Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (6/12)

Oct 20, 2013 15:28

Title: The Hand Of Fate (6/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 2325 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 5 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 7

Ditzy bit back a moan as his preheat shifted into true heat, he felt as if he was on fire, his blood burning, as sweat dripped from his body. It was so bloody hot and his clothes were too bloody confining, the feel of them setting his skin crawling. He quickly stripped and sighed in relief when he felt the cool air on his skin, even though he knew it would be short lived. His inner thighs were already damp and he could feel the wetness start to drip out of his hidden channel.

He slid his hand between his legs, skimming over his sensitive cock and balls before rubbing at the entrance to his omega passage. He had to bite back a moan as he slipped a finger inside and then another, knowing that at this stage of heat he could bring himself to orgasm and have a short period of clarity in which to think of an answer. There had to be some way he could ride out the heat alpha-less, something other than overcoming Lester's resistance with heat pheromones until Lester just had to mate him. He moaned at the thought of Lester's cock fucking him, taking his barbs and yowling as they came. He pushed down and stabbed his fingers deeper with that thought, finger fucking himself as he imagined Lester doing this to him. Of Lester's cock filling him and his barb swelling to lock them together. He came with a muffled cry at the thought of Lester's barbs scratching him internally as they separated, his omega channel clenching hard around his fingers as he shot his load over the floor.

Ditzy's knees buckled and his fingers slipped free as he slid down the wall. He took several deep breaths as he tried to think in this brief respite before his heat crested again. Fuck! If his cycle was the same as before he went on the suppressants, he'd have four or five days of heat to get through by himself before a two week lull to rest and try to get himself and Lester back home before the second four or five day stage of his heat hit. Ditzy banged his head on the wall, knowing even if he got home that he'd have to go through the second stage. It was just too dangerous to mess with suppressants during a heat and... maybe he could get Lyle to help him? Lyle gave bloody good massages that Ditzy hoped would help with his cramps and... well, he knew the omega's cock wouldn't be nearly enough, but it might take the edge off his heat if he could convince Lyle to fuck him. Most of all, Ditzy wanted his clowder, knowing that their presence would help him through the experience, even though he knew not all of them would be able to stay with him.

Letting the wall support him, Ditzy moaned as the cramps started again, ripping through his insides in never relenting waves. It bloody hurt to be so empty and he slid his hand down to his cock in the desperate hope that stroking himself would provide some relief. The feel was familiar, smooth and satin beneath his gun-calloused fingers as he teased the slit. He wondered how different it would feel to stroke an alpha's cock, feeling the barbs and... Ditzy thudded his head against the wall as a moan erupted from his throat. He needed more and sped up his hand on his cock while thrusting his fingers back deep inside, hoping against hope that he could just ride out his heat. He bit his lip as a chirrup threatened to escape, he had no wish to Call any alpha to him, not when the one alpha he wanted didn't want him.

Ditzy woke, sticky and sweating and feeling empty, so bloody empty. He chirruped pitifully as wave upon wave of heat crashed over him, dragging him back down into need and pain. He moaned desperately, lifting his hips and writhed uncontrollable on the floor, his legs splayed wide open as wetness dripped out of his omega channel. He needed to be barbed so badly it hurt, it bloody hurt.

A hand gripped his shoulder and Ditzy found himself being pulled against a strong chest, arms wrapping around his torso as he was rocked. Ditzy turned his head and buried his face against the man's neck and froze when he smelt alpha. The wonderful, full and musky odour filled his nose and Ditzy heard himself chirrup hopefully as he nuzzled the man's shoulder. As his lips brushed the edge of a bandage, Ditzy suddenly knew who held him, not that it should have been a surprise. There was only one alpha near their hiding place and that was the one alpha who didn't want him. Ditzy tried to pull free of Lester's arms, fighting to get away before he pounced on the weakened alpha and forced him to mate.

“Shh, Lieutenant Owen.. Shh, Dav... Ditzy. I'm here. I've got you. Just tell me what you need.” Lester's voice was soft and Ditzy could hear the low purr as Lester tried to calm him as an alpha would calm his kits, as he had earlier calmed Lucy. In a moment of clarity, Ditzy remembered the talk around the ARC, about how Lester had a queen once and they'd had a kindle of kittens, only for him to lose them. Ditzy wondered inanely if Lester still saw his kits, or if the queen had banned all contact as was their right. He couldn't help wonder what idiot would throw an alpha like Lester aside and moaned as his heat hit again in waves of want and need.

Overwhelmed by need, Ditzy twisted in Lester's arms and pressed kisses against his chest, licking and nuzzling and washing the man as if he was a kit. He continued to chirrup low in his throat as he rubbed his chin and cheeks against Lester, marking every part of the man he could reach.

He felt Lester hiss in a breath when his lips closed around a nipple. His hands gripped Ditzy's shoulders and Ditzy bit softly, attempting to distract Lester before he could push him away. He smiled around his prize when he heard the man's moan and knew he'd inhaled the scent of a ripe queen, one ready and willing to be taken. Lester shifted against him and Ditzy moaned as he felt the alpha's reaction to him. He couldn't resist sliding a hand down Lester's chest and stomach, a low hopeful chirp emerging from his throat as his fingers encountered the bulge in Lester's trousers before he pressed his palm against the cock tenting the material.

“Ditzy...” Lester gasped when Ditzy's teeth grazed his nipple. “This isn't...”

Ditzy smiled when he heard the faint thud of Lester's head hitting the wall as the man's hips rose helplessly when Ditzy rubbed his cock through the material. The scent of aroused alpha filled Ditzy's nose and he quickly tugged Lester's zip down, reaching inside the damp silk to capture the prize hidden within. The feel of that heavy, leaking cock sent a rush of pleasure through Ditzy and he felt the wetness between his thighs increase, readying him for penetration, for mating, for Lester.

