Kink Me! #21

Feb 09, 2011 19:08

Kink Me! #21
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Concerto for Two Violins [5b/?] anonymous October 3 2011, 03:56:51 UTC
“I wouldn’t know,” she snaps, and kicks him in the ankle because Merlin is only looking more miserable, then stands up to pull a bag of frozen corn out of his freezer for her head. “Merlin, you know how Arthur gets, he’ll forgive you in a week, you’ll both apologize, and that will be the end of it.”

“I don’t think he will.” Merlin’s eyes get dangerously large and teary, and Morgana exchanges a panicked look with Gwaine when he looks mournfully down at his beer bottle. “You didn’t see his face.”

“Oh, Christ, don’t cry, I have a head injury and a lesson with Mordred where I’ll have to talk Nimueh down from Vivaldi in the morning, I cannot do this.” Morgana pulls her chair over next to Merlin’s and puts her arm around him, patting his shoulder awkwardly while he tries to get himself under control. “Tell anyone I’m doing this and I’ll cut you, just so you know.”

“A group hug sounds like an excellent idea,” says Gwaine, interrupting before Merlin can do more than snort softly, and leaps out of his chair to put his arms around both of them (and grope them both, because he’s Gwaine). Merlin leans into it almost immediately because he and Gwaine are just very large puppies, and Morgana joins with what she hopes comes across as a put-upon sigh a few seconds later. If either of them accuses her of cuddling she’ll just have to kill them.

“So,” Merlin says eventually from where his face has inexplicably become buried in Morgana’s shoulder. “The two of you. I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that maybe tonight wasn’t you giving into temptation at last or something.”

Morgana removes herself from the group hug. “Don’t make this into a romance novel, Merlin. We’re having sex. We have been for a few months now.” And it’s not serious because Gwaine doesn’t do commitment and Morgana has fucked up every relationship she’s ever had.

Merlin makes a series of faces that Morgana wishes she could take pictures of while he fits the last several months of dinners and pub nights and rehearsals into this new frame of reference. “You mean when Arthur was talking about praying mantises you were having sex?”

“Yes,” both of them say at once, Morgana with a great deal more annoyance.

His horrified look is enough to crack Gwaine up. “Okay. I’m not going to say this isn’t deeply disturbing, but it’s really not my problem tonight as long as Gwaine’s got a clean surface somewhere in this flat to sleep on, even if it’s the kitchen table.” Morgana bites her lip and carefully doesn’t look at Gwaine. “I did not want to know that,” Merlin says faintly.

“You asked for it,” says Gwaine.

Merlin rubs his hands over his face. “I guess. Look, you two just keep doing whatever you’re doing, all right? I’m not going to say I’m thrilled, but whatever, you’re adults and I’m not going to tattle.”

Morgana decides a tactical retreat is in order. Merlin probably needs to talk more, but he likely won’t say much with her there, and if he isn’t going to out them to their friends and the gossip of the whole of the orchestra, she owes him one. “Thank you, Merlin. Now, I’ll leave you lads to your gossip and take the Underground home. See you at rehearsal on Tuesday?”

“Yeah,” says Merlin, and pointedly looks away when Gwaine shows her to the door.

More in a couple of days.


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [5b/?] brunettepet October 3 2011, 19:57:47 UTC
Morgana and that beer bottle and the frozen corn was a wonderful backdrop for the drama that is Arthur and Merlin. I can understand Arthur being hurt by Merlin's lying, but coffee is a far cry from cheating. He's just been burned before so he's fragile. I hope they can work things out. Merlin's going to really cramp Gwaine and Morgana's sexcapades if he's hanging about being all sad and mopey.

I'm loving the quick, entertaining update, Anon. I love the sharp, fresh dialogue.


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [5b/?] anonymous October 3 2011, 20:01:25 UTC
I love this so much.


Re: Concerto for Two Violins [5b/?] anonymous October 4 2011, 00:20:49 UTC
Just got caught up on this - the "gossip" in me is loving this story, and all the little sub-stories about the incestuous clique that is the orchestra. :) Percival on Timpani FTW. I'm really enjoying this story, and looking forward to more. You really make the Gwaine/Morgana dynamic work really well.


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