Dëlusion;01 ◙ [ Accidental Video / Action for New Bark Town ]

Jun 15, 2011 01:55

[It was too much to take. Takumi had always been a victim of his own grandiose delusions, but this was definitely going too far. An unfamiliar mother in an unfamiliar house in an unfamiliar land. Normally, this would be the part where he snapped out of it.

He pinched his cheek for the third time thus far, but the world around him wasn't shifting back to the reality he expected. So... What, then? Was this someone else's delusion being forced upon him? If that were the case, how could he expect to free himself from it? However, that didn't seem quite right. This felt very real, although he was in the process of learning the fine line between reality and delusion.

Someone. He had to call someone. It wasn't his usual policy to resort to such a method, and it was almost hard to believe he has his cell phone on his person to begin with-

Or rather, it was supposed to be his cell phone. Along with everything else in this messed up world, it seemed as though it had been replaced. There was no doubt it was intentional. Maybe the one responsible even left a message.

He didn't want to hear it, if that was the case, but he had no choice. He was at a severe disadvantage here, and he had no choice but to comply with the unknown enemy's potential scheme. Though it took a good while to muster enough energy to press a single button, he finally managed, only to have the device start spouting off nonsense about... Pokémon...?

And there were pictures, too. Though they weren't anything directly recognizable, he would definitely describe them as creatures from those monster catching games. He never played them, of course. But now that he thought about it, this world did seem reminiscent to that of a video game... And it would be just his luck to be stuck in the world of a children's game, wouldn't it? He would much prefer the world of Bazellad from his favorite MMO, Ensue. Or, hey, if he could make a request, how about an eroge? Maybe if he went to sleep again, he could wake up in such a world the next time-

... But he was getting off-topic, and it wasn't really calming his nerves any. Besides, even he knew that he wouldn't be a good fit for worlds like that.]

[Meanwhile, that annoying voice kept pouring out from the device, and Takumi wanted nothing further to do with it. He kept hitting buttons (he wasn't very adept with cell phones to begin with), and at some point the robotic voice finally ceased. Unfortunately, that must have been when he accidentally activated the video chat feature without realizing it.]

Th-This stupid piece of... What's with it?

[As it seemed to have stopped responding, he grew increasingly irritated with it. He was already in an awful mood. He didn't understand what was going on, and therefore he didn't know how to approach the situation at all. He didn't have a single person to rely on. It was hot, and the heat combined with all of the anxiety that was overcoming him was making him feel sick.]


[And thinking about feeling sick was making him feel sicker. Really, his mental capabilities were a disease that fed upon themselves. But right now, they were building up so much and so quickly that he was easily about to cry.]

What the... hell... Why does this have to happen to me!?

[He crouched down to the ground, grasping the device tightly as he wrapped his arms around his legs and buried his face between his knees. At this point, there was a series of some incomprehensible mumbling, followed by:]

S-Someone, help me...

takumi makes a great first impression, *new bark town, ◙ Nishijou Nanami, so long & no thanks for this stupid fish, ◙ LaBouff、Charlotte, there was no way to not tl;dr this sorry, shogun y u do dis, #video, !ic, #action, ◙ Komaki Midori, ◙ Tsunashi Takuto, ◙ Bakura Ryou, ◙ Ryuuguu Rena

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