Avatar Ending~Happily Ever After?"

Jul 21, 2008 13:44

While most of the opinions I have seen for the Avatar finale have been positive one of the things that some dissenters claim is the story's overall cliche happy ending. But I thought about this and how happily ever after is the ending really?

Spoilers About the Ending )

avatar, baccano

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Comments 14

rukawagf July 21 2008, 18:03:30 UTC
can't wait for baccano~~<3


kirarakim July 21 2008, 18:05:14 UTC
I know @@@^&&^**( I was so excited when I heard the announcement.


rukawagf July 21 2008, 18:06:44 UTC
it's nice to know that several of my friends in my flist is happy with the news. i remember looong time ago when people didn't like it when anime got licensed, it meant no fan subs. now people are happy and willing to support through buying dvds ^_^ it's a nice change~<3


kirarakim July 21 2008, 18:13:02 UTC
I'll even still watch fansubs of a licensed series if it is not out on DVD yet but I also consider myself a collector and I like to own the series I enjoyed to watch through Fansubs. Baccano was a great series and I definitely think it deserves my support. And I just love having the DVD's of series I love on my shelf. ♥


monalisaofpasta July 21 2008, 18:21:18 UTC
I think the race is dead, but I kind of want to know what that means for the Avatars after Aang. But than this kind of helps my idea for an end of the world story.

Also Zuko mentions that they still have a lot of work to recover from the war, so it is not like everything is all happy and peace and whatnot.

I think what I loved from the "epilogue" was that it showed just how much of family they all become. I mean Sokka's painting and whatnot.

I still say that is bitterness from people who didn't get their way.

Also I have to ask this: What the hell is wrong with happy endings anyways?


kirarakim July 21 2008, 18:35:03 UTC
As for the Avatar cycle perhaps by the time they get to Air again (and it will be a long time considering how long Avatars seem to live) the world will have to prepare for a world without an Avatar. I think the Lion Turtle hinted that there was a time before the Avatar.

Or maybe there is another way the cycle can continue that is being overlooked. But I have no idea how exactly. Maybe Bryke will talk about this in SDCC this weekend.

Also Zuko mentions that they still have a lot of work to recover from the war, so it is not like everything is all happy and peace and whatnot.

This is one of my favorite things about the ending that it is not just Aang that has to rebuild the war but Zuko with him. :)

Also I have to ask this: What the hell is wrong with happy endings anyways?Nothing although sometimes they can be a bit cliche, but I really don't think the Avatar one falls into this category. It has an overall positive feel (which I am happy about because I think these characters deserved happiness after so much hardship) but it isn't ( ... )


monalisaofpasta July 21 2008, 18:40:17 UTC
I don't think a happy ending necessarily means cliche. Because dark unhappy endings can be just as cliche.

It is all how it is done. If you are ending everything with a neat little package all fixed up than yes it is a bit trite. I guess I am just responding to people who think that happy endings are cliche as default.

But I honestly count a happy ending as something where all the characters are in a good place and have achieved a kind of happiness. Which I think probably classifies my fandoms with bittersweet fandoms to be technically happy endings under my definition.


kirarakim July 21 2008, 18:46:46 UTC
Keep in mind I didn't say happy ending I said happily ever after. I think there is a difference. And I also don't prefer dark upsetting endings (it would have been extremely wrong for this series.)

Er this is coming out wrong I don't think happy endings have to be cliche although often they are. But Avatar actually is a happy (overly positive ending) that actually is not cliche in my eyes. There is still sadness left over and some things these characters can never get back but yet the characters can move forward and live on despite what they have lost.

So yeah I think the ending is great. This was my way of disagreeing with dissenters. :)


delcirose July 21 2008, 18:30:24 UTC
I'm not an avid fan of the show or anything at all (I only saw a couple episodes here and there), but I think a happy ending was fine for this show. After watching so many anime that have downright depressing, tragic, or bittersweet endings, this was a pleasant derailing. I'm kinda tried of sad endings. D:


kirarakim July 21 2008, 18:37:17 UTC
As I said above I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with a happy ending and I am glad that these characters finally get some deserved happiness in their lives after so much loss but at the same time I don't think Avatar is just a happily ever after ending. There is a lot more to it.


rainmage July 21 2008, 19:23:01 UTC
What I really want to know is if there isn't a possibility, since the Air Nomads as they were are dead, that a new group of people can't learn Airbending from scratch (not from sky bisons necessarily, as Appa is the last one, but somehow). So the Air Nomads won't come back, but they'd evolve into the Air Somethings. Even if it's just a little town in Earth Kingdom and not quite a country, it might be enough to give birth to an Air Avatar four generations later. Because, after all, there must exist someone or something capable to teach the next Avatar (Water Tribe IIRC?) Airbending. And the next one. And the next one. Aang has to leave his legacy to someone for his reincarnations' sake.


kirarakim July 21 2008, 19:30:23 UTC
Possible I guess. I hope someone asks about the Avatar cycle at San Diego Comic Con this weekend (well hopefully there will be good questions and not why didn't Zutara happen WAH!)

But I think it is possible the world will have to adapt with no Avatar eventually. I mean there is still time for that since there will be 3 more more cycles before you get to Air and Avatars seem to live for a long time so it won;'t be for awhile but it is interesting to think how the world would be like with no Avatar as a source of balance that the people will have to find that balance on their own.


wao July 22 2008, 08:10:24 UTC
Oh god, FINALLY?! Baccano was screaming for a license the day it was made I think, I thought such type of shows would be instantly ported over. It took them long enough!

That's one show I'd buy in boxset for sure. Single DVDs... I have only one avenue to buy DVDs from and I don't have that much money, but boxset? Hell yeah. :D:D


kirarakim July 22 2008, 11:15:31 UTC
This was exactly my reaction, it was like what took them so long. :But really it made my day. XD

Since the series is 16 episodes (counting the DVD eps because they better be released). I wonder if it will be released in two sets of 8 eps. That would be pretty sweet.


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