I Need Your Help Please (it'll be easy)

Sep 24, 2008 13:26

Hey there folks, so you might not know it, but today is the birthday of a very special man. His name is Scott (trckrfckr ) and I love him a whole bunch. He's a quality guy and he's awesome and he's adorable and did I mention that it's his birthday?

Well - I want you to do something for Scott. See, his 2008 has been, well, it's been like many of our 2008s... not too awesome in certain ways. But see, for Scott - today is his 2009 start date and I want him to have a kick ass one...

So, Show your support for Scott's Awesome 2009 by commenting to this blog along the lines of "I'm mad as Hell at 2008 and I'm not gonna take it anymore! Scott deserves an awesome 2009!"

That would be swell.

The Birthday Boy on the Left with his mighty nice partner...

Thank you and tugs all around...

friends, birthdays, fuck 2008

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