Kink Me! #4

Jul 31, 2009 22:14

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No one else to find (23/?) Warning homophobia anonymous April 8 2011, 14:08:00 UTC

He tries to talk to Uther, to make him understand what there is between him and Merlin. He hopes, with the stupid, ill-fated optimism that comes with the territory, that that alone will be enough. At the back of his mind, he knows it's pointless trying to explain or negotiate, but even panic stricken and desperate, he has to give it a try.

Uther waits until Arthur's finished before he looks at him, indifferent and disinterested, as if he's glancing over a stranger. He picks Arthur's phone up from the bedside table, tells him to get dressed, and leaves the room, locking the door behind him.

The next day, Uther is back in his room at dawn, and though he might not have slept a wink himself, Arthur's chest tightens at the sight of him. His father looks terrible, his eyes bloodshot and haunted, as if he hasn't slept for days.

Uther gives him a choice: he can either attend an intensive counselling programme that will help him make, as his father puts it, the right choices, or he can stay, and he'll make sure that Merlin and his mother ( ... )


Re: No one else to find (41/?) Warning homophobia gatepromise April 24 2011, 02:15:06 UTC
I love that the Morgana you portray in this, Arthur's half sister (secretly, but he knows), is so very recognizable as canon Morgana from the show.

Usually I am not a fan of modern era Arthur/Merlin fic, but this was recommended to me by a friend and it is so totally heartbreaking and beautifully written.


Re: No one else to find (41/?) Warning homophobia anonymous April 25 2011, 16:09:21 UTC
Awesome update. &hearts


Re: No one else to find (41/?) Warning homophobia brunettepet April 29 2011, 17:41:04 UTC
I love how you've got Arthr and Merlin navigating the minefield of their relationship. The sacrifice and constant worry are exhausting. It's no wonder Arthur is often discouraged and heart sick. Merlin is pitch perfect - he's no martyr, he's just as in love as Arthur. His willingness to sacrifice feels right for the boy you're writing. Morgana's complicated relationship with Uther has set Arthur up as her arch rival and the tension between them thrums. It's all making for a tight, emotional read, Anon.


No one else to find (42/?) Warning homophobia anonymous May 5 2011, 14:09:42 UTC
As the police car slips easily through the traffic, Arthur catches sight of himself in the rear view mirror; he presses his hand to the side of his face and winces as it connects with bruised, swollen flesh. He could have come off worse, he supposes, but all the same, he doesn't look great, and he shudders to think of what Uther's going to make of it all ( ... )


No one else to find (43/?) Warning homophobia anonymous May 5 2011, 14:18:14 UTC

'He may look a bit the worse for wear,' says the policewoman, 'but I can assure you if it were not for his actions then the victim of the attack would be in a far more serious condition. He acted very bravely today; you should be proud of him, sir.'

A raised eyebrow from Uther is enough to demonstrate that she has overstepped the mark and, cowed, the officer lowers her eyes and waits with the others, for him to respond.

'So,' Uther says, resting a hand on Arthur's shoulder, 'finally taking on some social responsibility, son? I suppose that is something we could celebrate. It might even make the papers,' he muses thoughtfully.

'Oh, I should think so,' Morgana smirks.

Uther looks past Morgana to the officer, who nods. 'Almost definitely. Your son managed to head off a particularly brutal homophobic attack today,' she says.

'A what?' Uther says, going completely still.

