Kink Me! #31

Aug 16, 2012 12:23

Kink Me! #31
Closed to new prompts!Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #31! :D

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For Your Information, 1/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:36:01 UTC
For Your Information
Arthur/Merlin (eventually; primary focus is sort of Merlin and Uther gen)

A/N: I know there's already an awesome fill being posted here, but I couldn't help myself. This is my first fill and my first (finished) Merlin fic, so I apologise in advance for...all the things. I'm also American, and this hasn't been britpicked, so expect mistakes. Fair warning to the OP - this fill fits the spirit of the prompt more than the letter of it, I hope that's okay.


"So," says Uther Pendragon stiffly. "You''re gay, then."

In spite of himself, Merlin snorts. Then he immediately feels guilty for it. "Yes, I am," is all he says.

It's an awkward start to what might end up being the most awkward dinner Merlin has ever experienced. Short, pointed, frequently appallingly personal questions are punctuated by long, tense silences. Merlin is underdressed, because Gaius said dinner, not five-star restaurant, not that Merlin even owns a suit he could have actually worn here. Uther is board-stiff in his seat and ( ... )


For Your Information, 6a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:06:45 UTC
Arthur turns up twice more before the week is out, once with a friend named Lance in tow. He still looks at Merlin with open interest and curiosity in his eyes, but he doesn't make any more outright flirtatious gestures, which is more than can be said for Lance ( ... )


For Your Information, 6b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:09:20 UTC

"I...apologise. That was not well done of me," Uther says stiffly.

"It was not," Merlin agrees heartlessly. "Don't do it again."

Uther glares a little at that, but Merlin doesn't back down, and eventually, Uther seems to give up in favour of his original plan of attack. "About Arthur - "

Merlin sighs. "No, Uther. There is no 'about Arthur.' I am not going to date your son."

Uther scowls. "I do not understand this childishly stubborn refusal. You are being ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with my son."

"I never said there was," Merlin says tiredly. "Arthur is lovely. I have nothing against Arthur."

"Then - "

"He is also," Merlin continues, "very new to all of this. He's only been out for a few months - he's never even been on what he considers to be a 'real' date. He still has a lot to learn, about everything. Even he admits that."

"But you don't," Uther says, like Merlin is an idiot. "That's what makes it so perfect. You've done a perfectly sufficient job of explaining things to me these past months ( ... )


For Your Information, 7a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:12:29 UTC

If there were any sort of justice in the world, that would have been the end of it, but all of Merlin's Pendragon experiences thus far have taught him better than to cling to such a fragile hope by now.

Which is why it almost - almost - manages not to surprise him when a woman who looks like a supermodel strolls up to the counter out of nowhere the next day and announces with a frightening smirk, "So, this is the mighty Merlin ( ... )


Re: For Your Information, 7a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) sp_owl September 29 2012, 13:57:39 UTC
"Gay cootie"? lol! It's a testament to your delicious writing that I comment here, knowing I'll have to go through hoops to get back to my place again in the story--you have so many comments!


For Your Information, 7b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:14:43 UTC

Morgana's smile is blinding. " - and even when you hate him, you can't help caring about him anyway. See? You're one of us already. Welcome to the Pendragon family, Merlin. You have just described exactly what it's like to be one of his children."

Merlin scrubs a tired hand over his face, feeling distinctly unsettled. "What is my life?" he asks bleakly. "I was just supposed to be doing a stupid favour for Gaius." He sighs. "I'm going to have to apologise for yelling at your father, aren't I?"

"Absolutely not," Morgana says crisply. "Pendragon Family rule number one: Never back down, especially from Uther. He needs to be put in his place from time to time, and no one else will dare to do it, so it falls to us to pick up the slack ( ... )


For Your Information, 7c/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:15:55 UTC

"For what it's worth," she says, "Arthur is a good man. He'd be the first to tell you he's far from perfect - he can be arrogant and sometimes rude, and he spent his formative years effectively alone with Uther Pendragon, so make of that what you will. But he is not Uther, and he never has been. To be honest, as much as I understand your reasons - and I do - I think you're doing him a bit of a disservice. He may be new, but he's not stupid, and he's not a child. He knows what he wants, and the only reason he's still inexperienced this late in the game is because he's honestly not looking for the kind of 'test drive' you're worrying about. He refuses to settle for less than the best - he's a bit like Uther in that way, actually, as terrifying as that is to contemplate. You should think about that, because people who look like my brother are not without opportunities, and he's never been interested in any of them - until you ( ... )


For Your Information, 8a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:18:42 UTC

"I met your sister," Merlin says to Arthur, when he turns up a day later.

