Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (5/12)

Oct 18, 2013 18:19

Title: The Hand Of Fate (5/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 2201 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 4 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 6.

Shit! Ditzy thought before jumping along with his foes at the sharp retort of a gunshot. The crossbow man fell with a scream, clutching at his bleeding leg as the rest of the clowder froze, uncertain of who their enemy was or what the hell he was armed with.

“Owen, be a good man and move,” Lester called out.

Lester's voice had never sounded so good to Ditzy and he grinned with relief as he made his way over to where he thought the alpha was, smiling when he saw Lester half-concealed behind a tree and with a pistol aimed at the clowder. “Good to see you, sir.”

Lester nodded. “New friends, Owen?”

“None I'd invite to tea, sir,” Ditzy murmured, keeping an eye on his pursuers as he joined Lester. “Now what, sir?” He turned his gaze to Lester, noting how tired the man looked and the way he was holding himself, no doubt his bruised, possibly cracked, ribs were aching from his exertion. “You should be resting, sir.”

“And let you have all the fun,” Lester muttered, his nose twitching before he looked at Ditzy and shot an almost disappointed look at him. “We will be having words later, lieutenant.”

Ditzy nodded. “Yes, sir.” Fuck, he knew Lester had smelled his rising heat, but at least he was currently too busy to rant at him about it.

They made their way through the woods, trying to keep as quiet as possible but knowing Ditzy was leaving a scent trail even a nose-blind beta could follow. Lester began to slow down and Ditzy wavered between helping him and keeping his distance, knowing how distracting his scent would be to the alpha.

Ditzy's head shot up when he heard a snap ahead of them but before he could warn Lester, one of their pursuers dropped down from a tree and threw a punch at Ditzy. Ditzy ducked the blow, slamming his own fist into the man's solar plexus and dropping him, groaning, to the ground. He instantly spun around, kicking his foot out and catching another man painfully in his groin, grinning viciously when he realised the man who had dropped to his knees clasping himself was the same man who had grabbed himself earlier. Ditzy thought Serves the bastard right as he punched the man in his jaw, dropping him moaning to the ground.

A flurry of movement caught his attention and he paused for half-a-heartbeat to admire Lester as the alpha flowed through some impressive martial arts moves, sending more than one man to the ground groaning and moaning as they cradled various body parts. Fuck! It was bloody hot watching Lester fighting and winning and it was doing terrible things to Ditzy's self-control.

The distraction cost him and Ditzy found himself on the ground, struggling against an alpha who sent all his senses wild and set off the whole needing to be barbed sensation gnawing in his gut. The man grinned as he felt Ditzy relax beneath him, but if he thought Ditzy was going to be a good little omega and roll over for him, he had another thing coming. The alpha yowled when Ditzy slammed his forehead into his nose, breaking it effectively and temporarily crippling the man. Ditzy bucked his foe off before rolling into a combat crouch, his every sense alert for more foes, only to find them all groaning on the ground. When the man beside him tried to move, Ditzy slammed a foot into his gut before knocking him unconscious.

“Shall we go, lieutenant?” Lester's voice was mild but Ditzy knew from experience that was when he was at his most dangerous.

“Sir.” When Ditzy took a final glance around to check their surroundings, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and spun, seeing a man raising a crossbow at Lester's back. He yelled a warning at Lester and took off towards the nearer of the two, racing over the ground in an attempt to tackle the man to the ground before he could fire. He saw the man's finger tighten on the trigger and found a reserve of adrenaline, surging towards him even as the bolt flew from the crossbow, splitting the air when Ditzy was still too far away to stop it. The man fumbled another bolt as he turned to face Ditzy and gave up reloading as he seemed to realise he wouldn't have time before Ditzy was upon him. He raised the crossbow like a club and swung at Ditzy, who easily ducked and sent his own fist straight for the man's nose, sending him slumping to the ground as he cradled his bloodied nose.

A cry of pain behind him had Ditzy spinning, his eyes taking in Lester on his knees, the bolt sticking out of his shoulder and Ditzy spun back, grabbing the crossbow from the dazed man and slamming it into his head, hard. He quickly checked no one else posed a threat and scooped up an unfired bolt as he hurried over to Lester's side. Ditzy swore as he dragged Lester to his feet and growled out, “Move, sir,” as he slung Lester's good arm over his shoulders.

To start with they made good time, but Lester slowed and put more and more weight on Ditzy until the medic was half-supporting, half-carrying the alpha. Although Ditzy tried to pick the smoothest path back to their meagre shelter and the few supplies they still possessed, he didn't let up on speed as he pushed Lester as hard as he could. He knew time was running out if they were going to make it in time for him to have any chance of treating Lester's wound before his heat hit. Ditzy was soon swearing and Lester panting in pain as the occasional tangles of roots and rolling stones underfoot almost tripped them up and served to jar the bolt in Lester's shoulder. Ditzy cursed softly, knowing that his plan to ride out his heat was in tatters, there was no way he could leave Lester on his own and wasn't today just one bloody disaster after another.

Ditzy almost walked right past their ramshackle shelter hidden amidst the trees as he concentrated on keeping Lester on his feet while straining his heightened senses for anyone following them. He'd never been so glad to see the tumbledown mess they currently called home, although he remembered his training and paused while still concealed in the trees. He might need to get Lester somewhere safe to treat him, but he still needed to make sure the cottage was undisturbed. The last thing he could afford now was to walk in on strangers, not when he was about to enter heat and with Lester injured. Finally satisfied that the cottage was safe, Ditzy managed to manoeuvre Lester through the cluttered entrance and into the room they'd cleaned out and claimed as home until the anomaly reopened.

