Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (8/12)

Oct 24, 2013 18:37

Title: The Hand Of Fate (8/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 1661 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 7 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 9.

For all of Lyle's pestering and determination to get him to talk to Lester, Ditzy could think of no one better to get him through his heat. The massages and fucks had helped, even though nothing compared to the feeling of being taken by an alpha... by Lester.

And being taken by an alpha, by Lester, was why he was here, sitting in a dark corner as he tried to think though his options. He looked up as he heard footsteps and shrank back as he saw Captain Ryan, pushing even further into the darkness as Ms Lewis called out for the captain to wait.

“Ms Lewis.” Ryan stopped and turned to face her. “Can I help?”

Ms Lewis nodded, although she didn't speak immediately, just considered the captain for a moment. “Captain... can I ask what type of clowder Ditzy's in?”

Ryan blinked and frowned. “Type?” His confused expression cleared and he laughed but Ditzy couldn't see what was funny. “Not like that, Ms Lewis. It's a fighting clowder, not a breeding one. As per regulations, all omegas on active duty are required to be on suppressants.”

“Of course.” Ms Lewis looked thoughtful before nodding, as if she'd been having a discussion with herself over something. “So... would you... would the clowder mind?”

Ryan looked puzzled for a moment before his expression cleared and he shook his head. “No, ma'am and besides that, it is Ditzy's choice who he mates with. His choice who sires his kits.”

“I know,” Ms Lewis' smiled. “I was just checking no one else was interested in Lieutenant Owen.”

Ryan chuckled softly, “According to Lyle, Owen is interested in only one alpha.”


“And now he's got a chance to be with him.”

“Sir James?” Ms Lewis queried. “Excellent.” She nodded to Ryan and walked off, back in the direction she had come from.

Ditzy sat there in stunned silence as he realised what Ms Lewis' last comment might mean. Did he really still have a chance with Lester?

Ryan looked over towards Ditzy's corner. “If you want him, I suggest you stop hiding and go and talk to him.”

Damn, it looked like his entire clowder was conspiring to get him and Lester together... it just wasn't as simple as that. Not after he had forced Lester, the man could have him up on report for that. Fuck! He needed to apologise for that, he had no wish to be reassigned.

Ditzy knocked on the door to Lester's office and entered when the man called out, “Come in.” He took in Lester's appearance - still pale from blood loss but looking far healthier than he had been the last time Ditzy had been allowed to see him. His medically trained eyes took in other details such as how Lester was favouring his left shoulder. Ditzy also noticed that Lester was refusing to meet his eyes after the first brief moment when he'd looked up to see who was disturbing him. Ditzy bit back a sorrowful chirp at the apparent rejection and saluted. “Sir.”

Lester spent a few moments tidying his already tidy paperwork before sighing softly. He swallowed, met Ditzy's eyes and then deliberately lowered his head in submission. His words were soft when he spoke. “I apologise for what happened, Lieutenant Owen. I...” Lester ran a hand through his hair before he continued, his voice now firmer and his words somewhat faster. “You would be well within your rights to file a complaint against me, I abused...”

Ditzy was stunned for a moment at the realisation that Lester thought he was in the wrong. “No, sir.” When Lester looked up at him, an eyebrow raised in silent enquiry, Ditzy continued, “If anyone is at fault, sir, it is me.” He raised a hand when Lester opened his mouth to argue. “Please let me finish, sir.” He waited for a heartbeat before Lester nodded. “I should have told you I'd lost my suppressants.”

“True,” Lester interrupted. “But that doesn't excuse my actions.”

“Sir, can I please continue?” When Lester nodded once more, Ditzy took a deep breath and continued as if Lester hadn't spoken. “I should have told you, but more than that, every omega knows they should stay away from alphas if they are going to go into heat unless they want to risk being mated.”

“And you stayed with me because you are a fine medic, Lieutenant, and were doing your job looking after an injured member of your team.”

Ditzy almost groaned, bloody hell, Lester was determined to take the blame for what had happened between them. “Look, Lester... sir,” Ditzy corrected himself, “I didn't just stay with you because I was doing my job. I wanted to stay with you.” He took a deep breath and looked Lester straight in the eye. “I wanted to spend my heat with you. If anyone is going to be making a complaint about abuse, it should be you.”

