Social networking sites?

Dec 13, 2011 12:41

So I've been thinking lately (since november) of getting back into the groove of blogging (everyday?), but evidently I haven't been doing so, and let me tell you why;

I have a psychological problem. No, correction, one of my psychological problem is that I require a certain methodology, a certain structure, to doing something before I feel comfortable doing it. I need to have some sort of schedule, some sort of guideline for everything I do.

This is unbelievably ironic because I'm the most undisciplined person I know of, and for the whole of 2011 my life was as impulsive as a wild animal in the jungle (as opposed to a wild animal in the zoo? -_-) and as evidently shown from my erratic content shifts in blogposts as well as their frequency of showing up, I am anything but organized.

Regardless, I still need to at least feel as if there is a certain structure to everything I'm doing. Case in point- I scheduled all the things I had to do step-by-step everyday in my previous job as a writer so precisely until everything fell into place nicely and I had a 'rhythm' to how I spent my time in the office. So much so until the point that by the last 2-3 months of working there, everyday happened like clockwork and I managed to be super productive, handle all my responsibilities perfectly and have zero stress whatsoever ^o^ I quit because I had to focus on my masters ._. two months later - haven't done anything ^O^ but that's a story for another day ofc :3

Back to blogging, there was a certain, loose (very, very loose) structure to my blogposts during this time last year, when I was posting both on LJ and blogspot every weekday. It was awesome. Every day had its certain theme day; there was Meme Monday, which, after two consecutive weeks not being posted on monday, became my own running gag (with myself- so sad, right) that Meme Monday is never to be posted on monday ever, lawl. And a host of other private inside jokes that I don't really feel comfortable letting other people know T_T; *blush blush*

One thing that one or a half person pointed out, though, was "why post on two different blogs?" I actually have no proper answer for it :S Making a blogspot was, to tell you the truth, something I had the impulse to and just did it for the heck of it. And I didn't have a problem maintaining two blogs daily, because I was overflowing with stuff to post up and I really had nothing to do at the time- no internet, no interest, no thing :|

Having two separate blogs also fed into my crazy need for order and compartmentalizing; livejournal was for the more crazy nyanya ^O^ emoticon-filled anime-related posts, because I know only my CF friends (and maybe some other unknown silent stalkers >_>) read my LJ, and get the anime-references and nyanyaness of it all :3 Blogspot, on the other hand, was more journalistic (yeah right) and er, serious minded? Basically all the philosophical bullshit and long-ass blogposts go there, and as far as I knew, only two and a half people read that blog :3 I eventually added a bit of Magic: The Gathering content there as well.

Blogspot, in short, was something I'd show to prospective employers as my website where I posted stuff that didn't make me sound like a 12 year old girl ^o^; While LJ is where the little girl ran loose @o@ nyanya~ <3 ...*cough* v_v I also really liked the idea of myself having split personalities online because it was so fun to roleplay ToT although I didn't adhere to such things very strictly at all.. I'm such a cincai bocai person ne? T___T *smacks self*

So right now, about a year later after the peak of my 'blogging career', I'm thinking of going back to it and actively blogging again. I think its because I'm having tons of psychological stress from responsibilities creeping up on me, or there is a huge void in my life after spending the entire year essentially alone, I don't know, I just feel like blogging again ^o^ haha. But I don't want to do the same thing again, putting myself into the reader's shoes, trying to keep up with two separate websites is annoying at best. And I'm well aware that I'm not worth splitting more attention than is already given to me, what with the myriad menagerie of websites people 'have' to frequent daily; facebook, youtube, blogs, twitter tumblr, whatever else that I don't know about :S

Which brings me to question, what is the best site for me to post stuff up? I like Livejournal's interface, especially the userpics and the LJ-cuts, but it is a site that very little people (comparatively) frequent :( its good that people can comment anonymously, though (look at me, worrying about commenter's options when nobody comments on my posts anyway LAWL) Blogspot, on the other hand, is more.. mainstream? Many people know it and are used to it, and might be more comfortable with it. I'm pretty lazy about customizing my own layout, though, one because I'm a really simple person and two because I'm fucking lazy :P

What I did realize though was that Facebook is definitely by far the most used medium of all. (almost) everybody I know frequents the damn website. Interesting fact; I became known to two more people (specifically) after I started blogging a lot here and blogspot, and they have since become good friends with me :3 well, at least I think they're my good friends ^w^ On the other hand, after I started spamming Facebook (and practically shifted all my attention and started 'blogging' on Facebook), I can roughly say that at least 20 people became (more) aware of my existence and came up to me when we met in real life and talked to me about stuff I posted on Facebook @O@ (along the lines of- are you ok? you seem like you lost some screws judging from the stuff you post on facebook.. I think you need to see a doctor..)

