Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (11/12)

Oct 30, 2013 18:41

Title: The Hand Of Fate (11/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 2488 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 10 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 12.

Ditzy knocked on Lester's door and stole a kiss as soon as Lester opened the door for him. He was determined to make sure this date, their last before his heat started again, was memorable. He hated the thought that Lester might convince himself it was all a dream and had been so worried that his fellow soldiers had promised to keep an eye on Lester for him.

The meal Lester had prepared had been delicious, and both men had taken a second helping before sharing a bowl of chocolate fudge brownies and ice cream. Knowing time was ticking by, they quickly piled the dishes into the dishwasher before settling together on the settee to kiss and snuggle, talking softly about this and that.

As the night progressed and as the kisses deepened and hands began to caress, Ditzy moved closer to Lester until he was straddling his lap. He groaned as he felt Lester harden beneath him and felt Lester's hands grasp and knead his arse. Ditzy was rubbing himself shamelessly against Lester as their tongues danced and... then Ditzy's phone gave a determined trill, growing louder as he continued to ignore it.

Fuck! Bloody Lyle had fucking bad timing, as did any anomaly that had dared to open just as he'd made it this far with Lester. He reluctantly pulled free of Lester's mouth and even more reluctantly left his lap to grab his phone. He almost groaned at the message left by Lyle, he'd kill the bloody cock-blocker next time he saw him, interrupting him at a crucial stage just to ask for details he would use to mercilessly tease Ditzy with. Fuck! The sooner Lyle found himself a mate, the better, then he'd get a taste of his own medicine.

“Problem?” Lester asked quietly.

Ditzy almost swore when he noticed Lester's gaze flicking from the phone in his hand to his face, obviously expecting Ditzy to say something had come up, that he had to leave. Ditzy shook his head. “No, just bloody Lyle attempting to be funny.” When Lester's eyebrow curved in curiosity and just a hint of suspicion, Ditzy held out the phone to him.

Lester shook his head and reached for a tumbler of Scotch instead. “I trust you, David.”

Ditzy smiled and returned to Lester's lap, tugging him in for a kiss, licking Lester's lips for any trace of Scotch before asking for entrance and sweeping Lester's mouth for more.

“I can get you your own Scotch if you want, David.” Lester remarked once he had been thoroughly kissed.

“Mmm.” Ditzy considered the offer for a moment before a better idea occurred to him. “Lovely as that would be, there is something else I'd like to taste more.”

“Do I want to know what?” Although from the smirk on Lester's face, Ditzy thought the man had a good idea of what he was referring to.

“How about we find out...” Ditzy leaned in for a nose rub. “Just let me text Lyle and tell him to sod off and...” Ditzy's smile widened, “and meanwhile, why don't you get comfortable... on your bed.”

“Pushy omega,” Lester muttered before caressing Ditzy's arse. “Do I get to explore as well?”

“I was banking on it.” Ditzy stood and held out a hand to him, pulling Lester to his feet before kissing him hard and giving him a push towards the bedroom. He smiled as he heard Lester mutter about demanding omegas as he fired off a quick and graphic text to Lyle before deliberately turning it off. He didn't want any more interruptions tonight and hoped the lads would keep any anomalies to themselves.

Ditzy stopped dead when he walked into Lester's bedroom, not at the silk sheets - for what else would Lester have on his bed - but at the sight of Lester lying naked on them. Ditzy licked his lips as he stared at Lester, taking the time to just look at the man he hoped would be his mate. Lester might not look it under his suits, but he had wiry muscles and not an ounce of excess fat on his frame. His stomach was still taut and Ditzy so wanted to thrust his tongue into his belly button and nuzzle the patch of fur on his belly left over from Lester's change. Even better in Ditzy's view was the lovely thick cock rising from its nest of dark tangled curls, especially now he could take the time to just look at it.

Lester grinned up at Ditzy who chirruped when Lester slid his hand down his body to curl around his own cock. “Like something you see, David?”

