I wanted to use my 'I'm not amused' icon, but then realised that, in point of fact, I am amused. At the dawn of days, before I built a house and planted a tree in the screwed up wonderland that is LJ, I was using FFN for posting my stories and reading stuff. For a while, I did both, but then my computer and FFN's new layout decided they hated each
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Comments 32
...but I always kinda agree with you?
(mean, not that you suck, and compared to the rest of the fandom it doesn't even register as 'bad' but yeah...I agree)
But you are still awesome and amazing and I love and adore you and and and!
And we can all admit that and the earth wouldn't shatter. ;)
As for the plagirism thing... that's just sad. I hope buddy finds some other way to get some kind of vindication in her/his life.
Maybe I still will at some point. This is getting ridiculous. Like, if you want to copy me, shit, copy me when I'm good at least! :D *facepalm*
You're handling this a lot better than I would. I'd probably flip out. I'm a little (ok, a LOT) possessive of my work -- I put the effort into writing it -- and how dare some little bastard rip it off, change the names, and claim it as theirs?
I'd report it, to be honest, just because not reporting it makes the other person think it's OK to do it because they'll get away with it.
Also, what's with the putting your writing down? Quit it! Don't make me send the plot bunnies after you!
And I'm not putting anything down, I'm just trying to be an adult. You wouldn't know how it could be, but I have good stories and bad stories. They all taught me something, but it doesn't make everything that comes out of my ass gold. Occasionally people take issues with me admitting as much, but that's all. ;)
If that's how you feel about it, fair enough, I won't nag!
I can understand the why and the why nots. I know I've written things that are utter crap, but I would still feel really pissed if someone took it and claimed it as their own. Getting my work stolen (no matter what that work is) just annoys me.
Seeing it happen to other people infuriates me and makes me want to beat people with clubs.
I'm pretty sure my 7 year old could plagiarize better.
And yes, stop being modest. You are awesome, even if you are holding DNSB hostage in your gorgeous brain. I'm ready to send Kevin Spacey in to try to negotiate it's release;-p
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