On plagiarism and bad taste

Nov 17, 2011 21:03

I wanted to use my 'I'm not amused' icon, but then realised that, in point of fact, I am amused. At the dawn of days, before I built a house and planted a tree in the screwed up wonderland that is LJ, I was using FFN for posting my stories and reading stuff. For a while, I did both, but then my computer and FFN's new layout decided they hated each other and I couldn't post there anymore. By which point, I'll be honest, I didn't even want to. LJ and AO3 turned me into an awful snob. Whenever I get linked to some story posted over at FFN, I don't even go, no matter how good the summary sounds.

Ahem. Not the point. The point is, I've not been on FFN for ages, but the notifications still come periodically and here's a PM I got today:

So I read your story, "What Friends are For," some time back (It was lovely by the way) and then the other day, I read it again,... sort of. I was reading "Jumping to Conclusions" by Gandalf3213, and instead of Spock and Kirk, it was Merlin and Arthur. Basically it was the same story, some parts were even word for word. Especially, chapter two... that was definitely when I knew I had read this before.

Oh, come on. Seriously? I mean, not only you guys (whoever you are) don't have the good taste (or common sense) to copy someone who's actually worthy of it, like, I dunno, seperis, but you would pick my worst story ever? What the hell is wrong with you, my misguided copycat friends? 'Instead of Spock ans Kirk, it was Merlin and Arthur'? That simple? The actual fuck, dude? I don't even do that.

This would be sad, if it wasn't so damn funny. Just really, dude? Really? I'm facepalming on your behalf so hard right now. Also, yeah, I'm judging you. If you're going down the plagiarism lane, get yourself some taste at least.

Thank you, though, to everyone who's looking out for me. It's unexpected and touching, true story. :)

not writing, idek, you've got to be kidding me, stuff

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