“Fuck yes.” Ditzy began to strip, taking the time to neatly fold his clothes and thankful he had when he heard a pleased sound from Lester. Although when he turned around, Ditzy wasn't sure it had been in appreciation of his neatness or of his naked body. Ditzy grinned as he stalked towards the bed, clambered onto it and stalked towards his prize.

“David...” Lester gasped.

Ditzy kissed Lester, slipping his tongue inside before breathing, “Can I?”

Lester nodded. “I'm counting on it.”

Ditzy smiled before moving down Lester's body, exploring to find the places that made his alpha sigh and moan and buck for more. He swiped Lester's belly button before wiggling the tip of his tongue inside and had to hold Lester still as the man wiggled beneath him like a kit. “Like that? Let's see what else you like.” He continued down, pausing to rub his face on the patch of fur leftover from Lester's change before moving in on his prize.

The omega glanced up and smirked at the needy look on Lester's face. He turned his attention back to Lester's cock, glistening with pre-come and his tongue flicked out to taste the pearl of moisture on the tip. He gripped the base firmly before nuzzling at the firm flesh, rubbing his chin and cheeks over it to mix their scents and feeling Lester buck upwards when Ditzy's stubble rubbed over his sensitive skin.

Ditzy looked up through his eyelashes and smiled at the look on Lester's face, hungry and needy. He turned back to his prize, licking a stripe up Lester's cock and humming with pleasure as he tasted the alpha's arousal. He was holding Lester's cock firmly as he lapped at the head, his tongue teasing at the slit, when he felt Lester's hand in his hair, pressing downwards gently, and well, Ditzy had no problem taking all he could of Lester. He slid his lips around the swollen head, smiling as he felt the rough bumps of the sheathed baby barbs against his tongue, flicking at them. Ditzy had to grip Lester's hips and hold him down when Lester moaned and tried to buck up into his mouth. He started to slide up and down Lester's straining cock, his tongue rubbing against the vein on the underside and flicking out once more at the hidden barbs. Ditzy let the cock slip from his mouth with a dirty pop, looking up into Lester's desire darkened eyes, and licked his lips provocatively. He smiled at the moan Lester gave and his hand reaching out, trying to push Ditzy back down to where he needed him.

He was more than happy to obey that request, although not how Lester probably expected. He bypassed Lester's cock and instead leaned in to nuzzle Lester's balls, licking them before taking one into his mouth, sucking it before releasing it with a pop and turning to repeat his attention on the other. He glanced back up at Lester's face when he heard a strangled moan, noticing the alpha was biting his lip and his hands were clenched in the sheets.

Ditzy smiled and returned to lathing Lester's cock once more, licking and nibbling his way up it until he could nuzzle at the slight bump of Lester's barb, still soft for now, but oh so sensitive from the way Lester bucked upwards at the lightest touch, his breath coming in little gasps as he uttered needy chirps. He took mercy on Lester, wrapping his lips around his cock as he sucked and swallowed until Lester came with a dirty moan and he took everything Lester unloaded, swallowing until he'd milked Lester dry before nuzzling against the softening cock.

“Fuck!” Lester gasped out, his hands gripping Ditzy's shoulders as he tugged Ditzy up and kissed him hard. His tongue demanding entry, clashing with Ditzy's own as they duelled. Lester finally pulled free and caressed Ditzy's cheek. “My turn, I believe.” Lester twisted on the bed, flipping their positions until Ditzy was on his back with Lester hovering over him, a feral grin on his face.

“Fuck yes!” Ditzy gasped as Lester took his own time finding all those places that turned Ditzy into a mess of squirming, needy omega. Ditzy almost came when he felt Lester's hot mouth on his cock, only prevented by Lester's fingers tight around his root as Lester did exquisite things with his tongue, teeth and lips. Ditzy couldn't help thrusting up into the heat as Lester took him deep and swallowed around him over and over again, crying out as he spurted down Lester's throat.

Lester had been subdued afterwards, although he'd pressed kisses against Ditzy's shoulder as they lay snuggled in bed together. Ditzy had been left to fret that the man was either having second thoughts about their relationship or he was just doubting himself again. Ditzy still found it hard to believe that an alpha like Lester had any self-doubts, but he understood that Lester's confidence, at least when it came to relationships, had taken a knock when his queen had left him, taking their kits and barring him access.

