Primeval Secret Santa for Lsellersfic - Obsidian And Iron Part 4

Dec 27, 2015 12:27

Title: Obsidian And Iron Part 4
Author: knitekat
Fandom: Primeval
Word Count: 2903 words out of 20537.
Characters: Claudia Brown, Nick Cutter, Tom Ryan, James Lester, Connor Temple, Lorraine Wickes plus SFOCs: Jon Lyle, Niall 'Blade' Richards, Robert Finn and David 'Ditzy' Owen (OCs)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. And Lyle, Blade, Finn and Ditzy belong to Fred. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: For Lsellersfic's Secret Santa and her prompt: The anomaly team find the Holy Grail. What is it? What does it mean? What do they do with it? With possibly some aspects of her High Concept Sci-Fi prompt as well. Not sure how well it hit either prompt but I hope you enjoy it and had a wonderful Christmas.
A/N 2: Partly beta-ed by Fififolle (oops my word count was out) and modified by me, so all mistakes are mine.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

“Niall!” Lester's voice lashed out like a whip, bringing Blade up sharply. Ryan watched as the two men exchanged a look before Blade ducked his head and backed down.

“And I think that's just proven he works for you,” Cutter said smugly, twisting the knife deeper. “So, if Blade is a...”

Ryan glanced towards Ms Brown, grateful that he wasn't the only one to find the existence of the Fae difficult to accept, even when he had proof, dinosaurs and holes in time just seemed so much easier to believe than finding out one of his own men was one of these Fae. He watched as Blade looked in silent query at Lester, as the Director looked thoughtfully at an impatient looking Cutter before he sighed and nodded.

“A redcap,” Blade murmured as he turned his attention back to Cutter, his posture relaxed now that Lester had leaned back in his chair with his fingers steepled as he calmly regarded Cutter.

“Oh wow! That's so cool,” Temple breathed and Ryan almost rolled his eyes as the boy almost vibrated on the spot, clearly wanting to ask a thousand and one questions. “Oh. That's why you have those flint knives?”

“Partly,” Blade agreed amicability. “Although they're obsidian.”

Ryan had to bite back a smile when Temple suddenly swallowed and looked nervously at Blade, well, more nervously than normal considering Blade's well-earned reputation. As he recalled Temple's near non-stop commentary about the Fae on their way to the ARC, Ryan found his gaze on one of the numerous knives strapped to Blade. He couldn't help wonder just how many of the throats Blade had slit had been to dye his hat red, before shaking that notion off, he'd never seen Blade in a red hat. Not that asking that question would be good for anyone's health and he turned his attention back to Lester, wondering what the man would do now his secret had been revealed, but Lester just met Cutter's gaze coolly, even when Cutter raised an enquiring eyebrow and asked, “Well?”

“Well what, Professor?” Lester drawled slowly. “I don't believe anyone’s asked me anything.”

Ryan snorted, oh, Lester was correct but he had to know what Cutter had been hinting. Still, if Lester wanted a direct question he was sure Cutter would... ah, maybe that was it? Maybe he couldn't just tell them, hadn't Temple in his babbling mention something about that? Fuck! Sometimes Ryan wished for simpler times, when all you had to watch out for were IEDs. When had this become his life? First dinosaurs and now the Fae?

Cutter muttered something under his breath which Ryan doubted was complimentary before staring straight into Lester's eyes and asking, “What are you, Lester?”

Lester didn't answer for a moment, instead he just looked at them intently for a moment before he sighed and nodded. “This must not leave this room.” Blade fingered his knives when Lester leaned forward, his piercing gaze settling on Temple. “Do I make myself clear?” When Temple squeaked and everyone else nodded, Lester sat back again, pursing his lips for a moment. “Technically, Lieutenant Richards and myself are Changelings. You could say we have both human and Fae blood.”

“You're part Fae?” Cutter said before adding, “Ah, so that's why you can touch steel even though it burnt that goblin.”

Lester nodded, even though Cutter hadn't actually asked him a question. “Precisely.”

