Primeval fic: The Hand Of Fate (3/12)

Oct 14, 2013 22:30

Title: The Hand Of Fate (3/12)
Fandom: Primeval
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 2346 words in this part out of 24,580 overall.
Characters: James Lester, David 'Ditzy' Owen (OC), Jon Lyle (OC) with Ryan, Jenny and Lorraine and the SFOC boys (Blade, Finn and Kermit) making an appearance, plus Jacks (OC) and other OCs.
Pairings: Lester/Ditzy, Ditzy/Lyle, Blade/Lorraine (implied), Becker/Danny (mentioned)
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Ditzy and the SFOCs belong to Fredbassett, thanks for letting me borrow them. Jacks belongs to me.
A/N: For my trope bingo prompt: free space = au: alternative gender norms aka alpha/beta/omega . Many thanks go to Fififolle for the beta and advice. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, attempted non-con, dub-con, hurt/comfort, knotting, mpreg, pre-slash, slash, soul bonding.
Part 2 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 4

Ditzy moved quickly but carefully through the back alleys, his senses hyper-alert and scanning for any sign of new danger. He started at a noise and cursed, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves and knowing that with every jump he risked attracting attention. Attention he could ill afford when he was being hunted, even less so when he felt the unwelcoming first tendrils of preheat coiling in his belly. He needed to be off the streets, he needed to be somewhere safe before his heat hit. Bloody hell, he should have just told Lester that he'd lost his pills when they'd fallen into the river. Now it was too late as he felt his heat rising and soon, very soon, he knew he'd start Calling, emitting pheromones that would attract those hunting for him as well as every bloody alpha nearby and half the betas too. All to compete for the privilege of mating him... well, in their dreams, maybe.

He paused as he reached the junction between the rubbish strewn alley he was in and the cleaner and obviously more used - and thus dangerous - street he had to cross to reach another, hopefully deserted, alleyway. He hid behind a battered barrel to check the way forward was clear, the stench of rotten fish emanating from the barrel turning his stomach. He ducked further into the shadows as he heard approaching footsteps and cursed himself for his stupidity. Ryan would have his balls for this screw up and not just for losing his tablets.

He should have checked that the warehouse was empty before he'd broken into it and the only reason he could think of for forgetting that basic training was that his coming heat must have already been messing with his higher brain functions. Fuck! No wonder every omega on active duty was required to take suppressants, they would be a bloody liability without them. It was just bloody typical of his luck recently that he'd entered the warehouse to interrupt some dodgy deal and he had only just reacted in time to avoid being shot by a bloody crossbow, of all things. He'd had little choice but to escape and evade when the criminals chased after him, especially when he'd felt the first twinges of preheat deep in his belly. He had little doubt what would happen to him if they caught him and discovered he was about to enter heat. He'd witnessed the aftermath of such rapes in half-a-dozen war zones and it hadn't been pretty. He still clearly remembered the hollow eyes of the victims, omega and others alike.

Ditzy shook his head to scatter those memories and realised that the footsteps were fading. He carefully peered out and, once assessing that the situation was safe - for now - he quickly crossed the street. He was moving cautiously down the new alley when he heard the cry go up, not the half-feared shout of one of his pursuers finding his trail but the far more terrifying one of an alpha scenting an omega in preheat. Fuck! Bloody hell, not a word to use now he was entering heat. He needed to think and ducked down the first opening that presented itself, trying to control the fear roiling in his stomach and knowing he couldn't outrun his pursuers now they had the scent of heat in their nostrils.

Ditzy cursed when he found himself at a dead-end, swallowing hard as his heart pounded in his chest at the realisation that he was trapped. He concentrated on his breathing as he fought to get his panic under control. Damn it, he was a highly trained soldier, not some wet-behind-the-ears kit about to experience his first heat.

