Primeval Secret Santa for Lsellersfic - Obsidian And Iron Part 1

Dec 27, 2015 11:53

Title: Obsidian And Iron Part 1
Author: knitekat
Fandom: Primeval
Word Count: 4407 words out of 20537.
Characters: Claudia Brown, Nick Cutter, Tom Ryan, James Lester, Connor Temple, Lorraine Wickes plus SFOCs: Jon Lyle, Niall 'Blade' Richards, Robert Finn and David 'Ditzy' Owen (OCs)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. And Lyle, Blade, Finn and Ditzy belong to Fred. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: For Lsellersfic's Secret Santa and her prompt: The anomaly team find the Holy Grail. What is it? What does it mean? What do they do with it? With possibly some aspects of her High Concept Sci-Fi prompt as well. Not sure how well it hit either prompt but I hope you enjoy it and had a wonderful Christmas.
A/N 2: Partly beta-ed by Fififolle (oops my word count was out) and modified by me, so all mistakes are mine.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

Nick Cutter, Professor of Evolutionary Zoology, was not having a good day. It had started with his alarm failing to go off and had continued with a bloody waste of time meeting with the Dean. Bloody bureaucrats, didn't they realise he had important work to do? He refrained, barely, from slamming his door closed and called out “Stephen?” before remembering his assistant was off at a conference. It had been past time Stephen became more than just Nick's lab technician; he was more than capable and Nick didn't understand why Stephen stayed with him rather than make his own name in their field. Nick smiled slightly as he recalled the extreme measures he'd been forced to take to get Stephen to go, before sighing. Without Stephen here he'd have to take his own lectures and not read the paper he'd been meaning to look at for the past

He was halfway across the room before he realised he wasn't alone in his office. An eyebrow rose when he turned to find one Claudia Brown, Home Office, sitting behind Stephen's desk. “You weren't answering your phone,” Claudia informed him. “And since you didn't reply to any of my messages either, I thought I'd come in person.”

“Oh.” Nick looked guilty for a moment before he pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and switched it on. “Sorry, I had a meeting with the Dean. Bloody waste of time pencil-pusher.” He stopped when he realised what he'd just said and shot her a glance before sitting down behind his desk. “Present company not included.”

Claudia smiled and nodded towards the mess of papers on Nick's desk. “You've been busy reading Helen's papers. Have you found anything useful?”

“Not yet, but I'm sure something must be in here.” Nick sighed as he leafed through the papers somewhat precariously piled on his desk “It's over ten years worth of material so it's going to take me some time.” He looked up with a frown as her question registered, his voice developing a slight tinge of accusation and his Scottish accent becoming stronger as he asked, “Is that why you're here? To see what I've found out about Helen's work?”

Claudia shook her head. “No. Sir James... requested your presence.”

“Ah.” Nick's voice was heavy with sarcasm. “'Our lord and master' wants to see me?”

“He does,” Claudia agreed, a small smile twitching her lips.

Nick smiled back, even though another pointless meeting, especially with Lester, was the last thing he wanted to do today. “Bloody pencil-pusher.”

Claudia hurried after Nick as the stubborn Scot strolled into Sir James' outer office, grunting a response to Lorraine's “Sir James is expecting you, Professor.” She paused to exchange a mutual eye roll with Lorraine before frowning when she noticed one of the soldiers, Finn she believed, loitering in the doorway.

“Lorraine,” Claudia spoke, her voice pitched so that Finn could hear her. “I do hope there isn't a book running on whether the Professor or Sir James will be the first to yell.”

“I believe Lyle might have one, Claudia,” Lorraine replied.

“Mmm,” Claudia began before realising that Nick hadn't stopped to wait for her and was about to just charge into Sir James' office. “Remind me to have words with them.”

Lorraine grinned as she replied, “I'm sure Captain Ryan would do that for you.”

Claudia sighed, sometimes she wondered if her lunchtimes spent with Lorraine, chatting about their mutual pining for certain members of the male staff had been a good idea, even if Lorraine had been the one to make her realise her interest in one Captain Tom Ryan wasn't unrequited. She shook herself from those thoughts as Nick opened Sir James' door without knocking; if she really wanted to have a productive meeting, she needed to be in the office if she was going to have any chance of keeping the two men on track and not snarking at each other. Sometimes, she thought, her job descended into herding cats; something else she shared with Ryan, smiling when she recalled all of his comments about his men and their antics.

