Fic: Playing Pretend [6/?] (Kirk/McCoy, NC17)

Oct 05, 2009 20:48

Title: Playing Pretend [6/?]
Authors: andrealyn and inell
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: Adult/NC17
Summary: When a visiting diplomat asks Bones out on a date, a little white lie starts a chain of events that changes his relationship with Jim
Word Count: 4975
Beta: florahart
A/N: This is our first co-write, and it's loosely inspired by several prompts from the Kink Meme. This is complete and will be posted as we edit each part! Thank you all so much for the comments!

McCoy leaned over to start packing the things up, not wanting to smell beer or cobbler for hours yet and as his hair fell over his forehead, he had to wonder what would have happened if he'd panicked and Jim hadn't been around. His anchor. His tether. The nausea seemed to get slightly worse at that, the panic swelling and McCoy's breaths turned shaky for a moment more. Three years in space and he still couldn't control this. It was a damn good thing he could fake it well enough for Starfleet.

Damn it. Bones still looked shaky and was barely even able to talk without making faces. Jim had been pleasantly surprised when he made the observation deck the location of their first date, but he should have thought ahead enough to suggest somewhere else. He knew about Bones' issues with space, but he'd been too wrapped up in pretending that he'd forgotten one of the most important things in their entire friendship. He nodded and dropped his hand from Bones' face. "Yeah, we'll take this to your room so you can relax."

"I'll take care of this stuff. You can go wait outside, if you need to," Jim said, noticing that Bones was starting to look worse. He put the dish of cobbler away and cleaned up the area before he folded the blanket. After he had gathered everything, they were ready to go. He walked beside Bones to the turbolift, glad that they didn't have to wait long. "If you feel like you're going to throw up, just let it happen. It isn't anything we can't clean up. We'll be in your room soon, though."

McCoy knew that his room meant Arlington was nearby, but he was at the point that he didn't give a damn. This was one of his genuine issues and the ruse could take a side-seat for a little because Jim tended to always take care of him when he got like this, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He didn't stumble out of the turbolift and took that as a positive, one arm slung around Jim's waist to use him in order to help being carried, nearly bolting inside once he got the combination unlocked.

And as much as he didn't want to, the next place he bolted was the bathroom.

Years ago, he had told Jim 'I might throw up on you'. At least this time he managed to be in another room completely, knees on the floor, small specks of blood appearing around his eyes, burst blood vessels that always tended to happen in this case. It wasn't anything that a cold towel and running water couldn't fix and twenty minutes took care of the disturbed feeling in his stomach enough that when he came out of the bathroom, he felt vaguely like a human being and more than vaguely like himself again. "Sorry about all that," he admitted, averting his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at Jim.

By the time they reached Bones' quarters, Jim could tell that Bones was worse than usual. It wasn't too surprising when he went straight to the bathroom, but Jim had hoped that it might pass. He put down the picnic stuff as he listened to Bones throwing up, feeling frustrated that he couldn't do anything to help. Bones wouldn't want him in there helping, he knew that from experience after making the mistake of following him once, so he had to just keep busy until Bones came back out.

"No apologies needed," he said, walking over to Bones. He gripped his chin and made Bones look at him. "Any better now?" He didn't give Bones a chance to reply before he kissed him lightly. There was no one around to pretend for, no reason to justify this, but he wanted to kiss him, so he did.

McCoy stumbled backwards and winced, shooting Jim a dubious look. "Not that you aren't good at kissing, Jim, but my mouth's not a pretty place right now." Still, there was more than something to be said about the fact that Jim was, right there, accepting him warts and all, in his worst possible moments. It was little things like this that said to McCoy that he could happily spend an entire lifetime around Jim because of things like that. "But yeah, I feel like myself," he admitted as he patted down his cheeks with the fresh damp towel and started digging out clothes for bed, mindful of the wall that separated them from Arlington.

"Like you haven't rinsed and brushed your teeth. Twice," Jim muttered. Touching without an audience was okay, but it seemed that kissing wasn't. He was trying to learn the new boundaries, even if they were just temporary, because he didn't want anything to ruin their friendship, not even this little glimpse of how things could be if things were different. He watched Bones wiping off his face and getting his sleeping clothes out. "You left your pajamas in my room this morning. I can go get them for you, unless you have something else to wear."

McCoy held up one of his shirts from college and tossed another threadbare one to Jim, doing the same with a pair of plaid pants. "Not exactly regulation, but the Captain can bite me," he said with a smirk on his face, stripping his shirt off and turning his back on Jim to slide into the loose t-shirt, doing the same with his trousers and the pajama pants. It was comfort-wear as much as it was something he felt as if it protected him and stupid as it was, he liked having it. "No kissing after I vomit and not in the morning," he said as an after-thought, ready to lay down some ground rules. "No matter how much I brush or clean, my brain still thinks it's disgusting. It's a psychological thing, I'm well-aware, but there it is."

