Miwo (Hate U, Love U)

Mar 12, 2011 20:22

Title : Miwo (Hate U, Love U) [chappie 8]
Pairing : Jongkey, Minkey, sibling!Taekey, ontae
Rating : PG-13 [may change]
Genre : angst,romance,drama
Words count : 1449
Summary : Jonghyun left Gwiboon 4 years ago. But what will happen when Jonghyun suddenly waltz back to her life when she already has a new boyfriend and a great life?
Chappie : prologue - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

Taemin was waving his girlfriend goodbye when Gwiboon found him in the west lobby. Eunsook was getting in to the taxi, she hit her head once when she got in but covered that with her sweet smile. Gwiboon approached Taemin and saying goodbye to Eunsook too and then the taxi was going.
Taemin and Gwiboon got into the next taxi and went home.
“I saw you with Jonghyun” Taemin said to Gwiboon when they were already sitting inside the taxi, on their way home.
“So?” She glanced at him
“You two looked kinda cute together”
“Don’t be kidding me” She scoffed.
“But you look better with Minho, I think”
She stared at him for a moment and said innocently, “Really?”
Taemin just shrugged.


It was Monday. Minho couldn’t drop her to the office again that day, and she was now used with the longing feeling. Even they still called each other every day, of course she missed him.
Gwiboon was on her room and Sunny come inside,

“Gwiboonnie~ I have a really really good news here!” She said, smiling widely.
“What?” She pretended to check some papers on her table. She just made a mental note to shoo her out of her room if she talked about Jonghyun and then Sunny said,
“Yesterday, Jonghyun asked me to accompany him to his friend’s birthday party, and.. TADA!! We went to the party together” She said happily.
Gwiboon sighed, 'Fuck my life' she thought, but then she raised her head and threw a small smile on Sunny and said half-heartedly, “Oowh. That’s great. Congrats”
“He even picked me up. He’s so sweet, isn’t he? Maybe my dream is coming true”
“Mmm..” Gwiboon said flatly
“Why aren’t you happy?” She pouted, and after a second the pout was turning into a grin, “Jealous of me?”
“Jealous? Oh please. I already have a boyfriend” She replied quickly, but in her heart she really felt the urge to punch her in the face when she said that. Of course she didn’t like it, Jonghyun didn’t even say anything to her and he went to a party with Sunny. He said he will choose her over Sunny but what was this?
“Oh, please Gwiboon.. Jonghyun is all girls’ dream! Who don’t want to be with him?” Sunny said like she was explaining one plus one is two.
“Apparently I don’t..” Gwiboon looked back at her papers.

Gwiboon was sulking all day in the office, but she still faking a smile to anyone who greeted her, but not Jonghyun. She knew Jonghyun was confused because she didn’t bother him at all, she knew he asked Sunny about this, and she didn’t want to hear what Sunny told him about her. Gwiboon had a lot of papers to do that day, so she had something that could distract her from all Jonghyun and Sunny thoughts.


It was raining when she finished her work. She was waiting in front of the office because she couldn’t go home in such a rain when Minho called her, informing that he would pick her up and would have a dinner at her place. At least there was one thing that didn’t make her upset that day. She missed him so much. It had been 2 weeks since the last time she met him.
That day she made the dinner together with Minho. He said so many apologize to her, for not being able to see her as much as before, for not taking her to work, for not taking her out these weeks, and blah blah blah, she just replied his apologize with a long passionate kiss.

As usual, Jonghyun would call her around 8 p.m. And that day, she didn’t want to pick the call up. She heard her phone was ringing, but she just silenced it and left it on her bag. She was upset with him. Truthfully thinking, why should she upset with him attending a party with Sunny? She wasn’t even his girlfriend. But she couldn’t deny the fact that she was jealous over Sunny and blamed it on Jonghyun.

Minho, Gwiboon and Taemin were eating dinner that specially made by Minho and Gwiboon. She looked happy that night, maybe because Minho was there. They were eating peacefully when the telephone rang,
“I’ll get it” Taemin jumped from his seat and headed to the living room to answer the phone while Gwiboon and Minho continued to eat,
“I miss you so much, Gwiboonnie..” Minho suddenly said, smiling at her
“I know. You said that like thousand times already since you entered this house..” She giggled.
“I’m serious. You don’t know how I am waiting for a break time to call you and hear your voice at work..”
“Someone’s being cheesy here~” She singsong as she took a spoonful of rice to her mouth.
Minho fixed her bangs and then his hand was moving lower to touch her cheek, “I love you..” he said as his thumb caressing her cheekbone.

