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Comments 263

[Video] 1/idk rightslove June 15 2011, 07:19:15 UTC


[Video] rightslove June 15 2011, 07:20:42 UTC
[Someone new? They don't sound too good... Guess they could need help. Even if it's just someone on the PokeGear--]


[Video] rightslove June 15 2011, 07:22:06 UTC
Hey, are you--



[Video] rightslove June 15 2011, 07:22:51 UTC



[action] daddydothis June 15 2011, 14:10:42 UTC
[Whoa, okay. Lottie's hurrying over as the boy starts to collapse]

What's wrong, sugah?


[action] 1/2 knight_hart June 15 2011, 14:20:05 UTC
[He let out a loud gasp that's actually more borderline shriek as he heard a voice behind him.]


[action] knight_hart June 15 2011, 14:20:55 UTC
[He hadn't realized that someone else was there to begin with. Now he was embarrassed to be seen in this state. Well, it wasn't like it could be helped, but he'd have a hard time convincing anyone else of that. The voice was enough to discern that it was a girl, and he managed to catch a quick glimpse of her. Definitely someone who shouldn't be- who wouldn't be wasting her time with him. The likeliness that this was a delusion was increasing, even though such girls seemed to be bothering with him lately. Even deeming it imaginary, he averted his eyes immediately.]



[action] daddydothis June 15 2011, 14:22:49 UTC
[Lottie crouches down next to him, seriously concerned now]

Don't worry, I ain't gonna bite.


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] knight_hart June 15 2011, 15:18:25 UTC
[He gasped as he dropped the phone, not expecting any sort of response to come from it. He let it sit on the ground for a moment as he stared back at it. There was someone on the other line...]

U-... Uuh...


[His voice was barely audible, but he wasn't sure how to respond in the slightest. He was terrible at phones to begin with, and speaking to a stranger all of a sudden...]


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] 1/2 knight_hart June 15 2011, 15:30:30 UTC
[He kept staring. The footage on the phone matched the audio; some sort of video call? Were cell phones capable of that nowadays? It was somewhat relieving. Well, it wasn't for the fact that he was awful at face-to-face conversations, but it definitely helped his irrational fear of phone conversations. When it's just sound waves being converted over the line, one could never be certain they were speaking to who they thought they were. He supposed a fake video could be sent in its place and that the same concern could still be valid here, but for now, he was just going to trust that he was speaking to the person pictured on the device.

But how did he get Takumi's number? Oh, of course, it wasn't his phone. If someone had planted this phone in his pocket, it would probably be full of numbers, unlike his personal phone which contained a staggering number of... two. Wait, could this possibly be the one who planted this phone in the first place...!?]


[video] pokemondolly June 15 2011, 19:07:01 UTC
[Midori does NOT like the look of this transmission.]

H-hey... Are you alright?


[video] knight_hart June 15 2011, 19:12:31 UTC
[There had been the slight pause of noise from the device when he finally managed to shut off the sound, but now a completely different voice rang from it. Moreover, it was definitely talking to him rather than at him. He choked out a partial scream as he was startled from it, and he fumbled with the communicator, nearly dropping it. But along with the voice was an image, a video of... a girl. With video like this, she sort of looked CG (of course he preferred traditional 2D animation, but anyway). He stared back; she did sort of look like a character he had seen somewhere before. Maybe he had activated some sort of cell phone game? A dating sim type...!? Should he answer? Or was he supposed to type an reply?]

A-... Ah...


[video] . . . I love your character already. So much. pokemondolly June 15 2011, 19:19:44 UTC
[Midori frowns worriedly.]

Come on, talk to me... What's wrong?


[video] Ahaha thank you! Takumi appreciates it :'D knight_hart June 15 2011, 19:24:05 UTC
[It responded!? No, maybe not. After all, didn't these things have set phrases when you let them idle? At least, he had heard people talking about these sorts of games. It was his first time personally experiencing it.

Heh. After everything that had happened, he still makes first effort to start playing this game. He was always a master of priorities, after all, and it was the closest thing to relief he was finding here.

But, he still wasn't sure. Was it voice-command or typing? Maybe he should try typing...

Although he was definitely inexperienced with texting, and it was clear he wasn't getting anywhere with it.]

Come on! Stupid thing...


[video] dazzlingstages June 16 2011, 06:27:49 UTC
You might want to treat it better, it's really handy when you want to communicate and - [dfskfjkljriewds that wasn't something he was expecting...so obvious question was go!] Ah, h-hey -! Are you okay!?


[video] knight_hart June 16 2011, 13:31:08 UTC

[He was so startled by the sudden voice that he threw the phone to the ground instantly. It may have looked like he'd never seen a cell phone before, but really, he wasn't expecting a conversation to have connected. How did...?

Did it ring? Maybe he accidentally answered it when he was messing around with the buttons. But then- who was on the line? Did they have some sort of connection to the original owner...?

... Was it the original owner?]

Wh-... Who...


[video] dazzlingstages June 17 2011, 22:44:34 UTC
[There's a cheesy smile on his end as he waves into the feed.] Er, like I said, your PokéGear is pretty important! [a chuckle and a pause] You might not be able to get a replacement for it until you reach the next city, so - [...] Huh? Oh! Name's Takuto; the thing kind of works like a phone, if you've ever had those in your world.

(( OOC: Aaaa, sorry about slowness. Done exams, so!! Taku-Taku is go ;w; ))


[video] knight_hart June 18 2011, 05:31:36 UTC
[Was he making fun of him? Of course he knew what a phone was, even if he preferred not to bother with them. Putting that aside, he sort of reminded him of someone he knew back home. It wasn't necessarily a compliment, but it was a matter of how one looked at it, he supposed.

He was straightforward and charismatic, even speaking with a complete stranger, which meant that Takumi was feeling inadequate in comparison already. He didn't deal well with guys like that.

But going back to the topic at hand, this thing wasn't exactly a phone? Well, that sort of detail wasn't important, but he mentioned replacements as well. It didn't sound like he was the one responsible for giving him this device, which was both a relief and a disappointment, but maybe he was knowledgeable enough to give him the answers he needed.]

Th-This wasn't... mine. B-Before I realized, it was in my p-pocket, so...

[He didn't even bother giving his name in return ( ... )


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