"I can bite you?" Jim smiled and looked at Bones' shoulder. "I did, actually." He couldn't help but feel smug when he thought about it. Bones turned away from him to change, which made Jim roll his eyes. They were pretending to be in a relationship, and he'd even seen Bones naked a few times during the past six years, but he couldn't find fault with Bones being modest. It was actually kinda cute.

"I like kissing in the morning," Jim said. "Or, at least, I think I would. Never spent the entire night with anyone to test that theory, but I think waking up and kissing and having lazy morning sex sounds really nice." He shrugged, not that Bones could see it when looking away from him. "But all right. No morning kissing. I, however, have no rules when it comes to kissing."

"Morning kissing is fine so long as there's been mouthwash in the picture," McCoy said, finding that if he had to negotiate his way through this, he could, but he wasn't about to just give in without a moment's thought. "Lazy morning sex is not as great as it sounds. Some people are still only half-awake and tend to fall back asleep and no, I'm not telling you if that was me or Jocelyn in this scenario."

Jim shifted his weight from one foot to another. "So, uh, I guess this," he said, gripping the clothes that Bones tossed at him, "means that you want me to sleep over? You do realize that I usually sleep in my underwear or just naked, yeah?"

McCoy gestured haplessly to the room around him and offered a light shrug. "Arlington's next door, Jim. The walls aren't that thick," he pointed out, tugging the buttons closed on his pants as he made his way to the bed and started to pull up the sheets so that he wouldn't find himself trapped within them. "Just keep to your side of the bed and things'll be just fine."

"Well, we'll just have to make sure that we keep mouthwash beside the bed then," Jim decided. He unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, looking down to pat his belly. "I really don't know why you're so concerned about me eating sweets. I'm in great shape." He made a face as he looked up, remembering what Bones had just mentioned. "And I'd rather not hear about your past sex with the Ex. I've always tried to be a gentleman when it comes to my sexual past and not share too much, so it'd be good not to have hear about how you and she had sex. Or didn't, since you don't sound like it was all that fun. I bet it would be, though." If he spent an entire night with a lover, he'd definitely try it some time. He stopped that line of thought before it could drift into fantasy territory centered on the man undressing in front of him.

"Right," McCoy said, trying not to figure out why Jim didn't want to hear about Jocelyn. It wasn't as if he still harbored feelings for her and they were just anecdotal stories about their past together. "Mouthwash beside the bed for the next few days and no more stories about Joce and I and our near-sexless marriage by the end of it." It wasn't like he cared about Jim's conquests. Sure, he felt jealous about them, but he knew they happened.

"And, yeah, you’re right. We can’t forget Arlington." Jim unfastened his pants and shoved them down, kicking them away before he walked to the bed. He’d been in a hurry after showering, so he grabbed the novelty boxers, not thinking that anyone would actually see him wearing them. Now, he wishes he’d taken the time to find a different pair because there’s a good chance that Bones’ll make fun of him for this if he notices. He focuses on Arlington and their current sleeping situation. "Have to keep up appearances and all that shit, don't we?" He sat down and put his hand on the wall, trying to figure out if it was the one that bordered Arlington's room or not. It wasn't, he didn't think, which made him feel a little better for some weird reason. "I'll stay on my side of the bed," he said, lying down and realizing that Bones' bed was a lot smaller than his own. "Get some sleep and you'll feel better in the morning."

McCoy was still standing at the foot of the bed and staring warily at Jim, gesturing to him. "I don't know if I can sleep with you wearing those things," he admitted frankly. "I'm already stuck between laughing my ass off and thinking they're an abomination unto humankind." Honestly, he was going to have to have a conversation with Jim's family if this was the kind of gift that they thought would be perfect for him. Still, he flipped the covers up and slid into bed, taking the pillow he liked the best and turning away from Jim so he didn't have to look at the damned boxers.

"If you laugh at me, you'll hurt my feelings," Jim said, throwing out a pout just because. After Bones was lying down, Jim reached under the covers and wiggled, pushing the boxers down. He raised his hips and eventually got them off. "All right. They're off now, so they won't offend you or anything."