He felt panic rise in his chest as he eased Lester to his knees, his eyes only seeing the red stain growing on Lester's shoulder. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, attempting to centre himself and calm his nerves. He was a bloody medic, for fuck sake. Finally feeling back in control of himself, Ditzy settled down behind Lester and took a better look at the man's back. His hands gentle, Ditzy prodded the area around the bolt, muttering a quick “Sorry” when he jostled the bolt and Lester moaned in pain.

“Just get it out, Lieutenant,” Lester hissed out from between clenched teeth.

“Yes, sir.” Ditzy wiped his knife clean on a scrap of cloth before carefully cutting away Lester's shirt from around the bolt. He glanced at their first aid supplies and sighed.

“Something wrong?”

“No, sir.” Ditzy eyed Lester's shirt, it wasn't going to be repairable and well, he needed bandages. “Just hoping this isn't your favourite shirt.”

“Why?” Lester sighed softly. “You're going to cut it off me, aren't you?”

“We're a bit low on bandages, sir.” Ditzy licked his lips at the thought of undressing Lester and forced his arousal down, now was not the time to fantasise about how good Lester would feel inside him. He carefully eased Lester's shirt free of his trousers before using the knife to slice through the back of it. He paused as he considered his next move, whether to tug the shirt off Lester from the front or... he took a deep breath as a surge of need sparked through him. He needed the distance and slipped his arms beneath Lester's instead, reaching around to undo his shirt buttons. “That's good, sir,” Ditzy murmured as he tugged the shirt free to hang loose and in tatters from Lester's shoulders. He carefully eased the shirt off Lester's arms and had to force himself to concentrate on helping Lester, not on how good the man looked shirtless, even if he was bleeding... oh, yes, the crossbow bolt. Which reminded him. He turned and examined the bolt he'd picked up to check for barbing or any other nasty surprises. He swore as soon as he realised it was barbed. Fuck, this was not good, not good at all, but he couldn't leave it in Lester's shoulder or he'd never be able to stop the bleeding.

“This will hurt, sir.” The bolt was sticky and his fingers slipped a little in the blood coating it. He tore a piece of shirt off and wrapped it around the bolt to allow him to retain a firm grip on it.

Lester nodded. “Do get on with it, lieutenant.”

Ditzy started to nod before he remembered Lester couldn't see him. “Hold still, sir.” Ditzy took a deep breath before holding the bolt as still as he could while he carefully sawed into the shaft until he could easily snap it. He heard Lester's grunt of pain and purred softly in an attempt to comfort the injured man. “Almost done, sir. Just breathe for me.”

Lester nodded again and Ditzy took the time until Lester's breathing started to even out to cut the man's shirt into strips. “OK, sir?”

“I will be once you get this out of my shoulder.” Lester's words were clipped and edged with pain. “As fast as possible, Ditzy.”

“Yes sir. On three.” Ditzy really didn't want to cause Lester any more pain, but he knew he had no choice. He picked up a pad, folded it in two and positioned it against the splintered end of the bolt. “One, two, three.” Ditzy counted out loud before he pushed the bolt through Lester's shoulder, wincing at the sharp cry the action pulled from Lester's throat. He quickly changed his grip, wrapping the shirt fragment around the bloody shaft and gently easing it out of Lester's shoulder, dropping it to the floor as he quickly caught Lester as he slumped forward. “All done, sir.” Ditzy quickly pressed a dressing pad to Lester's shoulder before he grabbed his good arm and made him press the pad down firmly. “Hold that, sir and I'll sort out your back.” Ditzy quickly but professionally cleaned the original injury, before gritting his teeth and concentrating on stopping his hands shaking as he carefully sewed it closed. He pressed a fresh dressing pad against it before securing it with strips of Lester's shirt. He took a deep calming breath before crawling around to deal with the new injury, easing the soiled dressing free before repeating his actions on the wound he'd inflicted. “Come on, sir, let's get you comfortable,” Ditzy said as he coaxed Lester to lay down on the ground.

Ditzy sat back on his heels as the adrenaline rush faded, moaning softly as his nose filled with Lester's scent. He wasn't even aware that he had moved and was pressing his lips against Lester's good shoulder, licking and nuzzling and just revelling in the smell of an alpha. “Smell so good.”

“Lieutenant Owen! Ditzy!” Lester gasped out.

Ditzy heart was pounding in his chest and need was pooling in his gut, but he could hear Lester's voice. He looked up to see Lester's lips, just there for him to kiss and he leaned in, only to find Lester's hand on his chest as the man held him out of reach.

“No, lieutenant. No, Ditzy, you don't want this. You can't want this.”

Ditzy mewed softly as he pulled back, his heart breaking for he knew that he'd been rejected by the one alpha he wanted. He knew he couldn't be in the same room as Lester, not when he entered heat and his pheromones flooded the room, taking control from both of them in the age-old need to mate. He couldn't, he wouldn't force himself on Lester when the man didn't want him. Ditzy let out a pained yowl as he fled from the room, not even really registering Lester's shout for him to stop.

Part 4 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 6.

ditzy/lester, abo, soul bonding, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, dubcon, james lester, ocs, angst, pre-slash, hurt/comfort

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