I'm reading Artemis Fowl right now (I only read books once in a blue moon, so this is relevant). Anyone ever read this? I love the protagonist, because cold-blooded teenage evil geniuses are characters right after my heart, but otherwise the book is, uh, *adequate*. I'm thinking about picking up the second novel after, to see if it gets any better
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Well, if you read the books, then there won't be lots of OMG NEW INFORMATION there, but if you're waiting for the movies, yeah. You're in for a pretty kickass finale. =)
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Gosh yes, every Harry Potter movie I watch only makes me crave for the next one. Especially the final one, it'll be special. The deaths will be really hard to watch (I was less affected by George's death than I'd expected, though. I dunno. Maybe it was the staccato of sudden death that occurred D:). And LOL, if you'd show someone The Philosopher's Stone and then The Deathy Hallows they'd be like "Bzuh?" So dark, that series has gotten. But I really liked that. As Harry grows up, so do the books.
I'm really looking forward to the epicness of the final movie*-*
You know what? I was kinda disappointed with the last two books when they came out, but revisiting them, I seriously don't know why. Because they're amazing. The scene with Dumbledore and Harry in the cave in book 6, Godric's Hollow in book 7, the sheer EPICNESS of the ending, a lot of other things ... awesome. And haha, nobody plays Crazy Aristocratic Lady quite like Helena Bonham Carter. She's terrific.
But yeah, I love Artemis Fowl. I've only read the first one, unfortunately, but it was SO GOOD, I really want to pick up the rest and read them. It's not super complicated and is kind of light-hearted, which, I liked. I'm sure they probably get more serious and better in future installments, but, I did like the first one.
Yeah, I like that about the series, too ... the plot is so fast-moving and everything is dipped in snarky British humour and it's entertaining, and I love Artemis. I don't know why I'm getting such "this could be better than it is"-vibes from it, maybe I'm being nitpicky. I was never one for fairies and elves so perhaps it's that. I'll probably pick up the other books too, though, I mean it's not like they take long to read. XD
*squishes Renji*
Yeah it took me... 3 days to read the first one, and I only read in like... Very short bursts, so usually it takes me longer than that. I luckily never got a 'BUT WHEN WILL THIS BOOK BE OVER?!' feeling from it like I have other things before... It's just long enough not to overstay its welcome, I guess.
The fairies and elves thing threw me off, too, but because they're all so funny, it was forgiven. XD
It's been longer than three days for me, but I mostly read when I'm on the train unless something REALLY grabs me, which Artemis Fowl didn't. But I still like it a lot. And yes, the characterizations are pretty funny, and they way the underworld society is set up is amusing. I like how the author tries to fuse hard-boiled crime with ~*~fairies~*~.
Obviously, I'm racist against fairies. Great, now I have to rethink my life.
Es ist eines der wenigen Bücher, die ich mehrmals gelesen habe, und da ich sowas wirklich selten tue, hat das schon viel zu sagen. xD
Ich liebe es, dass Artemis so ein kaltherziger Bastard ist, der, wenn nötig, auch über Leichen gehen würde. Es ist mal eine erfrischend andere Art von Held (aber ich stand eh schon immer mehr auf die Antihelden xD).
Ich hab damals den Trubel um das Buch nicht verstanden, weil sich Artemis Fowl ständig den Vergleich mit Harry Potter gefallen lassen musste, mit dem es abgesehen von dem jungen Hauptcharakter und dem übernatürlichen Setting ja einfach mal so gar nichts gemeinsam hat ( ... )
Ich kann verstehen, warum man Harry Potter und Artemis Fowl in eine Nische zusammen schieben will, aber ich stimme dir zu, der Verglich ist extrem oberflächlich. Da kann man auch gleich sagen, HP ist wie Tintenherz und Tintenherz ist wie Narnia, oder so. Bis auf das Genre haben die Sachen nicht wirklich viel gemeinsam ( ... )
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