Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (9/12)

Oct 26, 2013 17:16

Title: The Hand Of Fate (9/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 2141 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 8 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 10

Ditzy had been edgy all day, so much so that Lyle had secured Ryan's permission to drag him home early and give him a relaxing massage before dropping him off at Lester's flat with a “Don't do anything I wouldn't” coupled with a leer before he drove off.

Which was how Ditzy found himself standing nervously outside Lester's front door, hoping that his jeans, shirt and jacket would meet Lester's exacting standards. He shook his head with a wry smile, recalling Lester had seen him in worse, and knocked firmly on the door. Ditzy's jaw dropped open when the door opened to reveal Lester and his eyes roved over the man's body. Ditzy licked his lips as he took in Lester clad in snug fitting jeans and an old t-shirt, his hair messy and dusted with flour. It made him look human and years younger and so much more approachable. “James.”


Ditzy wondered for a moment if Lester had forgotten he'd invited him over. He tried to think of an excuse for being here and settled his weight on his toes ready for a hasty retreat.

“Come in, sorry the place is a mess.” Lester waved Ditzy into the flat. “Damn minister demanded a report so I'm afraid dinner will be late.” Lester hesitated before adding, “Unless you'd prefer to go out instead?”

Ditzy shook his head as relief shot through his body. “I don't mind waiting.” He smiled at the sight of a messy Lester, pulling him in for a kiss. “Anything I can help with?”

“Er,” Lester trailed his tongue over his lips as he licked them for any trace of Ditzy before he shook his head and replied, “No, everything is fine, cooking away. I just need to finish the dessert.” He rubbed a hand through his hair and frowned when a cloud of flour wafted around him. “Would you like a drink first? Whisky? Beer? Wine? Something else?”

“Beer will be fine. It's in the kitchen?” Ditzy asked as he headed towards the mouth watering aroma, the pleasant scent of an alpha - of Lester - filling his nostrils as he walked through the scent-impregnated flat.

Ditzy settled back, sated and content, a smile on his face as he watched Lester devour the last of his own dessert. His lips twitched when he heard Lester's low purr when the man licked the cream from his lips, Ditzy had purred too when he'd cleaned his own bowl of the exquisite tasting dessert. “Excellent, James. You're a wonderful cook.”

Lester smiled, “I don't cook as often as I'd like.”

“You can cook for me any time,” Ditzy heard himself utter and looked up at Lester in a near panic, fearing how the man would react to such a blatant advance.

Lester chuckled and shook his head. “I'm out of practice.”

“That's out of practice?” Ditzy indicated the empty dishes. “It was bloody brilliant.” He leaned forward and dropped his voice to a confidential whisper. “Don't tell the lads or you'll be on barbecue duty.” To his surprise, Lester didn't turn up his nose in disgust, but instead looked forlorn. Ditzy almost kicked himself as he realised Lester might miss being in a clowder, especially if he'd once had a family that had been taken from him. “I'll take you to the lads' next barbecue, James.” It was an impulsive gesture, but the barbecues were usually open to anyone the lads knew. Taking Lester might raise a few eyebrows, but nothing would be said, at least not until later and after Lester had left and then it would just be gentle - and possibly not so gentle - teasing from the lads.

Lester looked up, surprise clearly written on his face at the invitation for a moment, before he regained his control and nodded. “Maybe.”

Ditzy didn't believe for a minute that Lester thought he would be invited and wasn't sure how to proceed. He considered his options as he helped Lester tidy the kitchen, wiping down surfaces and placing dishes in the washer. He had hoped for a pleasant meal preferably followed by sex, but the more he saw of Lester, the more he realised the man's heart had been broken and the pieces stamped on, that Lester was still wary when it came to trusting another with his heart. Ditzy was afraid if he moved too fast Lester would be scared off and the alpha would never again trust another, never risk himself romantically and would always be alone. Maybe he should coax Lester into sitting on the settee, they could chat about this and that and hopefully end the evening with a kiss. He still had time to gain Lester's trust and maybe he could suggest a meal at his house... he didn't think the lads would mind, especially if he let slip that Lester was an excellent cook.

He wondered if he should mention the meal to Lester, but quickly decided against it. He was convinced the man was clowder-loss and it would be cruel to offer him the comfort of a clowder, even if only for a day, without making sure the lads didn't mind their boss visiting during their free time. Although, the lads had all lost someone close and understood how much it hurt and, well, he would just have to hope they'd pick up on Lester's loss and made him feel welcome.

Ditzy knew that even if the lads and Lester agreed to the meal, it would be doubtful that Lester would agree to have sex in a house full of his own soldiers. Ditzy cursed that the second stage of his heat was due soon, for he had the feeling that it would take longer than the week or less he had left to slowly break through the barriers around Lester's heart. To convince him that he was everything Ditzy had ever wanted in an alpha and that he could trust Ditzy with his heart. Lester's soft cough broke through Ditzy's thoughts and he smiled at the nervous look on Lester's face. “So, James... how do you feel about sitting on the settee holding hands?”

Lester snorted before laughing. “An excellent idea, my dear David.” He turned to pick up his tumbler of whisky and another beer for Ditzy before calling over his shoulder, “Switch the lights out, will you David?”