Although the conversation might be interesting, Ryan was more interested in the details, even if he still wasn't sure this wasn't some elaborated joke... except neither Blade nor Lester were the type to play jokes. “If Blade is a redcap,” he asked, noticing Temple was still keeping a wary eye on Blade and had actually edged even further away from him. “What Fae blood do you have?”

Lester just met Ryan's gaze for a moment, seeming to search for something before he finally replied, “That of the Tuatha de Dannan.”

“Really?” Temple asked, all wariness gone with Lester answer. “Bloody hell.”

Ryan had no idea why Temple was so excited, although one look at Cutter told him the Professor was just as amazed by the answer. “Would someone tell me what the Tuatha de Dannan are?”

Cutter glanced at him but before he could speak, Temple jumped in. “They're the original Fae, Ryan, well, before that they were the Gods of the Irish Celts. They came in flying ships from the Otherworld and brought gifts to man: medicine, writing, agriculture and iron.” He broke off before adding as he almost buzzed in excitement. “Ooh, would that make them aliens?”

“Connor,” Cutter said, somewhat long-suffering as if this was a discussion he'd had many times. “If this goes in your thesis...”

“Thesis?” Lester cut in, his voice sharp and his eyes sharper.


Ryan couldn't blame Connor for stuttering under the piercing look Lester directed at him and he followed the young geek's gaze as he swallowed and paled as he met Blade's eyes.

“What thesis?” Lester grounded out.

“Nothing,” Connor muttered, rather unconvincingly in Ryan's opinion.

“Try again, Temple.”

Connor rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the others for support. “I argued that all life on earth is derived from organisms carried here on alien spacecraft. It's pretty sexy stuff you know...” His voice trailed off as he meet Lester's gaze and he swallowed. “Er... not that I'm calling you or Blade an alien...”

Whether Lester or Blade were part-Fae or even part-alien wasn't Ryan's concern. He cleared his throat and re-directed Lester's attention to himself. “Sir James, just what would these goblins want with us?”

“That is a very good question, captain,” Lester said, steepling his fingers as he turned his attention towards Cutter. “And do you have an answer, Cutter?”

Cutter shook his head. “I was knocked down, knocked unconscious and when I woke up I was alone in the room Blade found me in.”

“Blade? Did you see anyone?” Ryan asked.

“Only the goblin who told me where to find the Professor, sir,” Blade replied before looking at Lester. “There is more, sir.”

“What?” Ryan said, growling out, “Blade!” when his man glanced at Lester rather than answer him.

“If Blade knows something useful, Sir James,” Claudia said.

Ryan took a step towards Blade, stopping when he felt Claudia grasp and squeeze his arm in warning, what the hell was wrong with Blade? Refusing to give his commanding officer information could be grounds for a court martial. He watched as Blade glanced at him, Ms Brown, Cutter and Temple before turning back towards Lester.

“Oh.” Lester waved an elegantly manicured hand at the team. “I think we're past worrying about that, don't you, Niall?”

“The Treaty...” Blade trailed off unhappily.

“Has not been broken.” Lester finished the redcap's sentence. “At least, it hasn't been by us.”

“And just what is this treaty?” Cutter demanded. “Blade mentioned it on the phone to you.”

Lester sighted softly but before he could speak, Blade did. “Sir. The goblin also spoke of the Treasures.”

“Ah, lad,” Cutter said. “We're not interested in treasure hunting.”

“The Treasures, Cutter, not treasure.” Lester stared hard at Blade. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Blade glanced at the team before continuing, “If they're after the Treasures, sir...”

Lester nodded. “We need to find them first.”

Ryan could see the Professor becoming more and more agitated over Lester's and Blade's cryptic conversation, before the man raised his voice and his hands and almost shouted, “What treasure?”

Lester glared Cutter into silence before he seemed to have an argument with himself. Finally he nodded sharply. “The four Treasures the Tuatha de Dannan brought with them when they left the Otherworld, Cutter. The Lia Fail, the Sleg of Lug, the Claiomh Solais and the Coire of Dagda.” He met Cutter's eyes, his expression absolutely serious. “If the Unseelie get their hands on even one of them...”