Fuck, Arthur thinks, as the man's odd reaction when he returned his wallet to him - I don't think that was what they were after - starts to make a little more ( ... )


No one else to find (44/?) Warning homophobia anonymous May 5 2011, 14:22:01 UTC
Arthur's jaw tightens as he suppresses a gasp of disbelief, which is quickly overtaken by the anger that's rising in his chest. His father's views are no surprise, but he's always held back a little bit of hope that, when it came to it - if he chose the right words, and did the right things - one day Uther might come around. He's had this idea that after he's finished university and proved he could make it on his own, done things with his life to make Uther proud of him, then he might, eventually, accept him purely on his merits. He'd be angry at first. Furious, probably, but up until now, Arthur hasn't let himself believe that his father was the sort of person who would let his hate for one part of him cancel out everything else. When the twin realisations hit: that Uther's never going to change, and that he's been deluding himself for too long, it feels a little like grief ( ... )


No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia anonymous May 5 2011, 14:31:08 UTC
Arthur makes it to the far side of the lobby before he finds his path blocked by Uther ( ... )


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia anonymous May 5 2011, 14:40:28 UTC
Oh dear gods, I'm screaming and flailing with this update. It was amazing. I'm so so proud of Arthur, so calm and courageous, and his brain still working away, calculating his options and being all positive. What a tremendous trauma this day has brought him. His friends will see him through.

Morgana may not have what she wants, as much as she thinks she will. And I fear Uther's long-reaching power, still. Easier if he just severs all ties to his son, but after the humiliation he has suffered in front of his backers and supporters, I don't think he'll be able to let this go - not any time soon, anyway.

Can't WAIT for the next update - Merlin & Arthur's reunion, and the conversations and emotions that will spill out in each other's comfort. Such a powerful story you are sharing, Author. Thank you for it, and for this amazing update.


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia anonymous May 5 2011, 15:33:00 UTC
Arthur! ♥ I don't think I've ever been quite so proud of a fictional character before. Thank you, anon, this is just wonderful.


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia gatepromise May 5 2011, 15:40:02 UTC
Gods I love this story. Reading this last update actually had my heart pounding. I suspected that Arthur had unknowingly stopped a homophobic attack, and that Morgana would go apeshit over it. (By the way, the protrayal of the manipulative, treachorous, smirking Morgana here is so great, so perfectly in keeping with canon show Morgana.) Bless Arthur for his heroics and for finally, painfully making the break from Uther. What a brave, couragous man.

This story is wonderful, Author.


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia jbuggy May 5 2011, 16:14:21 UTC
I am so proud of Arthur. What a bold strong brave move. You have written these characters so amazingly well that it almost feels real. Having supported so many people through this in real life I am amazed at how wonderfully you handle all this and how authentic it is. This is one of those stories that really stands as a cultural criticism in ways we should all be proud and impressed by.


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia fresica May 5 2011, 17:14:03 UTC
I don't think anyone has ever made me so thoroughly dislike Uther before. Seriously, the man has no heart, does he?? *ahem* I love this story, so much. Arthur's pain and loneliness, and Merlin's patience (and pain, and lonelines...) all feel so real. I can't wait to see more, especially since it'll give us Merlin's reaction! ♥


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia leashy_bebes May 5 2011, 20:06:13 UTC
Oh, Arthur! *cheers him*

Wonderful update, anon ♥


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia iamladyliberty May 5 2011, 20:23:47 UTC
fantastic update. very moving, especially with arthur coming to the undeniable realization that his father is not as good and well, sane, of a person as Arthur thought he was. i am so glad he walked away.

i love this story!!!!!
thanks for writing.


Re: No one else to find (45/?) Warning homophobia brunettepet May 5 2011, 22:41:12 UTC
The confrontation with Uther was devastating. As soon as Uther sided with the attackers, my heart was hammering. There was no way Arthur could hear that hatefulness and not see his relationship with his father in a stark light. Uther will never bend, never see Arthur as anything other than corrupt. It's horrible and heart hurting, but it's a realization that Arthur needed to come to before he was ready to move on with his life.

Uther can have Morgana. They deserve one another.

Arthur can have Merlin. They deserve one another, too.

Unfortunately, I can't see Uther just walking away. He's a powerful, vengeful man who thinks he's been publicly humiliated. I hope one or more of those interested onlookers were filming Arthur and Uther and the confrontation online. Uther deserves that and worse.

It's fantastic, Anon.


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