My Previous Post, Amazon and Heroes and Two More Birthdays

Sep 24, 2008 13:58

First off, did you respond to my last post? If you haven't, take a moment to do so. I've got over 300 of you reading so I expect a nice healthy number of comments. It won't work unless you all take part.

So yesterday I got an email from talking about their new digital download service. They're sorta rolling along the lines of iTunes but they've grabbed me as a consumer in a way that Apple has not for two reasons: 1) They aren't Apple and 2) The shows you get can be downloaded to your PC and/or sent to your TIVO. It's that second reason that really made me a happy camper. Yes I could BitTorrent the premier of Heroes but for a little over a buck I can just have it sent directly to my Tivo! That's a wee/win situation for me (being the no cable owning shlub that I am).

But I do have a question. The episode is touted as being two hours but the show (while complete) that I have is only 44 minutes long (no commercials of course). It ends with Suresh making a rather big decision. Did I see the whole first episode or is there more?

And lastly, two more pretty darn awesome people are having birthdays today. So shout outs to animbear and brianmn. They are both the dog's tuxedo.

My Little Minnesota Puddin' - Super Reid!

friends, birthdays, tv shows, tivo, heroes, amazon

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