Happy 4th! (make my TV work)

Jul 04, 2007 21:52

Happy 4th y'all... An even happier one if you're a recently pardoned threat to national security (weeee!).

Anyhow, here's a special gift from me and my new television set:

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holidays, technology, tv

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Comments 9

Okay, now I'm officially a Luddite teddyb July 5 2007, 05:25:09 UTC
I used to be pretty handy with hooking up audio and video gizmos, even when the big A-V crossover started happening, and everything went to surround sound and home theater and all that.

But I give up.

I looked at the back panels in your photos, and my eyes just glazed over.

I'm going back to my little conventional analog Sylvania portable with the built in VCR.

I wish you all the best. Fortunately, there are enough gadget-savvy bears out there that I am sure you will get the right hook-up, so to speak, fairly soon.

Now, where did I put that cat's whisker crystal radio again?


Re: Okay, now I'm officially a Luddite kingfuraday July 5 2007, 05:35:15 UTC
Ha! I know man, I used to feel pretty confident myself... I mean, I got all of this stuff to work on my last tv... but this time around I can't seem to close the deal. Right now I have it so the TV and Wii play fine with stereo sound but no DVDs and no Tivo...


Re: Okay, now I'm officially a Luddite teddyb July 5 2007, 06:26:01 UTC
Well, one good thing. Since I'm poorer than a churchmouse these days, at least I don't mind being a technopeasant, since it spares me the task of actually figuring out how to hook it all up.

At one time, I started trying to figure out how to get a set-top cable box hooked up to both a TV set and a Tivo-type digital video recorder, while being able to switch in a satellite dish feed, and hook it all up to my computer, so I could do video captures and edit stuff on my Mac.

Eventually, I just decided to curl up in the fetal position in a dark corner and suck my thumb...


bigkid July 5 2007, 07:49:16 UTC
manufacturers are buttholes these days and configure their hardware so they can only be routed certain ways so as to block people from illegally copying content.

looking at pics doesn't work very well for me, I'd have to be able to look at it in person and do it.

My suggestion is to just get a switch, though, it should work on everything. Not to mention it would be far more organized rather than hooking up several things linearly (sp?).


bigkid July 5 2007, 07:51:37 UTC
not to mention the closer things are to being directly connected to the TV, the more quality you keep. Anything at the "end" of the chain is subject to interference (the longer the chain th emore chances) and subject to the quality of all the cables in-between.


cajuncountry July 5 2007, 12:37:36 UTC
Run all your stuff thru the TV like your doing, then run the audio out from your tv ("prog out" on the bottle left) to a single input on your reciever.

Your Tivo is too blurry for me to see what's going on.

But it looks like your Cable box has Component and HDMI outputs to the reciever - which is redundant. HDMI covers both audio and video signals from a single source. (Unless you have the signals going somewhere else that I can't see.)

But in this setting only the dvd will be in dolby digital, the others will be in pro-logic (which shouldn't be that big of a deal).

I also don't see how you are watching dvd's since there is no video output hooked up on the player.

did this help? :)


cpratt July 5 2007, 15:26:51 UTC
I think I may have just found a use for my old HK receiver. I think that if I pawned it off on you, you could run ditch the combo DVD receiver and run everything through that into the component video in on the TV, using the hk receiver to switch everything. I just threw out my old DVD player (you'd need one), but you should be able to get an upconverting one for like $69 (this would improve the quality of what you see on your TV regardless).

Let's suss this out next week?


didiseven July 6 2007, 07:05:21 UTC
You think you've got hook up woes? It took me forever, but I have the all the following hooked up to my TV:
DVD, Tivo, CD player, tape deck, Buzztime Trivia, PS2, Xbox 360, Wii

Your hookup is kinda odd because you have a combo DVD/receiver going. What kind of hookup cables do you have for your PS2 and Wii? S-video or component video? The component video calbles will let you do progressive scan video and look the best they possibly can. You should be able to hook it all up with what you've got already plus an s-video switcher for your video games, a toslink optical cable, and some s-video cables. Email when you get back and I'll send you a diagram.


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