Right, so...

Nov 30, 2011 16:59

Randomly popping up to say that whoever wanted me to watch BSG, I kinda hate you. My muse hates you. My writing really hates you. At the moment, I blame you for every single thing not getting done, and I'm comfortable doing that. Cheers. :\

not writing, why kiana, personal log

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merkuria November 30 2011, 20:24:43 UTC
Starbuck approves :D


kianspo December 2 2011, 11:55:02 UTC
Um, actually, the longer I watch, the more she becomes my least favorite character. I'm surprised how much I dislike her. It's strange, because I'm not normally judgmental and I give fictional characters a pass for almost anything. But she's really doing it for me somehow.


merkuria December 4 2011, 12:01:26 UTC
Yeah, the longer her hair got the more crap the writers did with the character, I agree. But I always have a weak spot for loud, brash, capable bad-ass female characters who do what they want and fuck who they want, and are not perfect underweight little girls. There's just so few of them out there.

I like her also because male actor who played Starbuck in the original flipped something bad about the gender change. Asshole :D

Let me know if you're interested in BSG meta vids. They're my favourite.


kianspo December 4 2011, 12:54:54 UTC
he longer her hair got the more crap the writers did with the character

...YEAH. That would be my opinion, too.

At first, I accepted her as a character easily. She wasn't my favourite, because I'm not normally in love with 'loud and brash' of any gender. Geeky introvert here. *waves* But I was like, yeah, that's who she is, she's not my kind of person, but she's cool.

But then shit really hit the fan and she did some things I couldn't just gloss over. That really was a huge turn off for me where Starbuck was concerned.

I'd love to see vids. Hit me! :D


merkuria December 4 2011, 13:33:15 UTC
I think I kinda don't really treat tv characters as actual people, because the ones I enjoy the most are those I'd never like in rl or want to be friends with. And ones that are nothing like me.

And I'm sure I'd hate Starbuck as a man, no doubt. But I'm tired of scenarios with men fucking up and flawless female characters, so she was refreshing, even if not really a role model at all.

All my favourite BSG meta vids are by one very talented vidder, jarrow

Wretches and Kings Man versus machine, the people on top versus those on the bottom etc.

Tandemonium Excessive violence against women, show-creator ego, and series finale stupidity; may cause relapse of wrath at Ron Moore.

Like My Very Own Blood Take on the father/daughter relation between Starbuck and Adama.

I think some need to be downloaded for watching, but they are very worth it. I find jarrow's work amazing, but then I love meta vids far more than shippy ones.


kianspo December 4 2011, 14:55:00 UTC
LOL. TBH, sometimes I don't know if I treat characters as people or people as characters. I guess I just have high expectations of both, which is why my escapism rarely works. I don't really like it, but it's the way I am. *shrugs*

Thank you! I really appreciate the recs. ♥


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