Raised voices drew her from those thoughts and she quickly stepped into Sir James' office, wincing when she overheard Nick's comment. She rapidly gathered her thoughts and tried to think of a way to head off Sir James' no doubt pithy and deadly-on-target response which really would win one of the soldiers the book. Before she could think of anything, however, Lorraine stuck her head around the door, a look of concern on her face and Claudia just knew her day had become that much worse.

“Sir James?” Lorraine called out, her presence, at least temporarily, causing both men to refrain from any pissing contest. “We've picked up chatter on the police bands, sir.”

“Chatter?” Sir James asked, his eyebrow quirked in mild interest.

“Yes, sir,” Lorraine continued. “Something about flickering lights and monsters.”

Claudia wasn't quite sure whether to curse an anomaly opening when they should be having a meeting or cheering that it would save her from that same meeting and the resulting pounding headache which would most likely result from it. As it was, Nick backed down slightly from his confrontational stance over Sir James' desk and turned towards Lorraine before demanding, “Where?”

Lorraine shot Claudia an almost apologetic look before she replied, “Glastonbury, Professor.”

Claudia almost groaned, she could just imagine the public relations mess this could - and no doubt would - descend into.

An opinion clearly shared by Sir James as he paled slightly. “Wonderful, my worst nightmare.” He turned his attention back to Nick. “Are you still here? Didn't you hear Ms Wickes? There is an anomaly. Chop, chop.”

Nick turned to leave with a muttered Scottish obscenity, something Claudia's previous internet searches indicated was not complimentary to Sir James' mother.

Sir James' voice had Nick pause when he called out, “Oh, and take Ms Brown with you. We don't need another incident, do we?”

Claudia shuddered as she recalled the incident Sir James was referring to. It had taken far too many hours to smooth out those ruffled feathers and she knew Nick wouldn't be invited to any garden parties at the Palace for a long time, forever if she and Sir James had anything to say about it.

Ryan glanced at Cutter, making sure the man and his current civilian sidekick, one Connor 'Disaster-waiting-to-happen' Temple hadn't moved from the cars. Oh, he trusted Claudia... Ms Brown, that was, to keep them in check but even she would be hard-pressed to do so if they took it into their heads to do something stupid.

“Just ask her out, Tom.” Lyle tilted his head as he considered his boss, a grin growing on his stubbly face. “Oh, you have, haven't you?”

Ryan didn't need his Second's smug grin or the suggestions he was making, especially considering Lyle's lack of long term success when it came to relationships. “What is this Cla... Ms Brown telling me about a book, Jon?” He bit back a groan at his slip, especially when Lyle's grin widened at his accidental confirmation of his and Ms Brown's relationship.

Lyle shot him a look before nodding, obviously dropping - if only for now - the matter of Ryan's relationship with Ms Brown. Instead, Lyle shrugged as he slouched against the fence surrounding the car park, his hazel gaze intent as he watched the countryside around them, although Ryan noticed with a sense of relief that the man wasn't itching his thumbs.

“If Lester finds out...” Ryan frowned when Lyle shifted slightly. “What have you done?”

“Nothing,” Lyle declared, his eyes wide as he attempted to look innocent.


“Well... it is just possible that Lester already knows about the book.”

“Oh for fuck sake, Lyle!” Ryan couldn't believe his second at times.

“Look, it wasn't me,” Lyle defended himself. “I...” He shot a glance around before looking back at Ryan. “I can't be the only one who's noticed Blade talks to him.”

“He does?” Ryan frowned, trawling through his memory and trying to recall if he'd ever seen Blade with Lester and coming up empty. “Are you sure?” Ryan never received his answer, for at that moment he noticed Ms Brown shutting her phone somewhat forcibly and muttering something before she called his name. “Ms Brown? Is there a problem?”

“Sir James wanted an update,” Ms Brown said, her voice tight with anger. “He wasn't impressed by the witness reports he's received so far.”

“Not useful?” Ryan enquired, smiling back when Ms Brown smiled at him before purposely stepping back on Lyle's toes when the man sniggered and wondered when his second had turned into a bloody schoolboy.

“No, although Connor is in his element.” At Ryan's querying look, Ms Brown elaborated. “Some of the witnesses state it is the Fae Hosts come back to Glastonbury Tor, others are convinced that it is flying saucers, Sir James is not impressed by either.”

“I can imagine,” Ryan muttered.

“It didn't make him any happier when I pointed out that no one would believe anyone reporting seeing dinosaurs either.”

“Can't please everyone,” Ryan said before nodding at the two civilians. “How are they doing?”

Ms Brown sighed again. “As I said, Connor loves it. I think Nick is somewhat exasperated by it all, he was muttering something about 'new age idiots'.”