Jim planned to get the pair of pants that Bones had given him and put those on, but, first, he decided to enjoy being naked beside Bones for a moment. Also, Bones felt too bad to get that angry with him for stripping off his boxers, so that was an added bonus. "Your sheets are real soft." He moved his leg a little, stopping when he felt the fabric of Bones' pants against his skin. "Do you want me to make some loud sex noises in case Arlington is listening? You can go to sleep, if you want, and I'll put on a good performance for him."

McCoy watched Jim out of the corner of his eye as he stripped off the boxers, really paying attention when Jim just lay there and suddenly was close enough that it would take one changed angle and they could rock together and create friction. He wasn't exactly feeling up to that task, but the thought was a good one, one that brought warmth to his whole body. "How about we work together on that?" McCoy offered, because hell, after the panic attack he had, a little fun wouldn't go amiss. He cleared his throat, trying to figure out the pitch he needed to set this at.

"Really?" Jim's smile became mischievous at Bones' suggestion. "I don't know, Bones. Do you think you remember how to make sex noises?"

"Jim," McCoy hissed, louder than before, reaching back with one hand to grip the headboard, thrusting his hips up as if to get into the right mood. "Fuck, Jim!" Loud enough to carry, that was for sure.

Jim’s amusement became something else when Bones suddenly hissed his name in a way that couldn't be described as anything but sexy. Then Bones started moving, and Jim felt his cock begin to stir as he watched and listened. Well, if Bones wanted to play, Jim didn't intend to just lie there and let him win. "God, Bones. You feel so good," he said, loud enough to possibly be heard but not loud enough to be suspicious. He didn't think the walls were that thin, but he didn't know for sure since he hadn't actually had sex on the Enterprise yet. And now his first time was going to be pretend, just like the kiss and the date.

"I want to suck your cock," Jim told Bones, keeping his focus on the ceiling as he moved his hand lightly across his chest, brushing his thumb across his nipple. "Can I suck your cock, baby?"

McCoy shook his head in disbelief at the fact that they were actually doing things this way. He slowly pushed himself into a sitting position and chanced a long look at Jim, licking his lips and biting down on his lower lip as he let loose a moan, closing his eyes to try and get it normal. "Yeah," he agreed hoarsely, getting up and gesturing at Jim to 'keep it going' with a roll of his hand, heading into the bathroom and grasping the bottle of mouthwash, rinsing with it in his mouth, taking a very long time with it, long enough so that he could feel clean.

Jim wasn't expecting Bones to sit up. He watched him, moving his hand slowly over his chest when Bones licked his lips. His cock twitched happily when Bones moaned, and Jim couldn't look away even when he got up and went to the bathroom. "I love your cock," he said, continuing the ruse as he closed his eyes and tried to recall one of those past times he'd seen Bones naked. It was difficult because it wasn't like he'd stared or even paid much attention. "I love how hard you get even before I touch you. Do you see how hard you are?" He moved his hand lower, lightly stroking his belly and brushing his fingers through the curls of hair that led lower. "Do you see how hard you make me, Bones? I'm going to make you beg me."

McCoy finished spitting out the mouthwash and returned to the room, kneeling on the bed and leaning forward so that the angle made it difficult for Jim to see the fact that McCoy had something close to a pressing and urgent need to have his erection taken care of. "Fuck, I love those lips of yours, Jim," he said, facing Jim at that moment and not taking his eyes off of him. Call it a staring contest, but he was going to win it. "Fucking cock-sucker lips and they never look better than when you're going down on me," he said, a smirk on his lips, arching a brow as he tried to figure out where Jim's other hand was. "Jim, please," he begged, swallowing when he didn't think that one was entirely made up, didn't think that he was begging just for show. "Please, Jim, do it."

When Bones started talking and sounded so close, Jim opened his eyes and stared. "Is that what you think about whenever I catch you staring at my mouth?" he asked, not speaking loud enough to be heard through the wall but no longer really caring. He didn't look away as he slowly licked his lips. "I don't know how many times I've thought about your lips wrapped around my cock. I love watching that." He remembered the game before he revealed too much, said too much that wasn't pretend at all. "Please what, Bones?" he teased. "I want to hear you say it. What do you want me to do to you?"

McCoy crawled just slightly closer until he was all but leaning over Jim, convincing himself that this was the way that the acoustics would travel the best if they were going to do this. "Please, Jim, I want you to suck my cock," he said, shifting because right then and there at that moment, he wanted nothing more. "Jim," he exhaled, too soft for it to be anything but between them as McCoy pressed his fingers lightly on his cheeks and moved them down to his lips, pressing three of them just lightly on Jim's lower lip as a sign of exactly what he would be sucking.

