cutter, tom ryan

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