“Want you, want your kits.” Ditzy closed his eyes as he suddenly recalled what he'd cried out as he'd come in Lester's mouth. Fear gripped his heart when he realised what the alpha might be thinking - that Ditzy just wanted to use him to sire his kits and then leave him. He rolled over and grabbed hold of Lester's hand when the man shied away. “I'm not going to leave you, James. I promise you.”

“I know.” Lester tried for a wry grin but only looked to be in pain. “I just...” He paused and swallowed. “I think you know this, I know what a hive of gossip the ARC is...”

“You don't have to tell me.”

“I know... but,” Lester paused and seemed to be feeling his way as he continued, “you deserve to know.” Lester caressed Ditzy's cheek. “To have the chance to change your mind.”

Ditzy shook his head. “Nothing you could say would change my mind about you, James.”

“You say that now,” Lester murmured sadly before he took a deep breath. “I was mated before, to a queen I loved. I thought we were happy, in love. We had three kits together.”

When Lester's voice cracked, Ditzy pulled the man against him and purred to comfort him. “Shh, James, you don't have to tell me.”

“They were beautiful kits, David. Alert and rumbustious, but I... I lost them. I haven't seen them in over eight years. I missed them growing up, going to nursery, changing, everything.”

Ditzy couldn't think of anything he could to say to that, he could do nothing except hold Lester tightly and let him talk.

“I was out of the country when they left, I came home to find the house empty. All their toys and belongings gone and not a single trace that they'd ever been there.” Lester swallowed hard before continuing, “I found a letter, all properly drawn up, barring me access to my own kits. Accusing me of being a bad father, of never being there for them, of not caring what happened to them.”

“I don't believe that, James. I've seen you with the team, you care.” When Lester scoffed at his words, Ditzy added, “Oh, you might not want people to realise, but you're a good man, James Lester.”

“No, I'm not.” Lester shook his head. “I've done terrible things, all in the name of my country. My queen was right to take our kits, I...” His voice cracked again and he buried his head against Ditzy, his voice muffled but still audible. “He was right, I would have hurt them and failed them. I'll do the same with you if you stay with me.”

Ditzy closed his eyes and fought to control the fury he felt that anyone could hurt Lester that way. He wanted to track that bloody queen down and... no, that wouldn't help Lester and it would be unfair to his blameless kits. “No, James. I think, no, I know you'd make a great father. So gentle and caring to your kits, protecting them from harm and making sure they make the most of themselves.”

“How?” Lester asked, “How can you know that?”

“Because I've seen you at the ARC, worrying over the team, guiding the younger alphas into behaving properly towards the other designations. Encouraging everyone to try their best, whether they're alpha, omega or beta. Trying to protect people, even from themselves. I know you snark at Danny and Becker because they're trying to prove themselves worthy to an arsehole who doesn't deserve Becker as a son. And then there is Lucy, she trusted you, she knew you'd help her.” Ditzy gentle coaxed Lester to look at him, forcing all his conviction into his eyes so Lester could see it. “I know you are a good man, James, a good alpha. An alpha I want to be with. An alpha I want to share this heat and every other one with.”

Lester stared at Ditzy for a long moment, his mouth opened and closed silently several times before he managed incredulously, “You want me to share your heat?”

“Yes.” Ditzy put all his conviction into that one word.

“But...” Lester sounded confused, “I'd sire your kits.”

Ditzy nodded and rubbed noses with the shocked looking alpha. “I love you James. I want to spend my life with you.” he smiled softly, “and I want your kits.”

Lester just stared at Ditzy in disbelief before giving him a tentative smile. “Are you sure? I'm not...”

Ditzy cut Lester off by kissing him firmly before resting their foreheads together. “Perfectly, James. I want you as my mate and the father of my kits.” Ditzy smiled as he added, “But first...” His fingers curled around Lester's erection.

Part 10 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 12

ditzy/lester, abo, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, mpreg, fic, james lester

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