"All you had to do was ask," Jim said, watching Bones shift and stare at him. "Bones." He felt fingers move over his face before they pressed against his mouth. He groaned when he realized what Bones wanted. "Dirty boy," he murmured before he licked the fingers. He kept his gaze on Bones' face as he moved his tongue, licking and curling it around Bones' fingers in teasing swipes before he sucked. It made him gag. He pulled back and coughed. "Not used to this." He hated the muttered admission but it didn't stop him from trying again. This time, he didn't try to take the fingers all at once. Instead, he sucked the tips and slowly took more into his mouth, moaning and making noises when he remembered the reason they were doing this.

There was absolutely no hiding the fact that McCoy was hard, now. He had been since Jim had started talking about his cock, but now it was a painful process and Jim sucking on his fingers was the absolute last thing in the world that was helpful. And it was also very, very interesting to see that Jim couldn't exactly take his fingers fully in. It wasn't as though McCoy had to make a note about that for later, but it felt like one of those things that was good to know. "That's it, Jim," he cried out, remembering that he could talk, he could moan, he could do anything he wanted. "Fuck, Jim, goddamn it," he drawled, tossing his head back to the ceiling. "Yes," he hissed out, closing his eyes and focusing on this. "That's it, Jim, love it, I love you."

He hadn't meant to say it, but it wasn't as if he didn't mean it, and so instead of whispering apology, he opened his eyes and just stared at Jim for a very long moment.

While Jim licked and sucked Bones' fingers, he moved his hand lower, gripping his cock because he seriously might die if he didn't touch. He was so hard, and all they were doing was faking it. Damn it. He watched Bones and listened, wondering if he was always so vocal or if this was just part of the performance. He hummed softly, moving his thumb along the underside of his erection as Bones cried out his name, drawling and cursing enough that Jim didn't even care if it was fake because it was sexy as hell. Then Bones went too far. Jim tensed slightly when he heard the way I love you rolled off Bones' tongue. He'd heard it before during sex, never really paid it much attention, but it fucking hurt that Bones said something like that when he didn't mean it. Anyone else could and it wouldn't matter, but Bones wasn't anyone else. Jim recovered quickly, because he had to before Bones noticed that anything was wrong. This was already messed up enough without him making it weirder by not being able to handle something like this.

Bones opened his eyes and looked at him. Jim flicked his tongue and licked slowly as he drew his head back. "I want to watch you come for me," he said, moving his cheek against Bones' wet fingers. His jaw was starting to get sore, so he nuzzled a little before he went back to licking lightly. "Love it when you come in my mouth, hot on my tongue." He couldn't repeat what Bones had said, not faking it like this. When he finally said those words to someone, it'd be real, and, while he could say them and mean them now, he didn't know if it was that kind of love or not. So it was better to focus on the sex part of this and ignore the words that made Bones sound like so many faceless others. This was Bones, though. He probably even meant it, in a platonic friends sort of way. "Love looking at you." He took his fingers back into his mouth and started to suck again.

McCoy slid the fingers away from Jim's mouth and shifted until he could replace them with his lips. If they were talking, then they were past the point of Jim sucking on him, and McCoy had to do something to distract Jim away from the fact that he was hard. Kissing him, cupping his neck desperately, trying to lose himself in the kiss was good because he could keep his hips far enough away and the moaning was natural at this point. "Fuck, Jim," he gasped, voice ragged as he drew away long enough to get in a breath.

"You're so gorgeous," McCoy mumbled, head dizzy with the reality of what they were doing. "Fuck, Jim, I have to...I can't..." He dragged his hand slowly from Jim's knee up his body, friction through the blanket and allowing him to feel that Jim was hard too, something that shot white sparks through his mind, made him unable to think. "Fuck," he got out, blinking at Jim, shock on his face. They were pretending to have sex, of course Jim was getting himself going, it'd be crazy to think that he wouldn't. "Jim, I can't hold on, I have to..."

When Bones moved his hand and gave him a look he was starting to recognize, Jim leaned forward to meet him halfway. The kiss was just what he needed, not that it helped with his arousal. It just made that worse. He deepened the kiss, tangling his fingers in Bones' hair as he pulled him closer. Bones moaned, which sent little shockwaves throughout his body straight to his cock. He didn't want to let go when Bones pulled back, but he reluctantly did.

"Can't what?" Jim’s voice was low and husky as he looked at Bones. Bones moved his hand over Jim's body, then looked surprised at finding the evidence of how hard Jim was. Jim kept looking at him as he reached over to grip Bones' cock--his very hard cock. Jim wasn't shocked, though, because this was just too hot not to have some kind of reaction. Especially when kissing was so damn good that their reactions to it couldn't possibly be faked. Jim moved, using Bones' surprise to urge him back against the mattress so he could move over him. "Don't hold back, Bones." He leaned down and scraped his teeth against Bones' throat as he shifted so that his thigh was pressed into Bones' cock.

