The Second Post is about being away from LJ for five days...

Jun 18, 2008 14:25

Time it does fly.  I don't usually check in with LJ on the weekends... so when Monday comes around I do a big ol' catch-up with LJ day.  Sometimes that gets pushed to Tuesdays.  But with this week it's gotten pushed to today so here I be.  Why the push you ask?  Well, it's been a handful of days with highs and lows my friends...

Friday I had a great ( Read more... )

friends, stuff, music, tv, work, gay marriage, life, dad, meme crap, movies, my car

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Comments 15

liquid_wayno June 18 2008, 22:33:05 UTC
Re: 10 Things Meme - Yeah, I did that thing once. I AM over it - I've since realized how pointless it is so I've decided, the hell with it; if I have something to say to someone, positive or otherwise, I'm-a gonna say it. Like it or less, at least we know where we stand, right?

Your dad is the awesome - I hope I get to meet him sometime.

BTW, what happened in Kern county with that 'ass-hat chick'?


kingfuraday June 18 2008, 22:39:22 UTC
The ass-hat chick is this Barnett woman who was refusing to do marriages saying she didn't have enough time/resources but basically it came down to her being against 'em altogether.


texwriterbear June 18 2008, 22:37:03 UTC
I did the exact same thing with the 3rd season of "Weeds". I had to wait for it to get sent back to me, so I could catch up on those last two episodes.


kingfuraday June 18 2008, 22:39:51 UTC
Well at least I'm not the only one. I mean, why would they not have all the eps listed on a single screen?


texwriterbear June 18 2008, 22:46:33 UTC
That's what I didn't understand. I was like there was way too much empty stuff on the screen for me not to pick up on that.


squirreltot June 18 2008, 22:39:01 UTC
Can't wait to try out Lego Indy - just got it myself. I'm hoping I can have fun sending "Short Round" to his doom over and over again!

Oh and are you by any chance going to Comicon in July. Sean and I are going and we are muy excited.


kingfuraday June 18 2008, 22:42:46 UTC
I'm just past the Well of the Souls in Indy and I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. I played with rrumm last night and I am soooo not a patient teammate. Ha!

I sure am going to CC along with a bunch of other LJers. Would be great to meet you (just know that you might have to give me a face to face refresher because I don't always make the immediate connection between with Cyber Friends in realtime - I'm kinda dim like that).


squirreltot June 18 2008, 23:32:09 UTC
That'd be great! Will harass ya again a bit closer to the convention. And if you dress like Kratos, maybe that'd make it easier for us to spot ya...maybe!


jefferzephyr June 18 2008, 23:01:10 UTC

I saw the new Coldplay at Starbucks yesterday. I had to restrain myself from overindulging. I remembered that I had just bought the new R.E.M. cd on an impulse buy last week in New Orleans so I patted myself on the back for denial of over-indulgence for letting the impulse to buy pass.


bobaloo June 18 2008, 23:41:02 UTC
A) You like volleyball because you're TALL. That being said, I like volleyball, well, because it's fun.

2) Re: 10 things meme. I chalk that one up to being as lame and vagina-like as anonymous commenting. Own yer shit. If you can't, I just don't have the time or energy to deal with it.

c) I'm still hunting and gathering in the LEGO Star Wars universe. I love me some coinage. I'm in Return Of The Jedi right now. FFFFFun!


kingfuraday June 19 2008, 19:34:07 UTC
A) Well, being tall helps but I like it mostly because it's a team sport, it's medium impact, and the dynamics are so easy to tweak (2s, 3s, 4s, 6s, beach, grass, indoors, etc).

2) people are dumb (and they smell funny)

c) star wars lego just didn't hold my attention (dunno why - perhaps it's because I didn't really like the prequels much).. maybe I'll go back to it someday


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