Very large rant, be warned.

Feb 23, 2010 07:30

Okay. So, I'm needing to rant over a few things, mostly dealing with characterization and, well, people bitching about revealed canon personalities and such.


demyx, luxord, zexion, namine, larxene, roxas, organization, rp, pairings, xaldin, xemnas, xion, xigbar, ooc, vexen, lexaeus, marluxia, axel, saix

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Comments 81

teal_deer February 23 2010, 17:07:00 UTC
First, THANK YOU. your character analysis is spot on, every last bit of it, and as an RPer whose main muses are Vexen and Zexion... yeah. Yes, Vexen is loud-mouthed, he has as much of a temper as an emotionless person can... but he's also incredibly smart. He suffers from what i like to call "High INT low WIS" - really brilliant, but not terribly observant or conniving. He's not a schemer or manipulator like Zexion or Marluxia, much as he'd LIKE to be... but he's far from weak.

And Zexion, my god, fandom. I still believe that Zexion's one of the most dangerous organisation members. He almost kills Riku single-handedly without even raising a weapon, using sheer psychological torment to do it. Dude! In the original CoM he nearly kills you IN A CUTSCENE, WITH NO BOSSFIGHT. And in the new CoM, he still SURVIVES the bossfight with Riku, which is more than can be said for most everyone else in the castle ( ... )


higenshi February 23 2010, 17:17:39 UTC
You're welcome. :3 I'm glad my character analysis is spot on for you. ^^

Vexen needs more love for who he is.

And dear God, Zexion frightens me. I hold that had he decided to team up with Marluxia, everyone would have been fucked.

As for Ienzo... I can see both. I've had him as mute in my fanfics where, don't kill me, I've done AU ships of Ienzo and Sora in peaceful times is adorable already, but add in the fact that, suddenly, one doesn't talk. There's a more subtle communication there, and it's fun to work with. However, I have also written him as talking--it depends on which "universe" I'm writing the fic in, really.

That doesn't give anyone the right to bitch about an otherwise IC character when it's something as ambiguous as a child whose parents died speaking when I don't believe it's stated that he's explicitly mute. (Granted, though, just because Zexion can talk doesn't mean Ienzo necessarily could.)

And I'm so happy to have found it. It made me so happy to find so much CANON in one place!


teal_deer February 23 2010, 17:21:49 UTC
He frightens me and I love him for it.

I suppose. Personally, I play him as having selective mutism - he's capable of speaking, he just avoids it entirely except with certain people, and even then he'll be taciturn. On the other hand, I know that when I finally app him, he's going to abuse the heck out of the text function on the communicator and write very verbose posts. I also agree that mute characters can be interesting to play/write - I play a mute OC at one of my games, and it's very difficult but ultimately quite rewarding to figure out how she can 'talk' to people when she can't speak ( ... )


higenshi February 23 2010, 17:28:12 UTC
YESSSS. Zexion: the last person you want to meet in a dark alley, because, quite frankly, if you're in a dark alley with him, then he's likely there to mindfuck you into oblivion ( ... )


demonoflight February 23 2010, 17:21:12 UTC
You're lucky to have found a RP group that's this IC, man. That's awesome.

And word to your character analysis! In particular, I'd like to say that I've always liked Demyx and finding out he's such a lazy bastard just made me love him more.


higenshi February 23 2010, 17:29:14 UTC
I know. It makes me weep tears of joy.

IKR? He's also a survivalist. I mean, he pinpoints something a lot of Org fangirls forget: they're cold, heartless bastards. "So long as I'M alive..."


onlyinthislight February 23 2010, 17:47:39 UTC
Or Xigbar. Finding out that he wasn't some good-natured, older brother type kidder/ role model for the new members. In fact, all his little jokes and nicknames are made all the more sinister and, in a way, cruel because he makes it fairly obvious that despite the lack of menace in his tone, there is no affection there, either.


higenshi February 23 2010, 17:49:29 UTC
I haven't seen that one, yet. I don't think most people though he was good-natured, just from how he acted in KH2. >>


onlyinthislight February 23 2010, 22:17:15 UTC
Really? I see it all the time, mostly in XigDem [which I don't particularly care for. Not a big fan of pairing Demyx up with people, it seems. He's already married anyway. TOHISSITAR.]

And not so much the idea that he was a 'good' Nobody in that he was one of the 'nicer' ones.

He so.

Really is not.

I never thought as much from KHII, but hey. I'm not Fandom.


lostscore February 23 2010, 17:59:44 UTC
I'd like to for once in my life point out that I had Demyx called (Yaoi overtones aside) long ago


starcrossed_sky February 23 2010, 19:03:31 UTC


Also, was I the only one NOT thrown off by the characterizations in Days? The only one that threw me was Saix and REALLY WHO SAW THAT COMING Y/Y?


higenshi February 23 2010, 19:09:18 UTC
Actually, seeing as it's semi-AU and being reborn and such, Vanitas... ...Would be interesting. XD Especially since there are more Keybladers in this RP (I play one, but to make a point of how it doesn't matter if you have the weapon you have to know how to use it).

As for Aqua. I may take her up. :3


starcrossed_sky February 23 2010, 19:11:31 UTC

And yeah, putting Vanitas into an RP where people aren't ready for him would probably piss someone off. Which is too bad, as my muse for him has been really good so far and BOTHERBOTHERBOTHERing me.

((Rich Burlew said it best; "He's evil, but more to the point, he's kind of a dick."))


higenshi February 23 2010, 19:14:53 UTC
xD Seeing as most people in this RP seem to be spoiled already, and the fact that we could use someone who's just plain a dick? ...Maybe I should link you.

...Dear GOD he and Niv will be at odds. She's the Conflicted Villain who's not really all that bad, just... ...Not all there due to shitty family life (read: sexist dad who's made her want to be a guy so as to have some hope of a life beyond Wife and Mother). She's also past friends with Terra in this RP (it gave her an in because I know the Terra-RPer, and allowed her to mesh with some people--and also gave Marlu room to manipulate her while setting us up for epic Niv vs. Terra fight).


I should link you. XD


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