knitekat Jan 21, 2014 18:36
ditzy/lester, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), bingo fic, fic, knotting, jenny lewis, ocs, james lester, finn (oc), hurt/comfort, abo, connor temple, au, jon lyle (oc), mpreg, angst, joel stringer (oc)
knitekat Nov 01, 2013 18:36
ditzy/lester, abo, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, mpreg, fic, james lester
knitekat Oct 30, 2013 18:41
knitekat Oct 28, 2013 18:59
ditzy/lester, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), fic, jenny lewis, james lester, blade (oc), abo, au, jon lyle (oc), trope bingo, mpreg, sfoc
knitekat Oct 26, 2013 17:16
ditzy/lester, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), fic, kermit (oc), james lester, finn (oc), blade (oc), abo, au, jon lyle (oc), trope bingo, mpreg, angst
knitekat Oct 24, 2013 18:37
ditzy/lester, abo, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, mpreg, fic, jenny lewis, james lester, tom ryan, hurt/comfort
knitekat Oct 22, 2013 20:12
abo, jacks (oc), omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, jon lyle (oc), mpreg, fic, ditzy/lyle, james lester, finn (oc)
knitekat Oct 20, 2013 15:28
ditzy/lester, abo, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, dubcon, mpreg, fic, james lester, hurt/comfort
knitekat Oct 18, 2013 18:19
ditzy/lester, abo, soul bonding, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, dubcon, james lester, ocs, angst, pre-slash, hurt/comfort
knitekat Oct 16, 2013 20:24
abo, soul bonding, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, fic, ocs, pre-slash, non-con