Kink Me! #31

Aug 16, 2012 12:23

Kink Me! #31
Closed to new prompts!Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #31! :D

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For Your Information, 1/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:36:01 UTC
For Your Information
Arthur/Merlin (eventually; primary focus is sort of Merlin and Uther gen)

A/N: I know there's already an awesome fill being posted here, but I couldn't help myself. This is my first fill and my first (finished) Merlin fic, so I apologise in advance for...all the things. I'm also American, and this hasn't been britpicked, so expect mistakes. Fair warning to the OP - this fill fits the spirit of the prompt more than the letter of it, I hope that's okay.


"So," says Uther Pendragon stiffly. "You''re gay, then."

In spite of himself, Merlin snorts. Then he immediately feels guilty for it. "Yes, I am," is all he says.

It's an awkward start to what might end up being the most awkward dinner Merlin has ever experienced. Short, pointed, frequently appallingly personal questions are punctuated by long, tense silences. Merlin is underdressed, because Gaius said dinner, not five-star restaurant, not that Merlin even owns a suit he could have actually worn here. Uther is board-stiff in his seat and ( ... )


For Your Information, 2a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:40:59 UTC
The last person Merlin expects to see walking through the door of the coffee shop later that week is Uther Pendragon ( ... )


For Your Information, 2b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:42:57 UTC

But Uther seems to be stuck on his own, increasingly-agitated wavelength. "If this is how he's going to live his life, he needs to own up - "

"Own up?“

"Yes! He says this is who he is, and he's proud of it. Well, proud people have nothing to hide! I'll not have my son skulking around keeping secrets like he's ashamed of himself - "

Merlin scowls. "Oh, please. When exactly did you hold the meeting where you announced to the entire office what kind of sex you like to have?"

Uther actually splutters, which would be funny if Merlin weren't so irritated. "That is not the same thing - "

"Of course it is," snaps Merlin. "Come on now, don't skulk around like you're ashamed of yourself. You have to own it, Uther. So - blondes, or brunettes? Big tits, or are you a leg man? Straight-up vanilla sex, or do you like a little bondage for spice? Don't be shy - people have a right to know.Uther stops dead in his tracks, white with shock and growing rage. For a second, Merlin honestly thinks he's going to get punched. He ( ... )


For Your Information, 3a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:46:41 UTC

He's convinced that will be the end of that, but someone apparently forgot to tell Uther, because two days later, he's waiting outside the coffee shop when Merlin's shift ends.

"Arthur says he has no intention of coming out at the office unless and until he has a significant other he'd like to bring to a company event," Uther says abruptly, sounding for all the world as if he's picking up the conversation exactly where they left off.

Merlin stares at him for a long moment, and then gives a resigned sigh. "Curry?" he suggests glumly.

Ten minutes later, they're sitting down in a shabby little Indian restaurant Merlin eats at a minimum of twice a week. Uther, as usual, looks wildly out of place but determined to ignore it.

"Don't you think that's a bad idea?" Uther demands, once they've placed their orders.

Merlin forcibly restrains another sigh. "Why would that be a bad idea?"

"Well, it's just - discourteous." Uther scowls. "What happens when he actually has this significant other? He just...turns up with a man on his ( ... )


For Your Information, 3b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:48:45 UTC

"All right," he says, once they've made it through most of the meal in relative peace. "Here's what I think. I think none of this is actually about Arthur's imaginary future date, or whether your son is sufficiently proud of who he is. I think you want Arthur to come out because you know it's going to happen someday, and you know some people aren't going to react well. I think waiting for it is killing you, maybe because it is going to be embarrassing for you, maybe because you're afraid it'll be painful for Arthur. And I think you want me to tell you that I agree with you, that he should get it over with, and hopefully give you tips on how to make it as painless as possible ( ... )


Re: For Your Information, 3b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) lydiamaroon September 28 2012, 23:43:18 UTC
Lmfao congratulations on ur homosexuality loooool


Re: For Your Information, 3b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) sp_owl September 29 2012, 13:33:02 UTC
hee hee! That last bit was so funny! I'm really enjoying this. It's so different! You had a terrific idea here.