“And you'd be better?” Cutter growled, proving to Ryan that the two men just couldn't get on.

“A few points, Professor.” Lester smiled, although Ryan noticed it didn't reach his eyes. “Firstly, I was raised human and, no matter what other blood flows through my veins, I am as human as you are for all intents and purposes.”

“Maybe,” Temple muttered before hiding behind Ryan when Blade glared at him.

“More importantly,” Lester continued as if Temple hadn't interrupted him. “The 'True' Fae are a dangerous and capricious lot. At best, they don't think about the consequences of their actions or just delight in the chaos they cause to people's lives. Never thinking through the long-term effects their actions might have on the people whose lives they meddle in.” Sir James leaned forward. “That's just the Seelie, the Unseelie are far worse. They plan to wreck lives for their own amusement, because their bored or they want to see what happened when they destroy someone's life. Do you really want to risk them gaining an advantage over the Seelie, Cutter? If you think the world is a mess now, believe me, it would be far worse if the Treaty was broken and the world was under the grip of the Unseelie. Humanity would be treated as little better than pets, if they were lucky.”

Fucking marvellous. “And if they...” Ryan glanced up as Lester cleared his throat. “If we weren't, sir?”

“Hunted for sport, exterminated as vermin, kidnapped as playthings for sex or torture or as food.” Blade stated calmly before adding, rather more ominously, “or even worse things.”

“Worse?” Temple asked before quickly adding, “I don't want to know, do I?”

Ryan wasn't sure it was better to remain in the dark about the dangers they faced, but before he could ask Blade what could be worse, Lester cleared his throat once more.

“Sensible for once, Temple,” Lester murmured before meeting their gazes. “I would suggest you return to Glastonbury Tor immediately to locate and obtain whatever Treasure the goblins were after before they do.” He stared at the still smouldering corpse on his desk. “They're nasty, vicious little brutes...”

“So Blade said.” Cutter cut in.

Lester quirked an eyebrow at the interruption before continuing as if Cutter hadn't spoken. “They are also not intelligent enough to have figured out where even one of the Treasures might be. Someone else is behind this, Cutter... Nick, someone who will be far more dangerous than goblins.” He shot Temple a glance. “Even once riding Troodons.”

Ryan glanced between the two men as they just stared at each other. “Who do you think is behind it?”

Cutter glared at Ryan before sighing, his shoulder's slumping. “Blade said she wanted to talk to me...”

“Helen?” Ms Brown almost gasped.

“She wouldn't betray all of humanity to the Unseelie,” Cutter declared.

Lester quirked an eyebrow at him. “How would you know, Cutter? She'd been gone for eight years. Who knows what she's capable of any more?”

Ryan felt chilled to the bone by Lester's words. He also had the horrible suspicion that Lester knew more than he was saying - not that he could be surprised by that, government types never told the grunts more than the bare minimum before sending them to risk life and limb.

Cutter gave a disgusted sigh. “My grandmother always told me the Fae were a fickle lot not given to explanations. You must fit right in, Lester.”

Ryan couldn't help but smile at the comment, noticing that everyone else - even Lester and Blade - had allowed at least a brief smile to flicker across their features. Still, Lester's order - even if he said it was only a suggestion - made sense. “Check your weapons and we will meet in the loading bay in five minutes.” He glanced at Blade, “With me, Lieutenant.”

“Blade will join you shortly, Captain,” Lester drawled, eyeing the corpse still lying on his desk.

“Ah, right,” Ryan mumbled as Temple's eyes bulged. “Five minutes, Blade.” He turned on his heel and, snagging Ms Brown's arm on the way, walked from the office. He had no wish to remain if he was right about what was about to happen to the goblin's body. Cutter followed after a few moments, dragging Temple along by the arm as the young geek tried to peer over his shoulder and back into the office.

Claudia had a headache by the time Ryan finally pulled into the car park at Glastonbury, even if she had tuned out as much of Connor's babbling as she could, she didn't think he'd stopped to even breathe on the drive down to Glastonbury. She climbed from the car, stretching muscles stiff from the long drive and looked up at the Tor, memories from the last time they were here having her peer into the vegetation for any sign of Troodons or Goblins.

