Don't~ they~ know~? Its the eeeend~ of the world~ ;o;

Jan 03, 2012 01:28

Yep, its the end of the world as we know it. 2012 is here! ^o^ Happy new year~

With that, in preparation for the end of the world as we know it, I'm officially shutting down this livejournal~ after almost 8 years *o* gosh has it been that long? I guess it has :3 I'm so old T_T

This wouldn't come as a surprise to any of you who've read my previous post. Even if you didn't, don't worry, you're not expected to have.. its a freaking huge wall of text, after all :P

Anyways, long story short, I'm moving to tumblr ^o^ I'm shutting down blogspot, just like this LJ ;_; That one's getting obliterated for good, with the posts in it either being migrated here or tumblr sooner or later ^^ its not getting deleted, though. Most probably will be used for future shenanigans which require another website ;P

LJ though, ah, LJ~ I'm not going to let you disappear. 8 years of content! Not continuous, thats for sure, I come and go as I please.. but all these years have certainly piled up tons and tons of memories.. LJ is such a nostalgic place for me ;_; This place will be a good place to be known as my 'archive' where all my old internet childhood photos and memories are stored..

..actually, there's just so much shit and mess here that I can't even begin to think about sorting through it and organizing it so I just decided to make it a museum+safari ^o^ *shot*

Won't really be updating here any more for the time being :3 do check my tumblr for more updates ^^ and I'll always be on facebook, even if I'm slacking off on my blogging duties. Any unfinished business from here or blogspot will most likely be discarded to the sands of time, or continued on tumblr ^^

Thats it for now :3 hope things will work out nicely~ Seeya~
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