Re: For Your Information, 3b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous April 25 2013, 22:12:44 UTC

Congratulations on your homosexuality. I am proud of you." This line has me cracking up, there are tears from all the giggling. Love the interactions between Uther and Merlin It would be interesting seeing what is going on from Arthurs point of view so I'm off to continue reading.


Re: For Your Information, 3b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous June 26 2013, 03:48:35 UTC
Hehehehe! That last line cracked me up. "Congratulation on your homosexuality. I am proud of you." Hehehehe!


RE: For Your Information, 3b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) ext_5003969 October 15 2019, 19:24:51 UTC
For the first time in my entire life... I am finding Uther... Cute! I can't deal with this. What have you done, you amazing storyteller. How am i suppose to hate him now?


For Your Information, 4a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:51:22 UTC

At some point, around three months after that first hideous dinner, Merlin realises that Uther is, in a strange way, becoming something almost like a friend.

Not really like a friend, because Uther is definitely not the sort of person Merlin wants to text with, or talk to on the phone, or hang out with just for the sake of it. They never see or speak to each other at all in fact, outside of Uther's continuing habit of turning up imperiously outside the coffee shop and dragging Merlin off without so much as a by-your-leave to deal with Uther's gay angst and lingering ignorance ( ... )


Re: For Your Information, 4b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:52:16 UTC

"How would you know that? You've never even met him."

"No, but I've met you,“ Merlin points out. "You tried to feed me snails tonight, Uther. Remember the fish and chips incident?"

"Rational people do not eat food served in a cone made of newspaper," Uther grits, and glares again when Merlin laughs.

"That's exactly my point. I like food served in a newspaper cone. I don't drink thousand-year-old scotch, or bottles of wine that cost more than my life is worth. I don' polo, or know anything about business, or even own a suit."

"Arthur wears denims when he's not in the office," Uther objects. "And I know he ate pizza at uni."

Merlin laughs again, charmed in spite of himself. "You're ridiculous."

"You could at least try," Uther insists. "If the two of you don't get along, then you don't. But I can hardly see the harm in meeting him."

"Tell you what," says Merlin, and he already knows he's going to regret this. "Why don't you bring him along next week instead. Not as a date," he adds, very firmly. " ( ... )


For Your Information, 5a/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:57:06 UTC

Arthur, when Merlin finally meets him, is visibly confused.

He's also tragically, tragically gorgeous. Somehow, Uther has apparently forgotten to mention that part.

Not that it matters, because no way in hell is Merlin going down that road. But some warning might have been nice.

"This is Merlin? You're Merlin?" Arthur looks at his father. "This is your friend Merlin ( ... )


For Your Information, 5b/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 07:59:48 UTC
-cont'd ( ... )


For Your Information, 5c/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 08:00:53 UTC

"The strangest thing of all was watching the way you talk to him," Arthur admits, halfway through the third pint. "I've never seen anyone but Morgana take him on like that, and with them - well, it's not nearly so friendly or lighthearted."

Merlin shrugs. "There's no reason for him to scare me," he offers. "He's not my boss, or my father, or anyone whose opinion I have to worry about, you know? I mean, he's my uncle's friend, but even if I mortally offended Uther and he hated me forever, Gaius wouldn't care. It's a lot easier to cut through all the bullshit when you've got nothing on the line."

Arthur acknowledges that with a vague nod. "But actually seem to like him." Like this is another thing he cannot imagine. Fear, he could understand. Friendship, obviously, not so much.

"In the beginning, I just felt bad for him," Merlin admits. "He was horrible and offensive and he looked at me like I was an insect or something, but he was just trying so hard to get it, you know? I've had plenty of gay friends ( ... )


Re: For Your Information, 5c/8 (Warnings for implied bigotry and homophobia) anonymous September 27 2012, 10:19:49 UTC
Oh no it ended when it got interesting! love this fic :)
Also "Congrats on your homosexuality-flowers" LOL


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