Kink Me! #21

Feb 09, 2011 19:08

Kink Me! #21
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anonymous February 18 2011, 01:18:47 UTC
Gwaine/Morgana, modern au with loads of snark and smut.


Concerto for Two Violins [1a/?] anonymous September 27 2011, 02:47:07 UTC
Because obviously this prompt was calling out for a friends-with-benefits orchestra AU ( ... )


Concerto for Two Violins [1b/?] anonymous September 27 2011, 02:48:40 UTC
“Do you want some breakfast?” Gwaine interrupts before she can get properly going ( ... )


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [1b/?] brunettepet September 27 2011, 18:13:56 UTC
I am already loving this. Being thrust into the aftermath of a very, very vigorous shagging session was delightful and this obviously comfortable friendship shows that this relationship is working fine. I loved getting the snippets of history for their circle of friends and Uther conducting the whole lot of them is wonderful. Morgana giving creepy Mordred music lessons had me grinning, and she may think she's joking, but I bet he does have designs on her. Deeply creepy designs.

Of course Gwaine would be a concert violinist who also fiddles in a pub band! I'm looking forward to more of this 'verse.


Concerto for Two Violins [2a/?] anonymous September 28 2011, 05:14:24 UTC
1. I will get to the actual smut eventually, I promise, OP.

2. The Suzuki method is mocked with love, as that's how I learned.

3. Music will be linked as it gets more important to the scenes.


The pubs Gwaine and his little band play in invariably smell of pipe smoke and grease, and Morgana always wants to snatch away the instruments from all of them before they get damaged by the atmosphere. Tonight, Gwaine’s slouched in the corner of The Dragon’s Head with the sort of posture that would make his first violin teacher roll in her grave, with Elyan nodding over his guitar and Freya perched on a stool with an assortment of whistles scattered around her ( ... )


Concerto for Two Violins [2b/?] anonymous September 28 2011, 05:15:18 UTC
“And I think you need to come and sing ‘Danny Boy’ with us,” says Gwaine, who’s snuck up behind her like a complete arsehole. She smacks him without even bothering to look at him.

“In your dreams.”

He leans over her shoulder to give her his best soulful look, which stopped working on her approximately half an hour after she met him. “Definitely. In my very best, dirty dreams, there you are like an Irish queen, singing ‘Danny Boy’ while riding me into-”

“Disgusting!” Vivian interjects, flapping her hands about like she isn’t sure whether she’d rather put them over her mouth to keep from retching or her ears to keep her from hearing more. Percival lets out a pained grunt of agreement. “Why do we let you anywhere near us ( ... )


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [2b/?] brunettepet September 29 2011, 03:21:38 UTC
This furtive relationship is delightful and I love that Merlin has Morgana on edge. She's already a bit unsettled by Gwaine, and the idea of being discovered is making it both hotter and unnerving. I wonder what's really going through Gwaine's head.


Concerto for Two Violins [3a/?] anonymous September 30 2011, 05:26:58 UTC
This is a recording of the piece the orchestra is working on in this section, for the curious.


The first orchestra rehearsal after a concert is always something of a joke. They get their first pieces of music, play a few measures of them, and then generally just sit around and gossip until the maestro gives up and sees fit to release them. Tonight, Uther just has his assistants hand out all four movements of Pelleas and Melisande and has them play the first part of the first one ( ... )


Concerto for Two Violins [3b/?] anonymous September 30 2011, 05:29:32 UTC
Morgana would almost be sorry for starting it off, since it’s clear neither of them wants to even think about whatever fight they’ve had, but it would have happened anyway. The orchestra gossips like a lot of old biddies, especially on the subject of who is hooking up with whom (yet another reason she and Gwaine aren’t telling anyone they’re sleeping together), and Arthur and Merlin are practically an institution, the couple everyone knows, and even the maestro has stopped glaring at his son for daring to date another (male) cellist instead of a woman who will give him suitably musical grandchildren. A fight that isn’t bickering or one of their periodic explosions with both of them shouting dramatically at every opportunity will be enough to fuel chatter for weeks unless they fix it ( ... )


Concerto for Two Violins [4a/?] anonymous October 1 2011, 06:00:42 UTC
Porn! No particular warnings for it.

“Hello there,” Gwaine croons into her chest later that night on his couch as the DVD plays its menu music for the sixth or seventh time.

“You have an unhealthy relationship with my breasts.” Morgana flails an arm out and catches the remote, turning the whole damn thing off and cutting everything off abruptly into silence and darkness.

“Hush, we’re having a momentMorgana stares at the ceiling and heaves a long-suffering sigh (Gwaine makes an appreciative noise when her chest moves). “I could have stayed home, you know, and harassed Arthur to figure out what’s going on ( ... )


Concerto for Two Violins [4b/?] anonymous October 1 2011, 06:02:15 UTC
Morgana’s half-expecting them to rub together like a pair of teenagers, considering his mood, or maybe for him to whip a condom out of one of the many mysterious places he seems to keep them in around his flat, but instead he gives her a devilish look, grabs her by the hips, and shoves her up until her ass hits the armrest. She clings to the top of the couch and gives him a glare while he just keeps grinning, working her panties off under her skirt as he goes ( ... )


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [4b/?] brunettepet October 1 2011, 12:18:30 UTC
You captured the chaotic flurry of the practice beautifully and I love how aware and intensely interested everyone is of the relationships unfolding and imploding around them. Gwaine is so charming and flirty and sexy, and Morgana's attempts at eye rolling aloofness are certainly belied by her eager participation in the sexcapades. Now that they're outed, it's going to be more fodder for the orchestra gossip mill. I'm looking forward to seeing how it impacts their relationship. I'm also looking forward to finding out what's going on between Arthur and Merlin.

This is terrific, Anon.


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [4b/?] anonymous October 1 2011, 14:20:48 UTC
Loving this! <3


Concerto for Two Violins [5a/?] anonymous October 3 2011, 03:55:28 UTC
Explanations for all!Ten minutes later, Morgana has a bottle of cold beer held to her head, and everyone is fully dressed and sitting around Gwaine’s kitchen table. Merlin is looking back and forth between them with the distinct air of a tacky dashboard animal, as if he’s not quite sure where to start ( ... )


Concerto for Two Violins [5b/?] anonymous October 3 2011, 03:56:51 UTC
“I wouldn’t know,” she snaps, and kicks him in the ankle because Merlin is only looking more miserable, then stands up to pull a bag of frozen corn out of his freezer for her head. “Merlin, you know how Arthur gets, he’ll forgive you in a week, you’ll both apologize, and that will be the end of it ( ... )


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [5b/?] brunettepet October 3 2011, 19:57:47 UTC
Morgana and that beer bottle and the frozen corn was a wonderful backdrop for the drama that is Arthur and Merlin. I can understand Arthur being hurt by Merlin's lying, but coffee is a far cry from cheating. He's just been burned before so he's fragile. I hope they can work things out. Merlin's going to really cramp Gwaine and Morgana's sexcapades if he's hanging about being all sad and mopey.

I'm loving the quick, entertaining update, Anon. I love the sharp, fresh dialogue.


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