I had a one-shot I loved to death that I posted on FF.net some months ago, and no one reviewed it. XP But, still, the reason I had posted it was to share it with the internet, and if they didn't want to take it I was still sharing it.
If you write a fic and then take it down, well, what's the point of it ever having been up there? You might as well have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by never having posted it, or even by never having written it. If you're really in it for the sake of sharing your writing with the world and not for reviews, then keep sharing it.
And the one-shot I posted finally got six reviews and even a couple of faves, but they didn't come for quite a while after I'd first posted it. So it just takes patience. The two-day rule only works for the first wave of reviews, more will come after that if you're patient.
Have you tried posting it on lj? Getting the fic out there might help you get more reviews. In either case, you should write for yourself first, others second. I say just leave the fic up and see what happens. Won't hurt you none, will it?
Uhm, do you at least have hits. I may not get many reviews at the Pit for my kh fics, but I at least get hits telling me someone is at least reading it. At the Pit, hits are more telling than reviews usually. :/
Also, I've had fics that have gotten almost no reviews but I leave them up because I'm proud of them and maybe someone liked it even if they didn't say anything. It's up to you whether you delete it or not, but if it's something you liked, I don't see any reason to take it down just because no one reviewed it. I mean, what if a person reads a newer fic you wrote, liked it, then they may click your profile and then read more fic. Stumble on it, and love it. I do that. And even fics I'm no longer so proud of(aka my older stuff) I leave it up because people still stumble upon it once and awhile. Rare, but not a "never" thing.
Last I checked, it was 15 hits. While more than zero, it isn't exactly something to brag about. It *may* have changed, but ff.net is going through that time of the month and won't let me log in. At any rate, 15 people have read it/skimmed through it/spotted a Disney character and hightailed outta there. Better than nothing.
And as for your second post, yes, I am proud of it (props to you for sticking to your guns and not whining like me), but as I explained in my response to overshadowed_x, I was really looking for advice and constructive criticism. Improvement is difficult without guidance. Plus, it's a chaptered story, and I really don't want to bunker down and write 20+ chapters for shits and giggles. As much as I like reading my own stuff, I like sharing it with an audience, however small or large, better.(except for my embarrassing older fanbrat stuff. I've hidden that crap and it's staying buried).
Off topic, I love your icon, even though I don't know the fandom. Still pretty funny. XD
It's been my experience (I've been on ff.net since 2002, I think) that reviews can pretty much appear out of the blue. Most of my fics have 15 reviews or fewer, but I'll randomly get reviews for fics that I wrote years ago that people are just finding now because they set the character filter just so, or they were digging through the archive in backwards order or whatever. XD; So if it hasn't been very long, I wouldn't give up hope.
FF.net has a LOT of fics; I mean, hell, I posted a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic a week or so ago around midnight, and by the following afternoon it was already number 38 on the second page of the section. XD Sometimes it just takes people a while to find stuff.
That said, what is(are) the fic(s) in question about? Mayhaps I'll read it(them). XD That is, if you're comfortable posting up a link here.
Ah, I don't know how to link. Tis knowledge beyond my brain capacity. But it's called "Time Will Tell" (am not too clever with titles), and it's under Splat on the Floor on both ff.net and KH fanfic archive.
And it's crazy how many fics are there. I quit the Harry Potter section because I couldn't even wallow through the humongous craploads of fics there. Most of which, admittedly, are terrible. But not everyone's cut out to be a Stephen King or J.K. Rowling. Maybe they'd make better sewage divers? (hey, someone has to check the pipes, and it ain't gonna be me)
Comments 16
If you write a fic and then take it down, well, what's the point of it ever having been up there? You might as well have saved yourself a lot of time and effort by never having posted it, or even by never having written it. If you're really in it for the sake of sharing your writing with the world and not for reviews, then keep sharing it.
And the one-shot I posted finally got six reviews and even a couple of faves, but they didn't come for quite a while after I'd first posted it. So it just takes patience. The two-day rule only works for the first wave of reviews, more will come after that if you're patient.
In the end it's up to you.
At any rate, 15 people have read it/skimmed through it/spotted a Disney character and hightailed outta there. Better than nothing.
And as for your second post, yes, I am proud of it (props to you for sticking to your guns and not whining like me), but as I explained in my response to overshadowed_x, I was really looking for advice and constructive criticism. Improvement is difficult without guidance. Plus, it's a chaptered story, and I really don't want to bunker down and write 20+ chapters for shits and giggles. As much as I like reading my own stuff, I like sharing it with an audience, however small or large, better.(except for my embarrassing older fanbrat stuff. I've hidden that crap and it's staying buried).
Off topic, I love your icon, even though I don't know the fandom. Still pretty funny. XD
FF.net has a LOT of fics; I mean, hell, I posted a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic a week or so ago around midnight, and by the following afternoon it was already number 38 on the second page of the section. XD Sometimes it just takes people a while to find stuff.
That said, what is(are) the fic(s) in question about? Mayhaps I'll read it(them). XD That is, if you're comfortable posting up a link here.
And it's crazy how many fics are there. I quit the Harry Potter section because I couldn't even wallow through the humongous craploads of fics there. Most of which, admittedly, are terrible. But not everyone's cut out to be a Stephen King or J.K. Rowling. Maybe they'd make better sewage divers? (hey, someone has to check the pipes, and it ain't gonna be me)
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