Right, so...

Nov 30, 2011 16:59

Randomly popping up to say that whoever wanted me to watch BSG, I kinda hate you. My muse hates you. My writing really hates you. At the moment, I blame you for every single thing not getting done, and I'm comfortable doing that. Cheers. :\

not writing, why kiana, personal log

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Comments 33

makowe_pola November 30 2011, 13:23:05 UTC
It gets worse :) Also, download the BSG, it's worth it.


kianspo November 30 2011, 14:42:26 UTC
Oh does it? Charming. *dry grin*

I'll probably buy it if I still like what I see when I'm done.


makowe_pola November 30 2011, 14:46:37 UTC
Crap, I obviously meant *better* and *OST*.

No, it's still gets "worse". Told you- watched 4 season between my Christmas and new Year.


kianspo November 30 2011, 18:03:55 UTC
LOL. No, no, I got it. :D


ariadnechan November 30 2011, 14:08:23 UTC
what is bsg?? who make this to you????


kianspo November 30 2011, 14:42:54 UTC
Battlestar Galactica. And they know who they are... *grumbles*


ariadnechan November 30 2011, 19:33:39 UTC
i loved battle star galactica as a child i never miss an episode, that's why i'm hesitating to watch the new one


aprilleigh24 November 30 2011, 14:16:28 UTC
Omg! BSG was my last fandom! Loved and adored it until it ripped out my heart, stompted on it, and then placed it in a blender.

Where are you? What episode?


kianspo November 30 2011, 14:44:22 UTC
Hm. Was it in a good way or in a 'the show fucked up' way?

Middle of season 2...


aprilleigh24 November 30 2011, 15:53:24 UTC
A little of both? It was just... the whole experience was so emotionally fraught. Not just the show, but my whole fandom experience with it ( ... )


kianspo November 30 2011, 18:11:00 UTC
I see. Yes, I'm past the Pegasus arc and I had already watched Black Market when you asked. It was a weird ep. I'm actually noticing this a lot about the series. Like the characters are so coherent one moment, and then suddenly their actions and motivations become complete mystery to me.

And yes, what a plethora of pairings! The slasher in me sort of cries a little, though. My brain is so broken. :D

Who did you ship? :)

Yeah, I hear you. That sucks. Kind of a bit like what is happening to Merlin now. Sorry, my pain is never far from me. >.<

I'm not sure I'll be reading fics yet, but if you have some absolute must in mind, please share. I'm curious. ;)


lulabel November 30 2011, 18:13:41 UTC


kianspo November 30 2011, 18:32:31 UTC
*shakes fist*


merkuria November 30 2011, 20:24:43 UTC
Starbuck approves :D


kianspo December 2 2011, 11:55:02 UTC
Um, actually, the longer I watch, the more she becomes my least favorite character. I'm surprised how much I dislike her. It's strange, because I'm not normally judgmental and I give fictional characters a pass for almost anything. But she's really doing it for me somehow.


merkuria December 4 2011, 12:01:26 UTC
Yeah, the longer her hair got the more crap the writers did with the character, I agree. But I always have a weak spot for loud, brash, capable bad-ass female characters who do what they want and fuck who they want, and are not perfect underweight little girls. There's just so few of them out there.

I like her also because male actor who played Starbuck in the original flipped something bad about the gender change. Asshole :D

Let me know if you're interested in BSG meta vids. They're my favourite.


kianspo December 4 2011, 12:54:54 UTC
he longer her hair got the more crap the writers did with the character

...YEAH. That would be my opinion, too.

At first, I accepted her as a character easily. She wasn't my favourite, because I'm not normally in love with 'loud and brash' of any gender. Geeky introvert here. *waves* But I was like, yeah, that's who she is, she's not my kind of person, but she's cool.

But then shit really hit the fan and she did some things I couldn't just gloss over. That really was a huge turn off for me where Starbuck was concerned.

I'd love to see vids. Hit me! :D


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