He scanned the wall for a way up before turning back down the alley, freezing when he heard the patter of rapidly approaching footsteps. Ditzy glanced around and almost sighed in relief when he saw a door, although his relief was short lived when he jiggled the handle and discovered it was locked. Ditzy pulled out his knife and set about picking the lock, fuck, he wished Blade was here, the bloody psycho alpha had a way with knives and locks. As it was, it was taking him far too long and he felt the sweat run down his back as half his attention was on his surroundings, waiting for the cry of discovery and a heavy hand on his shoulder...

He almost let out his own yell when the door suddenly opened and he staggered inside. As he struggled to regain his balance, Ditzy found himself pulled the rest of the way inside and the door slammed and locked by, from the sound of it, far more locks than most people felt necessary. Ditzy snarled as he swung around with a growl to face this new threat, his knife held ready before he identified his assailant as another omega. An omega who raised his hands in surrender and purred softly as he lowered his head in submission.

“You're in preheat. They won't need to see you soon to track you,” the omega stated before nodding at the door. “And that door won't keep 'em out for long.”

Ditzy nodded, his rapid heartbeat slowing as the threat of danger faded. “I know.” Still alert, his eyes darted around the hallway he found himself in, noting the stairs leading both up and down and several closed doors. His gaze returned to the omega who had helped him and he stuck out a hand. “Name's David.”

The omega shook his head. “No names, better that way.” When Ditzy looked puzzled at him, the omega sighed before explaining, “If they catch you, they'll ask about who helped you. I don't want to get on the wrong side of that clowder.” A curious look crossed his face before he asked, “But what the fuck are you doing out in the open now?”

“Ah.” Ditzy scrubbed at the back of his neck, knowing that the other omega was referring to him being out in preheat. “Caught me by surprise, I thought I had more time and we needed supplies.”

“You and... who? Another omega?”

Ditzy opened his mouth before closing it, if he remembered his history correctly, the anomaly had opened to a time before equal rights and his new found 'friend' wouldn't understand him being accompanied by an alpha who wasn't his alpha. “No, my alpha.” At the omega's shocked look, Ditzy continued, “He's hurt and I... I had to help him.”

“Got it bad,” the omega muttered before adding, “Right. Follow me and I'll get you out of the city and back to your mate.”

“I don't want to put you at any risk. Just point me in the direction of the river and I'll be fine.”

The omega sniffed once more before muttering, “You'll soon stink more than a bloody whorehouse. Come on, I've got a few supplies you can use. Might buy you some time, at least it will break your scent trail. Clean yourself up and we'll talk.”

Years in the forces had removed any embarrassment Ditzy had over his body and he stripped naked before he heard the door shut behind the so far nameless omega. He sighed and grabbed the sponge, dunking it in the water before wringing it out to wash himself thoroughly, attempting to get as much of the smell of preheat from his skin as possible. He grinned as he noticed the soap on a stool and lathered it up, his nose wrinkling at the smell, but it should serve to disguise his scent, at least for the short term, as little could block the scent of an omega in full heat.

Ditzy used the time to go over his choices. One, he could stay here, but Lester would wonder where he was and possibly come looking for him, which wasn't advisable in his condition, besides which, Ditzy doubted that even the thick and multi-locked door would keep out any heat-addled alphas for long. Two, he could make a break for it and hope he escaped the city before he ran across any alphas, which he knew would be bloody unlikely; or three, he could hear what his new found friend suggested and just hope he wasn't going to lead him into a trap with that criminal clowder.

Oh, Ditzy knew he could fight and had a bag full of dirty tricks - army instructors always made sure that omegas knew exactly how to incapacitate any alpha who wouldn't take no for an answer, and it also worked fine on the occasional beta who couldn't, or wouldn't, control themselves - and most of the time it worked. Ditzy also knew they wouldn't work against the group he had disturbed, they were a clowder and that meant they had already worked out their pecking order. They wouldn't waste time deciding who got to fuck and barb him first and that meant he'd have a harder time distracting them and setting them against each other. It that group caught him, he'd be truly fucked... literally as well as figuratively.

