[fanfiction] how he smiles in the light

Apr 27, 2011 21:16

365 Gay Sharks
Day 104, Word Count: 501
Theme: April; Double Rainbow
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: #y_slash; Ben/Teoh
Rating: PG-13
Pre-Notes: For spibsy and glitter_hippie because they asked and I have delivered.
Disclaimer: Hi Teoh, please go away Teoh.
Summary: They're in Teoh's bathroom, Teoh leaning against the counter with Ben standing in front of him.

how he smiles in the light

They're in Teoh's bathroom, Teoh leaning against the counter with Ben standing in front of him. Ben's got the razor in his hands and is carefully shaving away Teoh's stubble. It looked kind of godawful on Teoh, because some people just can't pull off facial hair, and Ben had told him that he should shave. Teoh had rolled his eyes and said he was too lazy, so Ben offered to do it himself. Now they're in Teoh's bathroom, and Ben's turning Teoh's head and trying to shave a slightly awkward bit, when Teoh shifts against the counter.

Teoh hisses in pain, "Fuck."
"I wouldn't cut you if you stopped fucking squirming."

Ben laces their fingers together, squeezing gently before letting go and turning Teoh's head a little so he has better access. He scrapes the razor along Teoh's skin carefully, trying to not nick him again. Teoh is unnaturally stil for someone who always seems for be moving. It's kind oh hot, if Ben's being honest with himself, but he doesn't have a whole lot of energy to spare on thinking about it. If he gets too distracted, he'll probably nick Teoh again, and this time it'll probably bleed and Teoh will complain and they'll never finish this, which would be a shame.

Washing the razor off, Ben takes a moment to survey his work. It's a decent shave, but that's not really the odd thing here. The odd thing is how much Ben is enjoying this, because it's a fucking shave.

There's no point in dwelling on that, though. He turns Teoh's head again, can feel the way Teoh swallows before Ben touches the razor against his skin, notes how Teoh's eyes flutter shut, and fuck. This is not something Ben tought he would be enjoying as much as he does. He likes the way that Teoh turns his head easily under his touch, though, likes the sense of vulnerability that comes off in this. Ben has all the power here. Teoh is at Ben's mercy, trusts Ben not to fuck this up, and isn't that strange?

Isn't it strange how something you do every day can be so fucking sexy when you do it to someone else? He thinks he's beginning to see why people let someone else shave them, beginning to find Sweeney Todd a little less laughable. There's a final bit of beard, and Ben shaves it away. He washes the razor once more before looking over Teoh for any sort of stubble that he'll have to catch. There's none that he can see, and so Ben takes a moment to just look over Teoh. Teoh is still like a stone statue, and Ben presses a kiss to his jaw.

"You look good."

Teoh relaxes just a little at that, taking the razor and setting it on the counter before twining his arms around Ben's neck and pulling him in for a kiss. When they pull away, Teoh's smiling.

"Thank you."
"No problem," Ben says, "any time."

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comments. :D

* kink bingo, fandom: #y_slash, pairing: ben/teoh, # bbq sauce, !fic, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, # salt

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