Sequel Time!

Oct 05, 2009 21:08

Title: I am Your Halo

Author:  cookiechris80

Rating: F for Fluffy! I mean, G.

Pairing: Kirk/Bones

Genre: Humor

Disclaimer: if I owned them, well, life would be whole lot different.

Summary: Jim lets his thoughts wonder while sleeping with a thinking Bones in bed.

A/N: Sequel time! Jim felt that I should tell his side of the story and pouted until I wrote this. Song is Halo by Beyonce. Or most of it anyway, since it repeats so much at the end!

Thanks to everyone who read/responded to the first story! You don't have to read that one first, but please do just for fun!!  Ok…onward with the story…hope everyone enjoys…comments are love like chocolate chips are to cookies! xp

This is unbeta’d…all mistakes are my own!

Jim was getting settled for the night. The dinner he had shared with Bones was peaceful and calm after a day of speeding to the next crisis. For some it would be surprising that Jim was settled with just one person. He knew what everyone had said about him at the academy; his dalliances were legendary. However, the only person who truly knew what Jim was all about was the man who was quietly mulling in his thoughts next to him. Everything would be alright, as long as he had his Bones about him. Caught in the stage between full sleep and being awake, he heard the music change in the background from dinner and Jim found himself thinking of how the song applied to their relationship…as friends, co-workers, lovers…

Remember those walls I built

Which, by the way, were not as high as some of the ones you built

Well baby they’re tumbling down

Why? Did Sulu and Chekov fly the ship into something?

And they didn’t even put up a fight

Remember the Narada? Good times, big fights

They didn’t even make a sound

If a phaser goes off in deep space, does anyone hear it?

I found a way to let you in

I am an open door, come on in

But I never really had a doubt

I AM James T. Kirk

Standing in the light of your halo

Don’t let Scotty see, he might think he’s accidentally beaming you somewhere

I’ve got my angel now

It might sound cheesy, but oh so true

It’s like I’ve been awakened

Um, how much longer until I have to get up and really be awake, because I’m really enjoying this sleeping arrangement

Every rule I had you breakin’

If you broke a rule, your brain would explode. Me, on the other hand…

It’s the risk that I’m takin’

Risk is the job of a Starfleet captain

I ain’t never gonna shut you out

I love how you say ain’t. It’s the whole Southern drawl thing.

Everywhere I’m looking now

Which would be only in your eyes

I’m surrounded by your embrace

I want to surround you with my embrace, so that’s why I’m throwing my arm over you now.

Baby I can see your halo

But it’s a little on the rusty side

You know you’re my saving grace

How many times have you made me all better from my various activities?

You’re everything I need and more

And want, desire, require…

It’s written all over your face

Not really because you won’t let anyone see the true you

Baby I can feel your halo

It keeps me sane when I’m on an away mission

Pray it won’t fade away

As long as you’ll have me…

I can feel your halo (halo) halo

One, two, three

I see your halo (halo) halo

Four, five, six

I can feel your halo (halo) halo

Seven, eight, nine

I can see your halo (halo) halo

Ten, eleven, twelve

Hit me like a ray of sun

Just like all the time you’ve hit me with a hypospray

Burning through my darkest night

Probably because of the fever caused by said hypospray

You’re the only one that I want

Because my other choice is Uhura, and Spock would do that Vulcan thing if I did

Think I’m addicted to your light

Nobody else better be addicted

I swore I’d never fall again

You’re much better at swearing than me, dammit

But this don’t even feel like falling

I know all about falling, remember that jump from the Enterprise to Vulcan?

Gravity can’t forget

Why? Because it has an elephant’s memory?

To pull me back to the ground again

That means I would have to go to sick bay and get a hypospray if I broke a bone. Better not.

It’s like I’ve be…

Jim reached over to the table by the bed and switched the music off; no need in listening to the rest of the song since it just repeats itself, he thought. Jim knew Bones was out of his thoughts when he felt Bones relax and begin to thread his fingers through Jim’s hair. Jim grinned to himself and snuggled closer to Bones, placing his head over Bones’ heart. Just as Jim was getting comfortable and drifting off to sleep again, he wanted to set the record straight about the lyrics. He sleepily whispered to Bones’ thoughts as he linked their hands together, “She only said it twelve times.”


fandom: aos, fan: fanfiction, rating: g

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