She turned when Blade came to parade rest beside her, his green eyes meeting hers, before the man - Changeling - uncharacteristically fidgeting. “Ma'am?”

Claudia wondered what the soldier wanted and just knew it was to do with the Fae, with him being part-Fae. A redcap at that, one of the bloodiest according to Connor. She shook her head, now was not the time for those thoughts. Her attention returned to Blade when he gave a slight nod and shifted his weight onto his heels as if preparing to retreat. “Blade? You wanted to say something?”

Blade paused, glancing over Claudia's shoulder as if checking where everyone was. “Ma'am, Ms Brown, please believe me that I will protect this team with my life.”

“Blade?” Claudia asked, wondering what the soldier was on about.

Nick stepped towards them. “Aye, lad, I believe you would, now, lets just hope you don't have to.”

“Thank you, Professor,” Blade replied and turned at Ryan's shout, jogging over towards his commanding officer.

“Do I need to know what that was about?” Claudia asked, her eyes following Blade before she turned them to Nick.

“Ah.” Nick rubbed the back of his neck.

“Nick!” Claudia frowned, knowing she wouldn't like whatever was going on while knowing that she needed to know.

Nick sighed before nodding. “When I overheard Blade talking to Lester on the phone about the team, he... well, he offered to arrange an accident...”

Claudia swallowed, although Nick's voice trailed off, it was clear to her what he hadn't said. Her gaze turning back to Blade as she considered just how easily it would have been - how easy it would be for him now - to kill them all, especially if Sir James used his connections to cover their deaths up.

“Claudia,” Nick called out, regaining her attention. “I trust him, Claudia.”

“And that changes what he could have done?” Claudia demanded. How could Nick expect her to trust Blade now?

“Yes!” Nick said firmly. “I might not trust Lester, but Blade gave me his word.” He paused thoughtful. “Actually, I suppose I might have to trust Lester, at least about this, considering he told Blade to look after us.”

“Nick?” Claudia couldn't understand how Nick could just ignore Blade's apparently casual offer to kill them.

“I know.” Nick smiled wryly, obviously understanding how she could find his apparent forgiveness difficult to accept. He turned to look towards Blade for he spoke, “But I can see why he offered. Can you imagine what would happen to him or Lester if the government ever found out what they are?”

Claudia swallowed, remembering the look on Sir James' face when he had revealed the truth about himself and Blade. She shuddered when she considered what some members of the civil service and military might do to them... Christine Johnson came easily to mind; she'd scared Claudia the first and only time she'd meet the woman. “Nothing good.”

“Is there a problem?” Ryan asked as he jogged over to them.

Claudia opened her mouth before meeting Nick's eyes. If she told Ryan, he wouldn't trust his own man and... she sighed softly. She knew she could trust Blade, she'd seen it in the man's eyes and, as Connor had said constantly on the drive down to the Tor, Themselves never broke their word once given. “No problem, Captain.” She smiled at him. “Nick was just trying to convince me to allow him to investigate through the anomaly.”

“Aye,” Nick muttered after a moment, his eyes alight with amusement when he met hers. “Just think what we could discover through there.”

“And from Connor's babbling,” Ryan said. “Highly dangerous. You could be lost for centuries through there.”

“I wonder if that's what happened to Helen?” Nick mused, his gaze turning to the Tor.

“Nick!” Claudia said firmly, wondering if she'd made a mistake in putting that idea into his head.

Nick looked at her before sighing. “Aye, there is too much happening here to wander the dangerous paths of the Otherworld.”

“Good,” Claudia said. She heard Ryan call her name and turned towards them, only to find herself surrounded in a swirling cloud of mist which had come from nowhere. The sun had been shining only moment ago and now, she couldn't even see her hand in front of her face, let alone Nick or Ryan. She called out, her words echoing back to her, distorted and frightening. She took a step backwards, almost crying out in shock when something held her arm and she took a swing at whoever - whatever - held her.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

blade (oc), connor temple, secret santa, claudia brown, gen, fic, james lester, nick cutter, tom ryan

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