Lester just stared at him in shock, shaking his head in disbelief. “That's the heat talking, Lieutenant, are you quite sure you should be back on duty?” He stared down at his paperwork, one finger idly tracing patterns on it. When he spoke, Lester's voice was barely more than a breath that Ditzy doubted he'd have heard if not for his still heat-heightened senses. In fact, he doubted Lester realised he could hear him, most non-omegas didn't know that fact about heat. “No one would chose to be with me.”

Ditzy found himself suppressing a growl as he cursed the queen who had hurt Lester so badly the alpha didn't think anyone would want him, and he realised he now knew Lester had been kept away from his own kits. He walked around the desk and made Lester look at him, almost spitting at how broken he looked. “No, James, that's not true.” Ditzy pushed Lester's chair away from his desk, turning it until he could straddle Lester's lap. “I want you.” He pressed a kiss against Lester's lips, not surprised to find the man unresponsive beneath him, although he persisted in kissing and nipping at Lester's lips until the man recovered from his shock and opened them to allow Ditzy inside. Ditzy pulled back slightly to look into Lester's eyes, seeing surprise and need warring with disbelief and remembered pain. “I've wanted you for a long time, James. You are the perfect alpha, fierce and in control, but I've also seen how you protect the team, the ARC, from threats. How you care if someone is hurt. I know you let Connor stay at your flat when Abby kicked him out. And after seeing you in the field, fighting those bastards who tried to rape me, why wouldn't I want you?”

Lester suddenly broke their gaze, blinking rapidly as he shook his head in denial. “Ditzy.”

That one word, full of hope and need and want while being equally full of pain and confusion and yet more pain, almost broke Ditzy. He grabbed Lester's face and coaxed Lester to look back at him. He wasn't surprised to see Lester's eyes were bright with unshed tears and had to blink back his own. Ditzy leaned forward and rubbed their noses together before leaning his forehead against Lester's, a soft purr emerging from his throat as his hands rubbed soothingly over Lester's back.

After several moments, Lester took a few deep, calming breaths and moved under Ditzy's weight until the medic reluctantly rose, although he kept a hand on Lester's shoulder. “Just think about it, James. If you don't want to share my heat this time, can we...”

Lester managed a faint grin when Ditzy trailed off. “Date?”

Ditzy nodded, hope in his heart that Lester would agree to that, at least. “Please?”

Lester tugged his handkerchief free and dabbed at his eyes before looking up at Ditzy, his head tilted slightly to one side as he considered the omega. “How many days have you left of your inter-heat cycle?”

Ditzy blinked at the question, asked so drily as if Lester was merely asking about how many paper-clips they had in stock. It took him a moment to realise why Lester might, hopefully, be asking that question. “Another week, maybe a few days more.”

Lester nodded before steepling his fingers and looking up intently at Ditzy, who couldn't help shift his weight as nerves wiggled like worms in his stomach. Lester opened his mouth before closing it again, his own nerves clear on his face before he closed his eyes and asked, “Lieutenant... no, David. Would you do me the honour of sharing dinner with me tomorrow night?”

“Tomorrow, si... James?” Ditzy asked curiously, gossip also had it that Lester could get a table at any restaurant at extremely short notice.

Lester nodded, fear of rejection still loitering in his eyes. “I thought I could cook a meal...” He looked down at his paperwork again before continuing, “I can arrange a restaurant booking if you'd prefer.”

Ditzy felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of Lester cooking for him, proving he could provide for him like a good alpha should be able to when his mate was pregnant. Maybe, just maybe, he could still have the alpha he wanted. “A home cooked meal would be lovely, James. What time should I come over?”

Lester blinked slowly before a pleased smile appeared on his lips. “Um... how does eight sound?”

Ditzy knew Lester had been expecting him to choose the restaurant, if he accepted at all. He cursed Lester's ex-queen once more before leaning in for a quick kiss. “It sounds brilliant.”

Part 7 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 9.

ditzy/lester, abo, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, mpreg, fic, jenny lewis, james lester, tom ryan, hurt/comfort

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