Jim Kirk was naked and atop him, pressing down against his cock. McCoy felt like he had to be dreaming because things like this didn’t happen in real life. He let out a guttural moan, the sound trapped in his throat as his hips thrust upwards and he stared accusingly and desperately at Jim, pressing his lips in a thin line together. "Damn it, Jim," he barked. "I'm a doctor, not a...not a...oh fuck it," he said, abandoning the concept of finishing a sentence as he grabbed hold of Jim by the hair hard and yanked him down into a messy, clumsy, yet somehow still hot kiss, parting his lips immediately so that when he did climax, when he let out a broken cry, then Jim would be distracted with McCoy's lips on his.

This was one of those times when Jim was more than happy to stop thinking and just go with his instincts. Later, after this was over, he might wish that he'd taken a moment to hesitate and consider the consequences. Right now, he didn't care about anything except how Bones tasted and felt and how good this was. "You're sexy," he said before Bones was kissing him and pulling his hair. He began to rock against Bones' thigh, reaching down to grip Bones' hip tightly as they ground together. "Feel so good. Taste so good. Fuck, Bones." He muttered, not even sure everything he was saying in between messy kisses as he began to move faster, rolling his hips with more determination as he felt himself getting closer to the edge.

McCoy got a good grip on Jim, making sure his fingers were clasping skin and rolled them over until Jim was on the bottom and McCoy was on top, scraping a stubbled cheek against Jim's perfect neck, part of his perfect body, perfect everything, and he rocked down and forward, gasping heavily as his climax caught him off-guard, sooner than he usually would want it, before he could even form a single name or word to go along with it. "Jim," he exhaled, after his whole body had felt like it seized. His hand slowly descended between their bodies and wrapped around Jim's cock, giving it a good and languorous stroke. "Come on, Jim," he spoke, louder than before, stroking slow and hard. "Come for me, baby, come on."

"Damn it, Bones," he growled when Bones squeezed his ass and rolled them over. Jim gasped as Bones began to move against him, moving his hand into his and tugging on it as he arched up. When Bones started to come, Jim just watched his face, struck by how utterly beautiful he was in this moment. The way Bones said his name after made him thrust up harder, needing that friction. He moaned low in his throat when he felt Bones' long fingers wrap around his cock. "Bones. Fuck. Bones." He was stammering, something he hadn't even done as an inexperienced teenager. He fucked Bones' hand until tension spread over his body. He grunted when he came, pushing up off the bed far enough to capture Bones' mouth with his, kissing him as he spilled all over Bones' fingers.

Well, there went the notion that the evening was going to go on without tension. McCoy had the feeling that the both of them were in deep shit at this point when it came to continuing on without a bump in the road. When McCoy felt the warmth over his fingers, he took the opportunity to slump on the bed next to Jim, an absolute mess and not sure just yet what he was going to do about it or what that had meant. It had felt good. Actually, it had felt beyond great, but he wasn't about to fixate on that. "I think I need a shower," he mumbled to himself, swallowing a lump in his throat. "You uh, you good?"

Bones rolled off of him, but didn't seem to be freaking out. That was a positive, wasn't it? At Bones' question, he had to laugh. "Yeah, I'm good," Jim said, stretching as he looked at Bones. "You all right? Besides needing a shower, I mean." He reached over to touch Bones' face. "Just...don't over-think this, Bones. We both wanted to, so we did. And it was great."

"Right." McCoy wasn’t entirely sure that was the truth, but he managed to give Jim a genuine smile, before he lingered in the door to the bathroom. "Go to sleep, Jim. I'll try not to wake you when I come out." It was all the warning he gave before he closed the door behind him and let himself breathe for the first time in what felt like hours. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he let loose a string of profanity and hated himself for letting his desires get the best of him. All he wanted to do was go back in time and do this right, maybe take Jim to a nice place planetside, have a couple of drinks...

He'd screwed this one up a fair amount. As he stepped into the shower, he resolved to try not to think about that and instead just focused on getting clean, scrubbing down, and getting changed into a fresh pair of pajamas before crawling back into the bed. At that point, it took all his energy to try and ignore the fact that Jim was indeed naked and inches from him and if he wanted, they could do much more. They'd already gone far enough, though, and McCoy couldn't risk a break in the pattern they were doing so well at.

Chapter 5 | Chapter 7 Coming Soon

fandom: aos, fan: fanfiction, rating: nc-17

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