“Ditzy...” Lester gasped before he surged forward, his lips meeting Ditzy's with bruising force, his tongue demanding entry and sweeping inside to tangle with Ditzy's. Ditzy groaned as he felt Lester's questing fingers brush over his opening. “You're so bloody wet, smell so ripe.” Lester rubbed his face against Ditzy's as his fingers breached him, his voice raw with need and want. “Going to make you mine, breed you.”

“Yes.” Ditzy pulled free of Lester, wiggling his arse as he turned and presented himself, chest almost on the floor as he shoved his arse into the air, knees wide open, jiggling and chirruping as he waited, gasping out “Please, need you so much,” when Lester didn't immediately claim him.

Ditzy moaned when he felt Lester's hands on his hips, gripping him hard enough to leave bruises. Kisses were pressed against his back as Lester uttered what sounded like a pained moan before murmuring, “So good,” against Ditzy's overheated skin.

And Ditzy agreed, groaning as the empty feeling of desperate need inside him was replaced as Lester's cock filled him so completely. It felt even better when Lester began to thrust inside him, hard and fast. Ditzy pushed back to meet each thrust, squeezing around Lester and then, suddenly, Lester shoved in so hard that Ditzy's face was almost driven into the floor. Ditzy cried out when Lester's teeth took a firm grip on the back of his neck and he just luxuriated in the feel of Lester moving inside him. Lester thrust harder and harder as a low growl rumbled in his chest, until he buried himself deep and froze. Ditzy almost whimpered when he felt the slow, inescapable pressure build inside him, knowing that Lester's barb had filled and locked them together as Lester erupted, shooting deep into Ditzy's willing body. Lester's hips jerked as he came over and over again. He felt Lester teeth slip from his neck as the alpha collapsed against his back, panting hard, before he eased them onto their sides, still locked together. Lester pressed kisses and licked the back of Ditzy's neck as his hand snaked down to grasp Ditzy's cock, hard and straining. Lester's grip was so bloody good, just the right side of tight as he stroked the firm flesh, his thumb flicking the head as he collected pre-cum to lubricate his actions.

“Fuck, yes.” Ditzy's hips snapped forwards as he came, spurting over his chest and feeling Lester pulse inside him again as his channel squeezed tight around Lester's cock. Sated, a purring Ditzy relaxed into Lester's embrace, enjoying the feel of being tied together and content to enjoy the sensation of being filled and completed as his mind temporarily cleared of heat.

Lester continued to press kisses against Ditzy's neck and shoulders as his purr joined Ditzy's, almost as if soothing a scared animal - or apologising for what came next, Ditzy's treacherous mind had to whisper. He recalled the comments he'd overheard, of how it fucking hurt to have those barbs ripped from intimate flesh. He could feel Lester's barb soften and relax and knew they were no longer tied and he took a deep breath when Lester rubbed his stomach and quickly pulled free with a whispered, “I'm so sorry.”

“Fuck! You bloody bastard.” Ditzy's eyes watered when the sharp little barbs normally sheathed within Lester's cock scratched his vagina as Lester pulled free. The pain sparked along his nerves and it was just so fucked up that Ditzy felt a surge of pleasure chasing the pain and so wanted to do it all again, wanted to be taking by an alpha... no, by Lester again. Wanted his cock and his barbs and... oh fuck! The thought was like freezing water on Ditzy's arousal and he swore softly as he recalled his sex education classes. That those sharp little barbs were nicknamed 'baby barbs' for a reason, they remained sheathed in an alpha's cock until they mated with an omega in heat when they triggered ovulation as the pain and pleasure of them tearing sensitive tissue sent hormones racing through a omega's body to make them receptive to pregnancy. Ditzy knew that it took several matings to trigger ovulation, but he also knew if they continued to mate throughout his heat, that Lester would definitely sire his kits, whether he wanted them or not.

It was bad enough that it was his fault they were in this situation in the first place, but to compound it by losing his tablets was unforgivable. If he had been sensible he would have told Lester the truth and found somewhere to wait out his heat... but, he couldn't. Lester had been injured rescuing him and Ditzy couldn't leave him, it was his job to look after the team and that included Lester.

Ditzy knew he'd had the best of intentions when he'd stayed with Lester, but look what he had done? He had forced Lester into this and he had no idea if the man actually wanted more kits. Although he knew pregnancy wasn't something he needed to worry about for a day or two and he was really far too sated to think about it right now, Ditzy couldn't help worry that now they had mated and marked each other, Lester would feel obliged to take him again and get Ditzy through his heat, whatever his own feelings on the matter.

He turned to face Lester and all thoughts of heat and need and possible pregnancy faded when he realised that the man's dressings were sodden with blood, trickles running down Lester's arm and chest. He swore long and loud, noticing the twitch of amusement on Lester's pained face at some of his more inventive swearing, but more concerned to discover that their activities had aggravated Lester's wounds. Maybe Ditzy wouldn't have to worry about a next time, he didn't even know if Lester would still be conscious if he didn't stop the blood loss. He quickly cleaned the bleeding wounds and replaced the torn stitches before bandaged the injuries once more, feeling Lester tremble beneath his hands, and he had no idea if it was from arousal or exhaustion, or even both. Fuck, Lester should have been in agony when they'd mated, should have passed out from the pain ... except the bloody pheromones kept his own body from realising that fact. Ditzy knew Lester would really suffer from his exertions once the pheromones faded from his system. Fuck! Yet another mistake he'd made and one Lester would pay for.

Part 5 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 7.

ditzy/lester, abo, soul bonding, slash, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, dubcon, mpreg, fic, james lester, hurt/comfort

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