“Right,” Ryan said. “Let's find this anomaly.” He held out his hand to help Ms Brown down the slight slope as they made their way towards the cars and the civilians. He could see the Professor getting angsty and had no wish to have to head the man off before he did something stupid, like checking for the anomaly without Ryan's men first making sure the area was safe. He noticed Temple glancing around as if spooked and wondered what had got into the geeky student now.

“Can we look for the anomaly now?” Cutter said, wincing as he obviously realised how childish he sounded.

“Yes, Professor.” Ryan did his best to sound professional, and certainly avoided looking at Ms Brown, knowing she'd be amused and it would crack his composure.

Cutter turned and opened his mouth before sighing and turning back to Ryan. “I don't suppose any of your men can track, Captain?”

Ryan frowned before he remembered that Dr Hart was at a conference and Ms Maitland was at college, her studying to become a vet being paid for - with many complaints from Lester - from the ARC's budget. “Finn!” Ryan bellowed for the one member of his team who could track.

“Ow!” Temple yelped, rubbing his ear as he stepped away from Ryan. “No need to shout.”

“Sir?” Finn called back.

“Get your arse over here,” Ryan yelled back.

Finn slithered down the slope he was on and Ryan sighed at the splash and muttered “Fuck!” he heard. He watched as Lyle hauled Finn up and quirked an inquiring eyebrow at his second for more information, shaking his head when Lyle yelled, “He slipped into a ditch.”

Ryan noticed the sympathetic look Temple shot Finn, one he understood considering that the number of times Temple ended up tripping, slipping or falling into something almost outnumbered Finn's. “Finn?”

“I'm fine, sir,” Finn said.

Ryan cast an eye over his man, knowing the way soldiers - himself included - thought, taking in the mud splattered over his combats but noting with relief that Finn wasn't holding himself as if injured. “Good,” he replied. “Take point and check for any signs of an incursion.” He glanced at Cutter when Finn moved off, Lyle and Blade flanking him to keep an eye out for danger as Finn kept his eyes on the ground. He half-smiled as he considered that maybe looking at the ground would stop Finn falling into another ditch. Ryan smoothed his expression when he realised Cutter was looking at him, a puzzled look on his face. “After you, Professor.” Ryan wanted the man in front of him, where Ryan could keep an eye on him and stop him doing something stupid, like stepping through an open anomaly.

Claudia kept close to Nick, keeping an eye on him and Connor in the knowledge that Ryan and his men were keeping an eye out for any danger. Knowing that they were surrounded by trained and armed men was a comfort, even knowing they all swore by Lyle's thumbs, not that she believed in that kind of thing, went a long way to making her feel safe in this now far more dangerous world.

She tuned out Connor's excited chatter as they followed Finn up the terraces that wrapped around the hill - Glastonbury Tor, she remembered. She paused for a moment part way up, wanting a bit of space between her and the constant stream of chatter coming from Connor's mouth, sometimes she wondered how Nick put up with him... She turned to look down at the surrounding Somerset Levels and take in the view. She watched as a mist rose and swirled around the base of the Tor, hiding their vehicles for a moment before she noticed odd shapes appearing within the mist. She took a step back the way they'd come, trying to make out what she was looking at.

“Mirages.” Ryan's voice startled her. “Sorry, Cla... Ms Brown.”

Claudia smiled at him. She'd spent several hours trying to convince him to call her 'Claudia', but she knew how much he valued his professionalism at work. Still, she hadn't given up and hoped that one day he would do as she had asked. His intense grey eyes met hers for a moment before Ryan looked down into the mist and it reminded her: “I could have sworn I saw something move down there.”

“Fata Morgana,” Nick said as he joined them. “This place is renowned for them, people seeing things that aren't really here but are reflections from objects miles away.”

Claudia nodded, she'd read up about the area on the way down here. She turned to continue up the Tor when movement out of the corner of her eye had her peering intently at a group of nearby scrubby bushes. She reached out blindly and grabbed the nearest arm, earning herself a Scottish hiss of discomfort when she gripped it too tightly. “What's that?” she asked, her voice low as she pointed towards whatever it was she'd seen. She hoped it was her eyes playing tricks on her again, but if this job had taught her anything, it was that it was better to be cautious than not.

Nick moved slightly in front of her, peering into the bushes and Claudia started to feel foolish, jumping at shadows like a child. She stared at what had caught her attention, it looked like nothing more than a bare branch waving back-and-forth in the breeze. She swallowed when she realised that the breeze had died, that nothing else was moving except for that single branch.