“Noona, it’s for you..” Taemin popped his head from behind the wall that separated the living room and the dining room.
“Who is it?” She asked.
“I..” Taemin rolled his eyes to Minho who still rested his hand on her cheek and back to Gwiboon, “Don’t know..”
She got up from her seat to answer the call while Taemin sat back to his seat and continued his dinner.

She took the phone, “Hello…”
“Hey, Ms. Kim..”

She knew the person who owned the voice right away. She knew he was stubborn, but she didn’t think he would call to her house. She was still upset to him, he wanted to go back to her dinner and be with Minho, but somehow she wanted to hear Jonghyun’s voice. She wanted to hear Jonghyun saying sorry to her because he didn’t take her to the party and begging for apologize.

“Yeah?” She answered lazily.
“Are you busy right now?”
“I am in the middle of my dinner, so please say what you need immediately”
“Why you didn’t answer my call earlier?”
“I didn’t hear it” She answered quickly, hoping he would realize that she was upset and apologized to her.
“Mmm. I want to give something to you, meet me tomorrow?”

She cursed in her heart, suddenly wanted to close the phone right away.He didn’t even said a single sorry to her about thar thing, and he’s talking like nothing happenned.

“What do you want to give me?” She was annoyed, and it’s written clearly on her tone
“I can’t tell now. It’s a secret”
“Then I won’t...”
“Why?” Jonghyun whined like a liitle child, and it made her wanted to slap Jonghyun if he was right in front of her.
“No reason. I just don’t want to”
“Hhh. Really. Are you mad because I took Sunny and not you to the party yesterday?”

‘Oh great, now he’s taking up the subject. Of course I’m mad. You lied to me’ She wanted to scream those things to him, but because Minho and Taemin were still inside the house, she decided to keep that words in her heart and just breathed out loud, “No. And I’m not in mood talking to you right now”
“Why are you like this?”
“Whatever, bye..” She said coldly but she didn’t closed the call.
“Wa-wa-wait!!” Jonghyun schreeched because he didn’t know Gwiboon didn’t actually closed the phone.
“What?” She raised her tone, pretending to get angry.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go to your room tomorrow. Wait for me there?”
“I’ll think about it. Bye..” With that she really closed the phone.

“Who was it?” Minho asked her when she was already sat back in the dining chair.
“Sunny…” She lied.
Minho looked down to his plate and continuing eating, he didn’t see Taemin’s guilty look that was thrown to him.

“What did Jonghyun say?” Taemin asked her after Minho had excused himself to went home, it was almost 11 p.m, she made Minho stayed longer than usual because she said she missed him so much and wanted to spend the time they had as good as possible before Minho got busy with his work again.
She was walking to her room, but stopped and looked back because Taemin was talking, “Nothing important. He said he wants to give me something”
“What is it?”
“I don’t know”
“Engagement ring?” Taemin said expressionlessly
Her eyes immediately getting bigger and she furrowed her eyebrows together, “What the hell, Tae?”
“You’re getting closer with him. Don’t forget you already have a boyfriend”
She blinked a few times, “What’s your point?”
Taemin stared directly to her eyes and said with a serious tone, “Don’t fall for Jonghyun again.”

note : the first thing i want to say is i'm sorry. i'm so sorry for the super late update from me T.T i couldn't update last week because i was preparing for my test, so forgive me? *puppy eyes*
and for this chapter, it's short and kinda rushed, cause i have to make the story going a bit faster so the main problem could be up on the next chapter or the chapter after that :)
and the last thing is i'm still sorry for the lateness, i'll try to update every weekend if i can :D

-- people who are in Japan, please be strong.. i cried when i saw the news from the tv yesterday. please be save and we will always pray for all people there..

snsd:sunny, fanfic, taemin, gwiboon, chaptered, jonghyun, #miwo, minho, jonghyun/gwiboon, minho/gwiboon

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