Arthur has the grace to wince a little. "I heard," he says. "She likes you."

Merlin grimaces. "I'm beginning to feel like a family project."

They're on their way to the chippy. One good thing about Arthur: he hasn't once tried to drag Merlin anywhere posh or pretentious, though Merlin doesn't doubt that he's every bit as comfortable and accustomed to those sorts of places as Uther is. Arthur may occasionally eye a kebab with wary confusion, but so far at least, he's been game for slumming it.

Arthur is quiet for a moment. Then, "Yeah. I suppose I should pretend to be sorry I dragged you into all this," he says frankly. "But I'm not. My father is insane, but if he wasn't, I'd never have met you. And I can't be sorry I've met you."

"Arthur." Merlin clears his throat. He can feel himself blushing like a schoolboy, it's embarrassing.

"It's fine," says Arthur, sounding only a little strained. "I get it. I'm fresh out of the closet, and you' ( ... )


For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:24:52 UTC

Arthur gives him a weird look, and eyes his own chips like he's suddenly not sure what he's meant to be doing with them, but Merlin doesn't care about that. He doesn't care about any of it anymore - not crazy Uther and and the looming threat of Sunday dinners, not Arthur's painfully recent gay epiphany, not the entire creepy, stalkery family's ridiculous penchant for turning up and taking over his whole life like it's somehow their god-given right to monopolise his time - because it's over, he gives up, whatever, he's in. This is probably going to be his biggest mistake since agreeing to that first dinner with Uther, but Merlin just doesn't care.He walks straight into Arthur's startled arms, wraps his arms around his neck, and tips his face up to nudge at Arthur's open mouth with his own ( ... )


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 09:06:49 UTC
I love this story. It's light and funny and very sweet. Uther being a concerned bigot for his son is so very endearing. Morgana is awesome. Arthur is fabulous and your Merlin is the best ever. Thank you so much!


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous May 21 2017, 11:08:19 UTC
I agree absolutely. By the way, does anyone have any idea why this awesome story was deleted from AO3? And will reni_days mind me re-posting it there?


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) a_mousey May 21 2017, 18:04:08 UTC
Hey there, anon, thank you for the nice comment left on this fic. :D

Just so you know, though, reposting someone else's work is considered a big fandom no-no. It means the author or artist loses control over their own work, which most people will not appreciate and/or see as a violation; and as a side note, might make them or other creators less likely to want to post their work in the future.

In this case, the author has already made the choice to take down their fic from AO3. To repost it would be to go explicitly against the author's wishes.

Believe me, anon, I understand the heartbreak of seeing a work you love disappear, but as a rule of thumb, it's good to assume the author of a work would not want anyone to do anything to their creation that they have explicitly consented to.

Thank you in advance for your understanding! ~A


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 09:48:50 UTC
This story was just delightful! I absolutely loved it! Sweet, awkward and so true! You wrote Uther so realistically. In the end, he really did care for Arthur and Merlin...
Well done :D


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) goddessriss September 27 2012, 12:15:20 UTC
This is brilliant. Funny, entertaining and a really nice story. I'm still smiling now! Thank you for sharing this.


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 12:38:35 UTC
Oh my goodness I love this, it's brilliant. I was quite literally laughing out loud at some of the things Uther came out, and this Merlin was an absolute delight, and poor besotted Arthur, so sweet! And of course Morgana, being equally intimidating if a bit more socially competent. :D

I can totally understand Arthur's bewilderment at Uther and Merlin's dynamic, but it makes perfect sense because like Merlin said, he has no reason to fear him here, and it's wonderful and refreshing to see him being so straightforward and unafraid with him. Merlin really is a bit doomed, but I think he's right, it'll be worth it. ♥


Re: For Your Information, 8b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) crazytook February 1 2013, 07:05:04 UTC
this was amazing and you are awesome.

that is all.


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