Title: The Hand Of Fate (4/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 1739 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my
trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 3 -
The Hand Of Fate - Part 5
The omega led Ditzy at a fast pace, enough that sweat began to bead his brow and run in rivulets down his back and he didn't need the omega twitching his nose and shooting him looks to know that his preheat pheromones were overcoming the disguising smell of the soap. Need shot through Ditzy's body and he needed to be somewhere safe now, preferably guarded by his own fighting clowder, but being with Lester would do. He kept an eye on what he could see of the sky and soon noticed the omega back-track and weave through twisting alleys, although they did appear to be moving towards the outskirts of the city. He fingered his knife and kept alert as he noticed the omega twitching, thanking any god that listened that heat enhanced his senses, he didn't need Lyle's twitching thumbs to know trouble was coming to find him.
The omega paused and looked both ways at a junction between one dingy alley and the next. He suddenly spat and turned to look at Ditzy. “The word on the street is that anyone who gives you to them will be well rewarded, but I can't...” He shook his head and spat again, the sound loud and sharp in the alleyway. “Look, go straight over, about 50 feet and you'll see a archway and stairs leading down. It looks old and like it will fall down at any moment but it is safe. At the bottom is a grille over the river... well, sewer, open it and what you'll find there is an old walkway so you won't get wet. It's nasty down there, more so as you're in heat, but it is also your only route out of here.”
Ditzy tilted his head and regarded the other man. “Why should I trust you?”
“You shouldn't,” the omega told him. “But...” He ran a hand through his hair. “I can't just hand another omega over to them, especially one in heat. I've seen what they do...”
Ditzy suppressed a shudder as those words awoke memories within him and considered the man, using all his knowledge of body language and tells to decide if the omega was now telling him the truth. “What happens to you if I run?”
The man shrugged. “I don't think anyone's seen us together and I've got friends, I can hide up with them for a while.”
Ditzy shook his head. “You're terrified of that clowder, why are you helping me?”
The omega smiled, a soft and wondrous look on his face. “The look on your face when you talked about your alpha. Most omegas don't have that... it... I can't break that bond.”
Ditzy almost asked what he meant before he realised the omega thought he had a rare and precious soul bond with Lester... fuck, if only. He opened his mouth to correct him before realising he couldn't, not if he wanted to escape. “I... thank you.”
“Get out of here.” The omega looked at him wistfully before adding, “Do you think I'll find an alpha like yours? One who means more to me than anything?”
“I hope so.” Ditzy realised he meant it. Bloody hell, the heat was already interfering with his thoughts, making him wish Lester truly was his alpha.
Ditzy winkled his nose and agreed with the omega, this was a nasty place to be, especially when his sense of smell was heightened by heat. Still, he'd been in worse places... off hand, he couldn't remember them, but he was sure he had been.
He blinked and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim light that filtered down from the outside. The place certainly didn't look any better than it smelled, the old brickwork crumbling and apparently only still in one piece due to the mould and other vegetation clinging to it. The water flowing sluggishly through the tunnel was dank and he had no wish to know what was in it, what he did know was it had to be full of diseases and he needed to keep out of it. Right... his friend had mentioned a walkway and it was about time he found it and got out of here, either before the omega was made to change his mind or the clowder followed his scent. Not that was likely down here with the miasma rising from the river being enough to cover the pheromones of a whole clowder of omegas in heat. Ditzy screwed up his nose but he knew the omega was right, this was the only chance he had of making it out of the city.
Ditzy closed his eyes when he saw the walkway, the surface was slick and uneven underfoot and the metal railings rusted and looking as if it would fall apart at the slightest touch. He glanced again at the liquid sewage flowing beside him and swallowed, not that he had a choice and at least his boots had a good grip. Ditzy carefully eased along the walkway, checking each step was safe before he put his full weight on it and doing his best to cling to the slimy wall rather than trust the railing to do anything other than dump him in the sludge pretending to be water.
He froze when he heard something fall with a plop into the water, almost holding his breath when he tilted his head to concentrate on listening. His heart pounded in his chest and Ditzy knew it wasn't only from his coming heat as he made himself stand still and listen. There, was that the scuff of a shoe? Ditzy held still for a moment, hoping it was his imagination or that whoever it was would give up when faced with the disgusting environment.
Ditzy silently cursed when the scuff occurred again, followed by a yelp and gasp that he took as someone almost falling into the water before someone else dragged them back to safety. Fuck, that was all he needed and he couldn't think of any reason for someone to be down here except trying to escape the city like he was or being the ones chasing him. Either way, it wouldn't matter much who they were if they caught up with him, not with him going into heat.
He had to get out of the tunnel before he was caught and... best not to think of that now. All he could do was move as quickly and as quietly as he could manage and hope for the best. If he was lucky, there would be cover he could hide in... not that it would do him much good unless the wind was blowing from behind him and carrying his scent - his pheromones - away from his hunters, but he could hope. Hope that he could make it back to Lester before anything else went wrong.
Ditzy bit back a shout when his foot slipped and he wavered, wheeling his arms around in a desperate attempt not to nose-dive into the sludge. Regaining his balance and trying to slow his pants, Ditzy listened intently before he heard a man cry behind him, “Someone's ahead of us. Think it's our omega?”
“Told ya he'd make a break for it. Remember I want a word with him first, gotta find out who helped him and make 'em pay.”
Ditzy hurried, no longer concerned with being quiet as they already knew he was there. He was thankful that his trust in the omega had been justified, although he just hoped no one identified him as the one who had helped him. The surface was slick beneath his feet and Ditzy expected to slip at any moment, he was extremely thankful when he literally saw light at the end of the tunnel and scrambled up into sweet smelling air.
He paused for a moment to gain his bearings and then set off at a fast pace for the tree line, cursing the fact the wind was blowing in his face. He needed to get into cover as soon as possible, not that it would hide him now as he had built up a good sweat and had to be leaving a pheromone trail, but it might stop him getting a bolt in the back. They wouldn't need him in that good a condition to rape and torture him.
Ditzy set himself a fast time, remembering when he had completed selection for the SAS, and knowing he had even more incentive to keep the fast pace up and hopefully lose the bastards on his trail. The thunk of a crossbow bolt as it pierced a tree beside him had him running, scrabbling over a fallen tree trunk and dashing over the uneven ground. The yells of those chasing him had him running harder, knowing he had to put distance between himself and his pursuers before his heat hit.
Ditzy cursed when he heard the sound of hooves behind him and he tried to cut through a thicket to avoid the horsemen, hoping he'd reach a scree slope he could see before the horsemen caught up with him. He had only yards to cross when a large, froth-covered horse pulled in front of him, he tried to dart around the horse's heaving flank, but had to dodge out of the way of the rider's crop. He found himself driven away from safety and back towards those who chased him. With no way to escape, Ditzy put his back to a tree and set himself ready to fight them. He might not escape, but they'd pay dearly in their own blood before they would force him to submit.
“Come on, boy. You know you want this,” one of the men called out, his hand suggestively grabbing himself through his trousers. “I'll barb you good.”
The other men joked and catcalled to each other, confident in their ability to take down a lone omega and have their way with him. Their calls slowly fell silent when Ditzy just looked at them, a slight smile on his face as he faced them unflinchingly.
One of the men moved over to the horses and lifted a crossbow down to arm it. “Your leg don't need to work too good for us to barb you, boy.”
Part 3 -
The Hand Of Fate - Part 5