[fanfiction] we all have our scars

Apr 26, 2011 19:08

365 Gay Sharks
Day 102, Word Count: 501
Theme: April; Double Rainbow
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: BBC!Sherlock; Sherlock/John
Rating: PG-13
Pre-Notes: Look, I don't actually know. Technically, there is sex but it literally describes nothing. At all.
Disclaimer: Oh god no, I'm not that brilliant.
Summary: Sherlock is mildly fascinated by the scars on John's body.

we all have our scars

Sherlock is mildly fascinated by the scars on John's body. It's not really a sexual fascination, just a regular Sherlock fascination. John's scars fascinate Sherlock in the same way that the effects of drugs do. Sometimes, when they're just sitting together on the couch, both tired and resting for a moment, Sherlock will take John's hand and run his fingers over the scars there, listing when and why John got them in his head.

He doesn't have as many opportunities to touch and study the other ones, the ones on John's torso, but scar tissue is just. Sherlock isn't quite sure if he can describe how odd it is to him that the human body should want to live so much that it will heal itself over, even if it isn't perfect, and let you continue on living. That's brilliant, odd and a little bit terrifying because Sherlock isn't sure he wants to live that much.

His body compared to John's is something else that's fascinating, because Sherlock is almost void of marks. There's a couple stray ones from the needles when he wasn't being careful or was too high to care about being comfortable, but otherwise he is virtually flawless.

Even the marks that Sherlock does have are light, not really visible unless one is looking for them.

John never stops Sherlock from looking, never pulls his hands away when Sherlock is running his fingers over them. It really shouldn't surprise Sherlock, then, when they finally have sex. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's mostly that he doesn't understand why he should want to have it. It isn't particularly important, isn't something that Sherlock ever actively seeks out.

Even when they're having it, Sherlock's fingers are running over the scars on John's torso and he's endlessly fascinated by them. He starts exploring them with his tongue, trying to see if, perhaps, the scars will taste any different than the rest of John. They don't, so far as Sherlock can tell, which he thinks is good. He wouldn't want there to be different tastes to John, because that would make things confusing and it would be like the scars aren't a part of John when they so clearly are.

The scars are something that make John who he is, in the same way that Sherlock's genius shapes him. The scars tell the story of what John's done and where John's been, and they're the most fascinating story that Sherlock has ever seen. He wants to know every line and every word of the story spelling out across John's skin. He wants to keep it in his heart forever and never let it go, because it's a beautiful story.

Sherlock's never understood people who think scars are ugly, because to him the symbolize humanity. They symbolize the will to live and fight so that the wold is a better place. They symbolize all of the things that Sherlock quite likes about John.

And that's the most beautiful thing Sherlock knows.

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comments. :D

* kink bingo, pairing: john/sherlock, # bbq sauce, !fic, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, fandom: sherlock (bbc), # salt

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