[fanfiction] except for a few small bruises, cuts, and scars

Apr 26, 2011 20:25

365 Gay Sharks
Day 103, Word Count: 550
Theme: April; Double Rainbow
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: Merlin; Merlin/Arthur.
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: I guess this is for organizedcure, because it feels weird to write Merlin fic and NOT have it be for her?
Disclaimer: I don't want to own Merlin.
Summary: He just bruises easily, sometimes bruises over bruises until his entire skin just feels tender and sore.

except for a few small bruises, cuts, and scars

Sometimes Arthur will come back from practice with bruises just beginning to yellow, and Merlin will help ease him out of his armor, trying to be careful not to cause him pain. Merlin's never one-hundred perfect successful, which even Arthur knows is actually no fault of Merlin's. He just bruises easily, sometimes bruises over bruises until his entire skin just feels tender and sore.

It's kind like those that Merlin will carefully lift Arthur's shirt over his head, and grab the bowl of slave that Gaius prepares for Arthur to ease the pain from the bruises. Merlin will apply it, trying to to press too hard while still trying to rub the salve in deep enough. If the bruises are very layered, Merlin will apply a poultice, bandaging it into place and then rises to do the rest of his chores. Arthur will always murmur thank you, and Merlin will smile and say that it wasn't any problem at all, he's just doing his duty.

Merlin pretends not to notice the way Arthur's eyes sometimes go dark when Merlin is applying the salve. Tries not to notice the quick intake of breath when he presses just a little too hard. He tries, but it's hard not to when Merlin his wants to press his fingers into the bruises until Arthur's crying out in something between pain and pleasure. Wants to press kisses to them, maybe scrape his teeth over them. Arthur's bruises are fascinating, the yellowing pattern over most of his chest, and Merlin want to know every inch of it.

"Merlin," Arthur says once, low, and Merlin's almost certain he's misheard.
"Yes, Arthur?"
"You don't have to be so gentle, you know."

The statement is nothing but a challenge. Raising an eyebrow, Merlin moves onto the next bruise, pressing a little harder than he should, and Arthur lets out a noise somewhere between a groan and a hiss of pain. When Merlin's done applying salve to the area, he kisses it gently and repeats the process.

By the time that all of the bruises are covered, Arthur is hard and wanting. Merlin's not sure if it's crossing a line to do so, but he shifts and settles himself between Arthur's legs. His knees are shooting pain from kneeling on the cold, stone floor but it'll be fine.

Looking up at Arthur, Merlin's hand hovers at the stay of his breeches. Arthur nods, almost imperceptibly, and Merlin quickly undoes it pulling Arthur's pants away to free his cock. There isn't a whole lot of elegance to it, just Merlin sucking Arthur off messy and wet, but Merlin's gripping Arthur's hip tightly, knuckles going white. It's not that he doesn't trust Arthur not to thrust forward, doesn't trust Arthur to maintain perfect control. It's just that Arthur's covered in so many bruises and Merlin just wants to make some of his own.

He wants Arthur to have a way to remember this for days, wants Arthur to press his fingertips to the mark almost subconsciously.

Arthur comes, bitterness filling Merlin's mouth and Merlin swallows it, probably making a face. He rises, knees creaking in absolute protest, and Arthur's got a questioning look in his eyes. Merlin shakes his head no, just a little embarrassed.

"No need," he says quietly, "but thanks."

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comments. :D

* kink bingo, !fic, # salsa, fandom: merlin, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, pairing: arthur/merlin, # salt

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