Ditzy stood stunned for a heartbeat as he ran Lester's words over and over in his mind 'My dear David'. He grinned and switched the lights out, his heart filled with hope as he sat on the settee and held hands with James, chatting about this and that until they suddenly realised how late it had grown as they discussed a variety of topics.

“Um,” Lester started before stopping, a hand rubbing the back of his neck as he seemed unsure what to say or do next.

It was clear to Ditzy that Lester was torn between wanting him to stay and needing him to go. As much as Ditzy would have loved to stay the night, he also knew he couldn't push Lester into something the alpha wasn't ready for. “It's been a lovely evening, James, but I should be getting home. Busy day tomorrow.”

Lester nodded, although Ditzy thought he saw a flash of disappointment in the alpha's eyes. “Er, yes. Same here.” He looked up with a frown. “How did you get here?”

“Lyle dropped me off, I'll just call him.”

“No, don't disturb him. I can give you a lift.” Lester stood up and moved towards the fireplace.

“Sir James Lester, sit back down.” Ditzy put on his best medic's voice. “What were you told about driving with that shoulder?”

Lester blinked at him in shock for a moment before smiling wryly. “The perils of dating a medic?”

“Precisely. Lyle won't mind.” Ditzy quickly called Lyle before pausing and looked up at a still cautious-looking Lester. He hesitated before standing and moving over to him. “James?”


Ditzy almost kicked himself at the shuttered look that slammed down on Lester's face. The man obviously expected him to say he'd had a lovely time but Lester wasn't what he was looking for in a mate. Ditzy tugged the damaged alpha against his chest and rubbed their noses together. “I was wondering if you'd like to do this again? My treat.”


Ditzy's heart lurched at the disbelief in Lester's voice and he purred in the man's ear as if he was a frightened kit. “Yes, James, again. Have Lorraine check your diary for the next few days and we'll organise another evening.”

“That would be nice,” Lester murmured as he just stared at Ditzy, looking almost stunned that the medic would want another date with him.

“Yes, it will be.” Ditzy tilted his head and considered Lester but before he could say anything more, the intercom buzzed and Lyle called up that he was there. Ditzy leaned in for a kiss before putting his jacket on, pleasantly surprised when Lester followed him downstairs and nodded hello to Lyle who was leaning against his car. Ditzy noticed Lester's eyes flickered towards Lyle for a moment before he forgot everything when Lester pulled him into a breathtaking kiss.

Ditzy was too stunned to do more than watch Lester disappear back inside, only recovering when Lyle slapped him on the back and let out a low wolf-whistle.

Ditzy sat quietly in the car as Lyle drove them home, his thoughts churning over what he had discovered tonight and how he needed to proceed if he was to coax Lester into a relationship with him. He was grateful that Lyle seemed to sense his need to process events and, apart from the increasingly worried glances thrown his way, seemed content to let Ditzy think in peace.

It was only when they were back at the house, mugs of hot chocolate shared out, that Lyle spoke, “Damn, Ditz, that was a show.” Lyle shook his head. “I thought something had gone wrong when you called me, I should have known Lester's the old-fashioned type. So... what happened?”

Ditzy shook his head. “Nothing happened.”

Lyle's forehead furrowed in concern. “That kiss wasn't nothing.”

Ditzy nodded and sighed heavily as he stared into his mug. “We just enjoyed a meal and talked. Nothing more.”

“What? I thought you wanted him, that kiss certainly looked like he wants you.”

“I think... I know he does, but -” Ditzy paused and considered whether to reveal what he'd figured out, but the lads were trustworthy and they wouldn't use it against Lester. “Lester's been hurt. I think his heart's been broken...”

“And you think those rumours of him having a queen and kits once are true?” Finn asked, proving to Ditzy that he wasn't as dim as he often appeared.

“You mean he clowder-lost?” Blade muttered. “Well, that would explain things.”

Ditzy frowned at the alpha. “What things?”

Blade shrugged. “Just things Lorraine's noticed. She's worried about him.” Blade eyed his hot chocolate with distaste, although Ditzy knew it was just for show as the mug was always empty when he put it down. “I assume you're not giving up on him, so what's the plan?”

“I thought about inviting him over for a meal.”

“Here?” Kermit almost squeaked.

Blade sipped his chocolate. “Do you want me and Kermit to be here?”

Lyle grinned. “I think the idea is to give Lester a clowder for the night?”

Ditzy nodded. “If you're OK with that?”

“You want him, Ditz, that makes him part of our clowder, whether he wants it or not,” Lyle stated and the other soldiers nodded in agreement.

“Oh, he'll want it.” Blade said quickly, his brow furrowed before he added, “Do you want to throw it open to everyone?”

“Lorraine is more than welcome, you know that, Niall.” Ditzy frowned at the alpha, sensing he meant more than that.

“Lester might not feel so outnumbered if the others were here too.” Lyle paused, “If the weather holds, we could have a barbecue this weekend.”

Ditzy chuckled, explaining when the other soldiers looked puzzled. “I told Lester I'd invite him to our next barbecue.” He sighed softly when he remembered the look on Lester's face. “He didn't really believe me...”

Lyle exchanged a look with Blade before he hugged Ditzy, rubbing their noses together. “Ask him, Ditz, we want him here.”

Part 8 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 10

ditzy/lester, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), fic, kermit (oc), james lester, finn (oc), blade (oc), abo, au, jon lyle (oc), trope bingo, mpreg, angst

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