“Boss!” Lyle's voice made Claudia jump and she shot him a glare, swallowing her angry retort when she realised he had a hand raised and was itching his thumb. “We're got company.”

“Professor?” Ryan asked as he joined them, and Claudia noticed he and his men were all on alert now, probably more from Lyle's thumbs than her concern about those bushes.

“There's a second one,” Nick murmured, pointing to a bush a few feet away from the first.

“And a third,” Ryan said before glancing back the way they'd come. “Move in close, civilians in the centre and hold position.” Ryan tilted his head as he looked intently at the bushes before adding, “And hold your fire until you've confirmed your target.”

“Shouldn't we make for the cars?” Connor asked, his voice sounding far too loud in the silence which had fallen like a shroud over the Tor.

“No,” Ryan said. “We'd be vulnerable to attack once we're in the mist.”

“Oh,” Connor almost squeaked and moved closer to the centre of the group.

Claudia swallowed, much as the thought of having several tons of metal between her and whatever it was that was out there sounded comforting, she had no wish to be picked off by creatures attacking out of the mist which still concealed their cars. Her heart stuttered when a shrill chirp sounded and was repeated on all sides. The soldiers instantly dropped into defensive positions, guns raised and sweeping the vegetation for any sign of danger.

“Fuck!” Lyle swore when one of the creatures popped its head up out of the bushes to look at them.

Claudia had to agree as she took the opportunity to look at the creature... dinosaur. It might look delicate and slender, almost as if a strong breeze might blow it over, but she knew appearance could be deceptive and she'd seen its sharp teeth when it had opened its mouth. It stepped from the undergrowth, its hind legs long and powerful and she knew she would never be able to outrun it. A flash of sharp claw, long and sickle-like had her imagining just what it could do to her... she shook her head, not something she should be thinking about.

She backed up a step, almost bumping into Finn, when the dinosaur turned its head and seemed to stare straight at her. Its large, golden eyes were full of fierce intelligence even if its feathery eyebrows were almost comical. It spread brown-feathered forelegs and hopped forward with a hiss, looking so ever much like a bird, if one were waist high and armed to the teeth.

“Stand your ground,” Ryan called out firmly. “It's trying to intimidate us.”

“It's doing a bloody good job,” Connor muttered back.

Claudia glanced towards him when she heard Connor gasp and watched in disbelief when he took a step towards the creatures. She was about to call him back when Connor let out a squawk when he was yanked backwards by Finn.

The dinosaur cocked its head to one side when the group refused to give ground, hissing once more as it took another hop forwards with its feathered arms raised and its head outstretched, a crest rising up to make it look even more threatening.

“It's a Troodon, Professor,” Connor breathed excitedly. “And look, its got feathers.”

Claudia almost rolled her eyes at Connor's obvious statement before Ryan attracted her attention by stepping forward, shielding her slightly from the creature's gaze. She peered around him, watching as the Troodon hissed and flapped its arms, looking rather annoyed that the team refused to retreat before its threatening display.

“It's trying to get us to break and run,” Ryan murmured.

Nick nodded. “Aye, it wants to see who the weakest of the group is so the pack can target them.”

“Lovely,” Claudia murmured. “Options, gentlemen?”

“If not for the mist,” Ryan began, “I'd say we'd make for the cars but we'd be wide open if we did that now.”

“And if we stay here,” Nick added his own opinion, “They'll eventually try for one of us anyway.”

Claudia knew the final decision was going to be hers and she took a moment to glance up the Tor, to the ruined building at the top. It didn't look that secure or stable and far too much vegetation lay in that direction to make it a viable option. She turned her gaze down towards the car park, the mist still swirled and concealed far too much for her liking. She wasn't sure which would be the safer option, except that the cars would provide far more protection from the Troodon's claws, if they could reach them. “We make for the cars and hope the mist clears once we're down there.”

“Ms Brown...” Ryan began before nodding. “Gentlemen, verify your target before you fire. I don't want to waste ammo on shadows and mirages.”

Claudia couldn't help shivering as they made their way down from the Tor, feeling as if the Troodons were watching her, knowing they were just waiting for the opportunity to attack. She looked over her shoulder when a Troodon snapped and hissed behind her, stopping and staring when something caught her eye. For a moment she thought she could see something shadowy on its back and something about its head looked strange now she was staring at it, She could have sworn she could see straps - a bridle - with reins held by the shadow on its back. She shook her head, she had to be imagining it, this mist must be playing tricks on her eyes. It had to be, didn't it? She took a step towards the Troodon, but before she could take another, Blade had caught her arm and was propelling her at speed towards the cars.

