[fanfiction] Underskirts

Oct 12, 2009 11:50

Midterms suck. Another two-day fic because it's just that awesome.

Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical; Ryan/Chad
Rating: R, because Eggo wanted guys in ballgowns being sucked off.
Pre-Notes: Because I'm getting Milo/Myde for this shit. Also of note is that this exists in a princes/princesses AU I have not finished yet. :] For my supernova girl, 1st_eggokage.
Disclaimer: I have these cute HSM sunglasses, but I still don't own it.
Summary: Ryan was beginning to think Chad was far more devious than he previously believed.

“Can you be quiet?”

It was Chad's idea. Thinking back on that point, it dawns on Ryan that he should have never agreed because Chad's ideas generally ended in trouble and unnecessarily complicated situations. They always started out simple, but . . . Generally they degraded badly.

The current situation had started out with such a simple request. Chad wanted Ryan to wear a gown to the next ball. Something about it being just like when they met and it being romantic? Ryan wasn't particularly paying attention, but since hoopskirts were in fashion and Ryan was always in fashion whether or not he was dressing for the appropriate gender, Ryan's gown was a pale blue dress with skirt that could fit Chad under it. The fact that the dress was blue was fairly common knowledge. The fact that his skirt could fit Chad under it was not and Ryan sincerely hoped it never became so.

Just like he sincerely hoped that Sharpay would go the hell away soon so he could excuse himself and kick Chad. Hard.

Honestly, what had made Chad such a pervert? Ryan didn't. If Chad was a pervert, Ryan firmly believed he was a pervert before they started their engagement. Just like he firmly believed that if Taylor hadn't been such a prude, Chad would have crawled under her skirt and sucked her off too. Luckily, Taylor was a prude and Chad had probably never even had sex with Taylor. She seemed very traditional like that.

“Do you hear me Ryan? Do you?”
Ryan nodded vaguely and tried not to bite his lip, “Yes, Shar. I completely agree that we should do the second musical.”

Sharpay looked at him like he'd lost his mind. Ryan didn't particularly care because Chad was running his tongue over the tip of his member and he covered his eyes with his hand and stumbled a little. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Almost immediately, Ryan felt Chad's hands on the curve of his ass to steady him. Sharpay looked almost concerned. Almost. Mostly, she just looked annoyed.

“Ryan!” she snapped, “Are you okay? Because if you are not, then we are going to have a terrible time trying to plan this year's musicale.”
“I'm,” Ryan inhaled sharply as Chad hummed softly, “fine, Shar.”
Sharpay narrowed her eyes, taking stock of his condition, “If you say so, Ryan. I will say that if you pass out like a girl, I am never going to let you live it down.”
“Of course, Shar. Of course.”

It was getting increasingly difficult to concentrate while Sharpay nattered on about the new musical they were going to be putting on. Ryan tried-he honestly and truly did-but it was supremely difficult to concentrate on anything when Chad was placing fluttering kisses along the crease between his leg and pelvis and making his knees go weak. Luckily, Chad was strong enough to keep him standing. Ryan thanked every deity he could remember from school that Chad was buff and athletic.

Not that Ryan himself wasn't, but-Ryan covered up a moan with a cough. Sharpay narrowed her eyes further.

“Ryan,” she said steadily, “you had better not have caught that awful plague that is going around.”

Ryan shook his head and tried not to cough again. He hoped Sharpay would get fed up soon and leave. He really hoped she would. On one level was a sense of excitement, on another it was very difficult to keep covering up the noises he wanted to make. Ryan had always been loud in bed and before this whole situation started, Chad had smirked deviously and leaned in close to whisper in Ryan: “Can you be quiet?”

He had said yes, of course. Ryan never backed down from challenges-although this challenge was one that was proving to be difficult to win. And Ryan hated losing. A lot. Possibly as much as he hated Chad just then-but usually he didn't hate Chad at all so then again, maybe not. It was really quite hard to think straight when there was someone in your skirts sucking you off. Sharpay was saying something and Ryan was trying listen-really trying-but then Chad decided to take him in and Ryan shuddered involuntarily.

“Are you okay, Ryan?”
“Fine! Really, Shar, continue.”

Sharpay looked at him for one long moment and shook her head.

“You look like you need a glass of water.”
“You know, Shar? Water would be great. Could you get me a glass?”

Sharpay gave him another long look. Something told Ryan that she was debating being a nice sister and being a lazy sister. He hoped that she was a nice sister for once. He hoped with every bit of his brain not currently occupied with trying not to collapse. There probably wasn't that much hope for the situation, though. Ryan had probably used up all his luck earlier not falling down. But he still hoped. There was always hope, because if he hadn't dared to hope then he would be in his current predicament at all. Chad would have never looked his way. Ever.

Ryan takes a deep breath-smooth and effortless from years of practice-that his yoga teacher would be proud of. It's something he only does when he's trying to get himself back under control and Sharpay knows this. Something clicks in her head and she puts her hand on Ryan's cheek for a moment.

“I'll go get you a glass of water.”

Internally, Ryan throws a party as Sharpay leaves the room. As soon as she's gone, Chad speeds up and Ryan's knees becomes rubber. Luckily, Chad is strong enough to hold him up. Chad manages to hold him up and-somehow, Ryan doesn't really question where he learned to do this-manage to swallow his release. They stay like that for a moment, Ryan being propped up by Chad, before Ryan feels steady enough that Chad can emerge from under his skirt and set Ryan down on the loveseat. They are sitting together on the couch, Chad seemingly checking Ryan's temperature, when Sharpay comes back in.

She hands Ryan the glass of water and waits impatiently for him to finish it. Chad presses a kiss to Ryan's cheek and she makes a noise of disgust.

“Really, you two! Get a room.”

Ryan glances at Chad and smirks. Chad just smiles and kisses Ryan.
Postit-Notes: One of these days I will learn to write porn that isn't kind of hilarious or totally messed up. Honest.

pairing: chad/ryan, !fic, fandom: high school musical

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