But Facebook sucks balls at being a blog. Status updates get drowned, forgotten and discarded faster than used tissue paper, compared to blogposts who sit and rot like old newspapers. Facebook notes are the only way to post up a 'blogpost', but have very poor integration for putting it pictures and other fancy schmancy blogging stuffs (which I ironically don't use but complain about anyway) and worst of all, I can't post GIFs on Facebook! ToT

[Side note: (and self-reminder) I'd really like to learn and get good at making gifs. They're hilarious and are one of the best mediums to expressing the stuff I want to do TwT]

Speaking of gifs, I was recently exposed to lots of tumblrs with tons and tons of funny gifs ^o^ I love that site and have actually considered getting a tumblr of my own and posting up on there as well ^o^ but my initial read on tumblr was that it was a website specifically for photobombs.. and are posted at almost the same rate as Twitter @_@ so it hardly qualified as a blogging site, until I actually made an account and saw the plethora of other stuff that could be posted on Tumblr, which potentially makes it a great blogging tool for me as well *o* the problem was, the commenting system (hahaha don't kid yourself) on tumblr is almost non-existent.. and I really really want interaction with my readers.. T_T (though the feeling is hardly mutual ha ha ha)

Another recurring theme was, no matter what blogsite I wanted to use, I always always had trouble choosing a proper, er, theme ^^;; This dredged up a serious problem about myself- I don't really have an identity. I don't have a logo, I don't have something people associate me with. Some people have mascots, some people have their favorite color. Me? I'm as vague as I can be. Sure, I have the pseudonym 'kitsune', until you realize that the name is used by thousands of other japanophiles, both guys and girls alike -_- Then there's the konata userpics, which I still find weird myself because 1) I'm not crazy over konata 2) I was never super crazy over aya hirano's voice, and 3) I don't want to be like konata @o@ So yeah, no theme, no identity. Identity crisis ToT halp

So what, then? A few weeks ago, I was almost set on shutting down livejournal and blogspot. I wasn't thinking of deleting livejournal, partially because of the many many years of history I've shoved into it. I even thought of making it into my 'archive' website where people can go back and 'learn more' about me, all the embarrassing things about my youth ;w;. I did think of deleting blogspot, though, maybe porting all of its posts to LJ and putting them all nicely ^o^. And then, opening up a tumblr and using that solely as my blogging outlet. Tumblr seemed great and could integrate nicely with both Facebook and Twitter, which I'm still going to use anyways.

Sounds like a good plan, but after learning more about it, I've since had more apprehension towards Tumblr.. I think what really stumped me was the theme and layout.. plus the fact that I had to go into much trouble to integrate comments.. lazy lazy lazy -w- Alternatively, I could do the same thing but instead shut down either livejournal or blogspot and concentrate on the one I didn't shut down.. but it feels really.. bleh if I do that T_T and I really like the whole "starting a new site" idea because then I can properly organize everything from scratch instead of trying to backtrack and organize all my messy, messy, archives.. *shivers* T_T I don't know I don't know I don't know aaaaaaa

..this, is where I usually give the yao_ming.jpg face and say FUCK IT, I'M GONNA PLAY SKYRIM ^O^

but I can't, because I'm at work now. Lol T_T I wanna decide on something, but I don't know what. I'd ask my readers (or friends on facebook), but who am I kidding, right? XD *laughs to myself pitifully* and anyways, I'd still go with whatever I felt like doing instead of what people told me to do... ._. sorry.

In the end, I realized that it doesn't matter where or how I post, as long as I post good stuff, people would go to any lengths to read it. (which.. explains why nobody reads my stuff.. T_T oh no) Anyways, all the blogsites are great for posting stuff up, and everything has its pros and cons. I just have to find the one which I'm most comfortable with and just go with it ^_^ Leaning towards tumblr right now, will see how it goes :3

Thanks, livejournal, for being my friend who listens to me when I have nobody to talk to and be the wall in which I bounce my own voice when I'm contemplating things by myself, like now. And thank you too, whoever you are, for reading stuff that I posted up @_@ I have so much admiration for whoever that puts up with me.. you rock T_Tb

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