She glanced at the man and swallowed at the murderous look on his face, her gaze moved downwards and she frowned at the blade in his hand. Shiny and dark, glossy and almost glass-like, if glass was black and opaque. Before she could ask him about it, Claudia almost stumbled as the ground changed from rough grassland to tarmac beneath her feet and she took the opportunity to look back at the Tor. All she could see was the mist, and when patches cleared, they only revealed moving vegetation and lashing tails. There was nothing to indicate anything unusual about the dinosaurs following them - no, she knew better, they were being herded.

The hissing grew louder and Claudia could only hope they reached the safety of the cars before the dinosaurs decided they were defenceless and easy prey. She looked around, desperately searching for the other members of the team, wondering if they'd reached the car park or were lost in the mist which still hid far too much for her liking.

Almost as if it had read her thoughts, a Troodon suddenly darted in, weaving and then ducking backwards when a shot was fired from out of the mist to hit the ground in front of it. Claudia breathed a sigh of relief when Ryan appeared, waving his arms as he ploughed towards the cars and yelling, “Get to the cars now!”

Claudia hesitated, almost mesmerised by the Troodons which had appeared out of the mist. They really were birdlike in their movement, heads cocked to one side as they stayed just out of Blade's and Ryan's reach, neither soldier willing to risk shooting when their own people might be somewhere in that mist. She noticed the dinosaurs were covered in a fine, brown down with longer feathers on their forelimbs and tails. She felt like a bug under a microscope when one turned its fiercely intelligent gaze on her, its sickle-claw tapping on the tarmac as it waited for the perfect moment to attack. She swallowed her sudden panic and almost screamed when she backed into something before realising the cold metal she could feel meant it had to be one of their cars. Unable to tear her gaze from the Troodons, her fingers quested blindly for the door handle. She heard a hiss beside her, her eyes wide before she realised it was Blade yanking his fingers away from the car before shaking them.

“Get in, Ms Brown,” Blade growled as he eyed the car with distaste before he yanked the driver's door open and pressed down on the horn, holding it down firmly. The noise was deafening and, from the snapping and crackling of the Troodons, as unappreciated by them as it was by her. Her last sight of the Troodons was of them turning tail and fleeing at speed, back into the undergrowth and hopefully back to wherever they'd come from.

Claudia held her breath as the mist finally lifted, her eyes searching her surroundings for the rest of her team. She let out a relieved sigh when Connor emerged from a patch of clinging mist, leaning heavily on Finn.

She frowned when Connor paused to look over his shoulder before hopping towards one of the cars as fast as he could. He patted it as he clambered into the back seat, muttering something about steel as far as Claudia could make out. It was only when he bent over to tug at his shoelaces that Claudia realised they were knotted together. She frowned at them, wondering when Connor had managed to do that. She considered asking except Connor was a walking disaster area and locating the rest of the team was her priority at the moment. “Finn?” She called out to the soldier. “Have you seen Nick?”

“I'm here.” Nick called as he emerged from the mist and hurried towards them.

Ryan did a quick head count before ordering, “Get in the cars. We'll wait for the mist to clear before we check the area.”

Claudia reached for the door handle once more, jerking her hand back at the sharp crack as she touched it. The very air felt electric, full of possibility, and she noticed movement out the corner of her eye. Turning, she frowned as tendrils of mist seemed to move purposely into the car park, as if seeking something. She shook her head, understanding just how stories of odd occurrence could start... especially when she could have sworn she could hear voices in the mist - guttural, the word indistinct. She took a step towards the mist, letting out a cry when she was pulled back against Ryan, and then she saw shapes move in the mist, there one moment and gone the next and realised the Troodons must have returned now the horn had stopped.

“Everyone, get in the cars, now!” Ryan bellowed, propelling Claudia towards the nearest before he turned towards Nick. “That means you too, Professor.”

It was only then that Claudia realised Nick had stopped and half-turned, his head cocked as he obviously listening those same sounds Claudia had thought she had heard. “Nick!”

“Aye,” Nick called back and started towards them.

“Nick!” Claudia called again when the mist swirled around him. She saw the look of puzzlement appear on his face when he paused once more, half-turning towards the mist. She opened her mouth to call him once more but before she could he was gone, pulled from his feet and lost in the mist. “Nick!” Claudia heard her scream echo back to her, almost as if mocking her.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

connor temple, secret santa, het, claudia brown, jon lyle (oc), gen, james lester, finn (oc), nick cutter, lorraine wickes, tom ryan

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