He should never have come into the city for supplies, he... Ditzy dragged a deep, calming breath into his lungs. Now was not the time for second thoughts or regrets, they had needed supplies - still needed them, in fact - and he had hoped to be in and out before his suppressants had worn off. What he needed to do was get out unnoticed and get back to Lester in one piece and...Fuck! Ditzy bit back his reaction to Lester and fuck in the same sentence, shaking his head and grabbing a firm hold of his slowly unravelling self control.

It took Ditzy several moments to calm himself enough to think clearly. He knew Lester would know as soon as he smelled him, he'd know Ditzy had lied to him, but what other choice had he had? Lester might be his boss, but the man wasn't military, he was a bloody civil servant who knew how to do the Whitehall two-step but he would have been out of his depth searching for supplies, and he wasn't trained in subterfuge. If he'd entered that warehouse, Ditzy shuddered and bit back a moan at the thought of Lester being discovered and killed, although they'd have probably tortured him first. Ditzy took a deep breath and knew he'd just have to tell Lester the truth, that it had been Ditzy's responsibility to obtain supplies and that he had really believed he would have longer before he went into heat. Not that the truth would save him from one of Lester's long, through and quiet rants as he railed at the medic for putting himself at risk.

Damn, it was one of the few things Ditzy hated about being an omega, the way some alphas - and even betas - thought he needed protection, especially in heat. No, that wasn't fair to Lester. It wasn't prejudice or even biological drive with him, he'd snark at any of his people - alpha, beta or omega - who did something he considered needlessly dangerous. Ditzy's lips twitched when he recalled watching Lester tear into Danny, a cocky beta, and his erstwhile companion in chaos and mate, Captain Becker. Ditzy sighed softly, he knew why they did it and he also knew it wouldn't prove anything to Becker's bastard of a father. He'd overheard the two talking about how Becker was a disappointment because he was a beta, even more so now he was soul bonded to another male beta, and thus would remain kitless. Ditzy sighed again as he considered that maybe the betas had it worse - more-or-less infertile and all but ignored in the omega's struggle for equality.

Except Ditzy knew Lester didn't discriminate against the betas under his command. Hell, Ms Lewis was his second-in-command and even in the civil service, renowned for its political correctness, having a beta - typically considered far less competitive than an alpha or omega - in that position was rare, but Lester had seen she was more than capable and had given her the job. Ditzy knew it hadn't gone down well with a few alphas who had been after the position and he'd had heard the vicious rumours about how Ms Lewis had obtained the position. Unfortunately for those alphas, Lester had heard as well and they had found themselves transferred and with black marks on their records before they could blink.

Yes, Lester was a fair, if hard, man. Ditzy almost whimpered at that thought and shook his head, he really needed to get back to Lester and... he took another deep, calming breath and knew he really didn't have long before his heat hit him full force, without his clowder to back him up. Not that he didn't trust Lester or the man's icy self-control, but... he wasn't clowder. No, he would return to Lester, give him a brief explanation and then find somewhere safe to hole up until his heat was over. Knowing Lester, the man would order Ditzy to stay in the cottage and he'd find somewhere to stay, and, probably in typical alpha fashion, watch over Ditzy to keep him safe. It was a pity that Lester was such a modern alpha, that he'd never try anything with him, no matter how much Ditzy hoped he would.

Ditzy shook his head, he wasn't bloody thinking straight. He shouldn't be standing here, naked and vulnerable, thinking about things he couldn't have when he should be making his way out of the city. He quickly lathered more soap between his legs before washing it off, drying and dressing. He closed his eyes as he relaxed his muscles, listening intently for any danger, before he opened the door and stepped into the corridor. Time to see if he could trust his omega ally or not.

Part 2 - The Hand Of Fate - Part 4

abo, soul bonding, omegaverse!au, the hand of fate series, ditzy (oc), au, trope bingo, fic, oc, pre-slash

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